[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Greenfield as amended 5-16-2012 by Order No. FY 12-140 (Ch. 69 of the 2002 Bylaws). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall, except as authorized or required by law, fire or discharge any gun, fowling piece, or other firearm or any air rifle in the Town.
This chapter shall not apply to the use of such weapons by police officers in the performance of their duties, to the use of such weapons at any lawful defense military exercise, to the use of such weapons in the lawful defense of his/her person or family or legally hunting or target practicing.
Whoever violates this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.
Nothing in this chapter shall derogate from the rights and privileges of an owner or lessee of land as set forth in MGL c. 131.