[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Greenfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation facilities — See Ch. 322.
Public lands — See Ch. 346.
Board of Health tobacco regulations — See Ch. 507, Art. I, Art. II and Art. III.
[Adopted 1-19-2011 by Order No. FY 11-053 (Ch. 151 of the 2002 Bylaws)]
The purpose of this article is to protect the heath and safety of the residents of Greenfield from secondhand smoke, particularly minor children and adults within certain areas designated for their use by said minor children, and public events and gatherings of the Town's inhabitants.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A fence, mulched bed, landscape timber or any other device used to delineate a playground from surrounding land.
The sand bank located on the south side of the Green River from the footbridge going to the west upriver located at the swimming pool.
The recreation area owned by the Town of Greenfield located on Nash's Mills Road.
Any person not having attained the age of majority (18).
Any building owned, leased, rented, or otherwise occupied for the purpose of housing any employee or office of the Town of Greenfield.
Any land or open space owned, leased, rented or otherwise under the control of the Town of Greenfield.
The post-and-beam pavilion located at the Greenfield swimming pool.
Any structure made for use by a minor child.
The area on which is located any play structure or device made for the sole use of any minor child, out to, and including, any barrier device.
The lighting of any cigar, cigarette, pipe or tobacco product, hookah, marijuana, or any other substance inhaled into the body, or having possession of any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other tobacco product, hookah, marijuana, or any other substance.
Any field owned, leased, rented, or otherwise in use by the municipality, delineated for use for a particular sports game, out to, and including, any barrier device.
No person or persons shall smoke in any of the following areas:
Within any municipal building.
Within 25 feet of any entrance to a municipal building.
On or within 100 feet of any playground located on any municipal lands.
On or within 100 feet of any sports field while in use by any person or persons.
On or within 25 feet of the beach located at the Greenfield swimming pool.
Under or within 25 feet of the Greenfield swimming pool pavilion.
Within the confines of any municipal lands while such municipal lands are being used for either:
Any public event; or
Within 100 feet of any gathering of people within the confines of any municipal land.
Within the boundaries of the area known as "Shattuck Park."
The Town of Greenfield, through its Parks Maintenance Department, will post signs conspicuously at each entrance of each municipal building and municipal lands to alert any person or persons using said building or land of the smoking restrictions thereon.
Any person who violates this article by smoking where smoking is prohibited shall be subject to a written warning for a first offense. Any person who violates this article in a second or subsequent offense shall be subject to a civil fine of $150. Each day during which a violation of this article occurs shall be considered a separate violation.
Fines assessed pursuant to this section shall be payable to the Town of Greenfield. The Police Department and/or Board of Health, through its inspectors, shall enforce this article through noncriminal disposition.
[Adopted as amended 8-17-2011 by Order No. FY 12-006 (Ch. 182 of the 2002 Bylaws)]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The lighting of any cigar, cigarette, pipe or tobacco product, hookah, marijuana, or any other substance inhaled into the body, or having possession of any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other tobacco product, hookah, marijuana, or any other substance.
No person shall smoke in the space known as "Veterans Mall," located in front of the Town Hall Annex at 253 Main Street in Greenfield, including the sidewalks and alleyway immediately bordering this area.
The Trustees of the Soldiers Memorial for the Town of Greenfield shall post conspicuously a notice at each entrance indicating that smoking is prohibited in this area.
Any person who violates this article by smoking where smoking is prohibited shall be subject to a civil fine not exceeding $25 for a first offense. Any person who violates this article in a second or subsequent offense shall be subject to a civil fine of $100. Each day during which a violation of this article occurs shall be considered a separate violation.
Fines assessed pursuant to this section shall be payable to the Town of Greenfield. The Police Department and/or Board of Health, through its inspectors, shall enforce this article through noncriminal disposition.
The Town of Greenfield will establish a fund for the disposition of revenues received from fines levied in accordance with the provisions of this article. Said fund shall be expended under the authority of the Mayor for the purpose of public education on the hazards posed by secondhand smoke, also known as "environmental tobacco smoke," or for the maintenance of the Veterans Mall area.