In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-16, traffic control signals shall be installed, maintained and operated at the following intersections or locations:
Intersection (Location)
Type of Signal
NY Route 48 and Lamson Road at Wright's Corners
Flashing red signal
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-17, the following streets or parts of streets are designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-18, no person shall make a turn of the kind designated below at any of the following locations during the hours indicated of any day:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Prohibited Turn
At Intersection of
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-19, no person shall make a U-turn at any of the following locations:
Name of Street or Intersection
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-20, no person shall make a right turn at a steady red signal at the following locations:
Sign Facing Traffic on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-21, the following-described intersections are designated as stop intersections:
Stop Sign on
At Intersection of
Stop Type
Alex Lane
Luchsinger Lane East
1 stop
Alex Lane
Luchsinger Lane West
1 stop
Alletta Circle
Van Wie Drive West
1 stop
Amberlea Lane
Braewood Drive
1 stop
Amesbury Drive
Braewood Drive
1 stop
Amesbury Drive
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Ashington Drive
West Genesee Road
1 stop
Autumn Ridge Path
Deep Glade
1 stop
Avery Road
Lamson Road
1 stop
Avery Road
Swamp Road
1 stop
Babcock Road
1 stop
Bally Gar Road
Killoe Road (north)
1 stop
Bally Gar Road
Killoe Road (south)
1 stop
Barbara Lane
Route 370
1 stop
Basswood Lane
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Beakman Lane
Fargo Lane
1 stop
Beakman Lane
Hiltonwood Drive
1 stop
Beaver Brook Lane
East Patrol Road
1 stop
Bellows Road
East Mud Lake Road
1 stop
Bellows Road
Fenner Road
1 stop
Bendigo Drive
Cold Springs Road
1 stop
Bendigo Drive
Cortina Road
1 stop
Bendigo Drive
Shalako Circle
2-way stop
Bilyeu Lane
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Blue Heron Circle
Glacier Ridge North
1 stop
Blue Heron Circle
Glacier Ridge South
1 stop
Blue Ridge Circle
West Genesee Road
1 stop
Blythewood Court
East Patrol Road
1 stop
Blythewood Court
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Braewood Drive
Claybourne Lane
2-way stop
Braewood Drive
North Entry Road
1 stop
Braewood Drive
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Bramble Run
Long Shadow Drive
1 stop
Bramble Run
[Added 8-10-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Forest Ridge Lane
1 stop
Brannockbyrne Street
Killoe Road
1 stop
Brannockbyrne Street
Killoe Road
1 stop
Briar Patch
[Added 4-4-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Quaker Lady Circl
4-way stop
Briar Patch
Van Wie Drive East
2-way stop
Brick Walk Way
Route 370
1 stop
Brick Walk Way
Talley Abbey Way
1 stop
Brixham Court
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Brundage Road
Sixty Road
1 stop
Brundage Road
West Entry
1 stop
Bucks Trail
River Road
1 stop
Burrwood Drive
East Patrol Road
1 stop
Burrwood Drive
Oberon Drive
1 stop
Byron Road
High Road
1 stop
Byron Road
Route 31
1 stop
Cadys Arbor
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Camerondale Road
Hicks Road
1 stop
Camerra Way
Route 370
1 stop
Carmellas Circle
[Added 3-16-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
Glacier Ridge Road
1 stop
Carolwood Lane
1 stop
Carpenter Road
Amesbury Drive
1 stop
Carpenter Road
Glacier Ridge Road
1 stop
Carpenter Road
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Celtic Lane
Hiltonwood Road
1 stop
Celtic Lane
Restmoor Drive
1 stop
South Ivy Trail
1 stop
Claybourne Lane
1 stop
Coachmans Whip
[Added 12-28-2015 by L.L. No. 11-2015]
Hourglass Lane
1 stop
Coachmans Whip
[Amended 9-3-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2020]
Hourglass Lane
4-way stop
Coachmans Whip
Route 48
1 stop
Cole Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Collington Point
Chillingham Way
1 stop
Columbine Circle
Field End North
1 stop
Columbine Circle
Field's End South
2-way stop
Connell Terrace
Dexter Parkway
1 stop
Coppernoll Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Coriander Lane
Amesbury Drive
1 stop
Corlear Drive
Mourning Dove
1 stop
Corlear Drive
Van Wie Drive West
4-way stop
Cortina Road
Bendigo Drive
2-way stop
Cortina Road
Hiltonwood Road
1 stop
Cortina Road
Restmoor Drive
1 stop
Country Lane
Route 48 (north)
1 stop
Country Lane
Route 48 (south)
1 stop
County Line Road
County Line Road
1 stop
County Line Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
County Line Road
Swamp Road/White Road
1 stop
County Line Road (East)
Lamson Road
1 stop
County Line Road (West)
Lamson Road
1 stop
Cramer Road
River Road
1 stop
Cranes Watch Circle
South Ivy Trail
1 stop
Crego Street
Dexter Parkway
2-way stop
Crimson King Circle
Deed Glade Drive
1 stop
Crocus Lane
Whisper Ridge Circle
1 stop
Cumberstone Lane
Oberon Drive
1 stop
Darting Bird Lane
Potter Road
1 stop
David Lane
Speach Drive
1 stop
Deep Glade
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Deep Glade Drive
[Added 9-6-2018 by L.L. No. 8-2018]
Esprit Glade/Kerri Hornaday Park
2-way stop
Deep Glade Road
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Deep Glade Road
Festival Court
1 stop
Dennis Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Dewitt Road
Cold Springs Road
1 stop
Dexter Parkway
Route 370
1 stop
Dinglehole Road
Church Road
1 stop
Dinglehole Road
Lamson Road
2-way stop
Dinglehole Road
Lamson Road (west)
1 stop
Dinglehole Road
Rabbit Lane
4-way stop
Dog Harbor Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Dog Harbor Road
Route 370
1 stop
Doyle Road
River Road
1 stop
Doyle Road
Route 370
1 stop
Drakes Landing
Fields End Drive
1 stop
Drakes Landing
Marinus Drive
1 stop
Drakes Landing
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Dunderry Heights Drive
Cold Springs Road
1 stop
Dunderry Heights Drive
Killoe Road
1 stop
Dunham Road
Church Road
1 stop
Dunham Road
Route 370
1 stop
Dutchman Drive
River Road
1 stop
East Ivy Trail
Channelside Trail
1 stop
East Ivy Trail
Route 370
1 stop
East Patrol Road
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
East Patrol Road
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Eden Lane
Mott Road
1 stop
Ellison Road
Church Road
1 stop
Ellison Road
East Mud Lake Road
1 stop
Emerick Road
Dunham Road
1 stop
Emerick Road
West Genesee Road
1 stop
Esprit Glade
Deep Glade
1 stop
Esprit Glade
Town Center Road
1 stop
Esprit Glade
Van Wie Drive West
2-way stop
Exeter Drive
Eden Lane
1 stop
Exeter Drive
Mott Road
1 stop
Fadi Drive
Rania Road
1 stop
Fallen Timber Path
Sourwood Drive
1 stop
Far Reach Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Fargo Road
Hiltonwood Road (north end)
1 stop
Fargo Road
Hiltonwood Road (south end)
1 stop
Farm Pond Road
Emerick Road
1 stop
Farnham Road
Cross Lake Road
1 stop
Festival Court
Deep Glade Drive
1 stop
Fiddlehead Glen
Potter Road
1 stop
Fields End Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Filaree Circle
Van Wie Drive East
1 stop
First Street
West Bridge Street
1 stop
Forest Ridge Lane
[Added 8-10-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Long Shadow Drive
1 stop
Forest Ridge Lane
[Added 7-15-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
Tall Tree Lane
1 stop
Forest Ridge Lane
[Added 8-10-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Timber Banks Parkway
1 stop
Forest Ridge Lane
[Added 7-15-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
Timber Banks Parkway
1 stop
Foxfire Lane
Marinus Drive
1 stop
Frenchman's Creek
Greenleafe Drive
1 stop
Garlock Lane
Hiltonwood Road
1 stop
Garlock Lane
Restmoor Drive
1 stop
Gates Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Gates Road
Route 370
1 stop
Gerald Lane
Speach Drive
1 stop
Giddings Trail
Coachman's Whip
2-way stop
Glacier Ridge Road
Drakes Landing
4-way stop
Glacier Ridge Road
North Entry Road
1 stop
Glacier Ridge Road
River Road
1 stop
Glen Abbey Terrace
Frenchman's Creek North
1 stop
Glen Abbey Terrace
Frenchman's Creek South
1 stop
Glenbrook Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Gloria Drive
1 stop
Gloria Drive
Hicks Road
1 stop
Green Bough Circle
Doyle Road
1 stop
Green Meadow
Mourning Dove
1 stop
Greenleafe Drive
River Road
1 stop
Greenleafe Drive North
River Road
1 stop
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Grey Birch
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Grey Birch
Reston Drive (east)
3-way stop
Grey Birch
Reston Drive (west)
4-way stop
Grey Birch Extension
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Guyder Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Haddon Hall Way
Sudley Way
1 stop
Hadley Lane
Oberon Drive
1 stop
Halsey Lane
Cortina Road
1 stop
Halsey Lane
Hiltonwood Road
1 stop
Hamilton Drive
High Road
1 stop
Harlow Lane
Stevenage Drive
1 stop
Hawks Watch
Wandering Way
1 stop
Hayes Road
Route 370
1 stop
Hayfield Lane
Braewood Road
1 stop
Haylage Circle
Doyle Road
1 stop
Heffer Road
Surbrook Road
1 stop
Hencle Boulevard
Smokey Hollow Road
1 stop
Hicks Road
Route 370
1 stop
Hidden Lake Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Hidden Lake Drive
Far Reach Drive
1 stop
High Road
Byron Road
1 stop
Highland Drive
River Road
1 stop
Highland Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Hillside Road
Private Road
1 stop
Hillside Road
River Road (north)
1 stop
Hillside Road
River Road (south)
1 stop
Hiltonwood Drive
Dewitt Drive
1 stop
Hiltonwood Road
Killoe Road
1 stop
Hiltonwood Road
Pico Lane
2-way stop
Holly Ridge
Mourning Dove
1 stop
Doyle Road
1 stop
Route 370
1 stop
Hope Place
High Road
1 stop
Hourglass Lane
Couchman's Whip
1 stop
Hourglass Lane
[Added 9-3-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2020]
Coachman's Whip
4-way stop
Hourglass Lane
Giddings Trail
1 stop
Hourglass Lane
Route 48
1 stop
Irene Drive
Emerick Road
1 stop
Isle of Pines Drive
Marinus Drive
1 stop
Jayhawk Circle
Stanford Drive (east)
3-way stop
Jayhawk Circle
Stanford Drive (west)
3-way stop
Kerryman Circle
[Amended 12-28-2015 by L.L. No. 11-2015]
Hourglass Lane
1 stop
Kibby Road
Fenner Road
1 stop
Kibby Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Kilkenny Drive
Cortina Road
1 stop
Kilkenny Drive
Killoe Road
1 stop
Killoe Road
Bally Gar (east)
1 stop
Killoe Road
Bally Gar (west)
1 stop
Killoe Road
Cortina Road
1 stop
Killoe Road
Hiltonwood Road
1 stop
Killoe Road
Shannagary Drive
1 stop
Kings Bridge Lane
Amesbury Drive
1 stop
Letchworth Lane
Oberon Drive
1 stop
Lightfoot Lane
Melvin Drive South
1 stop
Lincoln Avenue
Route 31
1 stop
Long Horn
River Road
1 stop
Long Shadow Drive
Timber Banks Parkway
1 stop
Longbow Way
River Road
1 stop
Loop Road
Route 31
1 stop
Loop Road
West Entry Road
1 stop
Loop Road (Budweiser)
Loop Road
3-way stop
Luchsinger Lane
Deep Glade Drive (east)
1 stop
Luchsinger Lane
Deep Glade Drive (west)
1 stop
Madeleine Drive
Van Wie Drive East (north)
1 stop
Madeleine Drive
Van Wie Drive East (south)
1 stop
Marco Lane
Town Center Road
1 stop
Mariner Trail
Channelside Trail
1 stop
Mariner Trail
South Ivy Trail
3-way stop
Mariner Trail
West Ivy (east)
1 stop
Mariner Trail
West Ivy (west)
1 stop
Marinus Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Marinus Drive
River Road
1 stop
McLane Drive
West Entry Road
1 stop
Mclntyre Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Meadowbrook Drive
Hayes Road
1 stop
Meadowbrook Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Melvin Drive North
River Road
1 stop
Melvin Drive South
River Road
1 stop
Mercer Street
Dexter Parkway
1 stop
Mercer Street
[Added 9-14-2015 by L.L. No. 6-2015]
Giddings Trail
1 stop
Mercer Street
[Added 3-21-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019]
Giddings Trail Afternoon Drive
1 stop
Merritt Drive
Doyle Road
1 stop
Merritt Drive
Doyle Road
1 stop
Merritt Drive
Olive Drive
1 stop
Misty Cove Circle
Melvin Drive North
1 stop
Moonraker Court
Vermillion Circle
1 stop
Morgan Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Mott Road
Connell Terrace
1 stop
Mott Road
Dexter Parkway
4-way stop
Mourning Dove
Esprit Glade
1 stop
Mourning Dove
Van Wie Drive West
1 stop
Mustang Road
Bendigo Drive
1 stop
Mustang Road
Shalako Circle
1 stop
Nabil Street
Rania Road (north)
1 stop
Nabil Street
Rania Road (south)
1 stop
North Entry Road
Glacier Ridge Road
1 stop
Nuha Street
Rania Road (north)
1 stop
Nuha Street
Rania Road (south)
1 stop
Oak Brook Road
Drakes Landing (north)
1 stop
Oak Brook Road
Drakes Landing (south)
1 stop
Oberon Drive
East Patrol Road
1 stop
Oberon Drive
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Olive Drive
Merritt Drive
1 stop
Olive Drive
River Road
1 stop
Oswego Street
Second Street
1 stop
Oswego Street
Second Street
1 stop
Parkway Drive
Sixty Road
1 stop
Partridgeberry Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Partridgeberry Drive
Partridgeberry Drive
1 stop
Pasture Gate Lane
Fields End Drive
1 stop
Patchett Road
Collington Pointe Drive
1 stop
Patchett Road
River Road (east)
2-way stop
Patchett Road
Route 370
1 stop
Pendergast Road
Lamson Road
1 stop
Penfold Way
Ashington Drive (north)
1 stop
Penfold Way
Ashington Drive (south)
1 stop
Peony Farm Lane
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Perryville Road
Hayes Road
1 stop
Perryville Road
Surbrook Road (west)
2-way stop
Phosphate Alley
Plainville Road
1 stop
Pico Lane
Hiltonwood Drive
1 stop
Pico Lane
Restmoor Drive
1 stop
Pipers Court
Town Center Road
1 stop
Poplarfield Circle
Doyle Road
1 stop
Porter Cottage
Melvin Drive North
1 stop
Potter Road
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Prine Road
Church Road
1 stop
Prine Road
Kibby Road
1 stop
Prine Road
Lamson Road (north)
1 stop
Prine Road
Lamson Road (south)
1 stop
Quaker Lady Circle
Briar Patch (north)
1 stop
Quaker Lady Circle
Briar Patch (south)
1 stop
Rabbit Lane
East Mud Lake
1 stop
Rabbit Lane
Route 48
1 stop
Radburn Drive
Glacier Ridge (east)
1 stop
Radburn Drive
Glacier Ridge (west)
1 stop
Radburn Drive
Stevenage Drive
1 stop
Radburn Drive
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Recreation Lane
West Genesee Road
1 stop
Reeves Road
Fenner Road
1 stop
Reeves Road
Wheaton Road
1 stop
Restmoor Drive
Cortina Road
1 stop
Restmoor Drive
Hiltonwood Drive
1 stop
Reston Drive
Grey Birch (east)
1 stop
Reston Drive
Grey Birch (west)
1 stop
Reston Drive
Willett Parkway (north)
1 stop
Reston Drive
Willett Parkway (south)
1 stop
River Road
Bridge Street
1 stop
River Road
Patchett Road
1 stop
River Road
Route 370
1 stop
Riverbend Drive
Route 370 (east end)
1 stop
Riverbend Drive
Route 370 (west end)
1 stop
Rock Rose Circle
Twin Flowers Road
1 stop
Route 690
West Genesee Street Road
1 stop
Royal Scarlet Drive
Deep Glade Drive
1 stop
Rubicon Road
Penfold Way
1 stop
Runnymede Road
Lamson Road
1 stop
Sabin Drive
High Road
1 stop
Sabin Road
Route 31
1 stop
Sage Lane
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Salvatore Avenue (north entrance point)
[Added 3-16-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
Drakes Landing Road
1 stop
Salvatore Avenue (south entrance point)
[Added 3-16-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
Drakes Landing Road
1 stop
Samantha Drive
Deep Glade Drive
1 stop
Samantha Drive
Luchsinger Lane
1 stop
Samantha Drive (northbound)
[Added 11-16-2017 by L.L. No. 8-2017]
Venetian Drive
1 stop
Sanibel Circle
Marco Lane
1 stop
Scotch Broom Circle
Mourning Dove
1 stop
Second Street
Bridge Street
1 stop
Second Street
Oswego Street
2-way stop
Sedge Grass Road
[Added 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024]
Tall Tree Lane (east)
1 stop
Sedge Grass Road
[Added 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024]
Tall Tree Lane (west
1 stop
Shalako Circle
Bendigo Drive (north)
1 stop
Shalako Circle
Bendigo Drive (south)
1 stop
Shanagarry Drive
Cold Springs Road
1 stop
Shanagarry Drive
Killoe Road
1 stop
Sheldrake Circle
Whisper Ridge Circle
1 stop
Short Cut Road
County Line Road
1 stop
Short Cut Road
Route 48
1 stop
Shuba Road
Cole Road
1 stop
Shuba Road
Coppernoll Road
1 stop
Speach Drive
David Drive
1 stop
Speach Drive
Lucille Lane
1 stop
Speach Drive
Route 31
1 stop
Speach Drive
Steven Drive
1 stop
Spike Horn Path
Bucks Trail
1 stop
Spike Horn Path
Long Horn Path
1 stop
Springwoods Circle
[Added 9-14-2015 by L.L. No. 6-2015]
NYS Route 370
1 stop
Stanford Drive
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Stanford Drive
Jayhawk Circle (east)
1 stop
Stanford Drive
Jayhawk Circle (west)
1 stop
Stevenage Drive
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Stevenage Drive
Radburn Drive
1 stop
Sudley Way
Collington Pointe
1 stop
Sumac Drive
Bilyeu Lane
1 stop
Surbrook Road
Hayes Road
1 stop
Swamp Road
Plainville Road
1 stop
Talamore Way (North-South)
[Added 6-8-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Talamore Way (East-West) (T-intersection)
1 stop
Talamore Way
[Added 6-8-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Patchett Road
1 stop
Tallwood Ridge
Marinus Road
1 stop
Tanwood Circle
Penfold Way
1 stop
Timber Banks Parkway
[Added 9-1-2022 by L.L. No. 3-2022]
Forest Ridge Lane/Tall Tree Lane
2-way stop
Timber Banks Parkway
River Road
1 stop
Timber Ridge Lane
[Added 2-15-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024]
Tall Tree Lane
2-way stop
Timberlea Lane
East Patrol Road
1 stop
Topridge Drive
Ashington Drive
1 stop
Town Center Road
Pipers Court
1 stop
Town Center Road
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Tuccamore Circle
Killoe Road
1 stop
Tuccamore Circle
Shanagarry Drive
1 stop
Twilight Court
Samantha Drive
1 stop
Twin Flowers Road
Oak Brook Road North
1 stop
Twin Flowers Road
Oak Brook Road South
1 stop
Vallingby Circle
Glacier Ridge North
1 stop
Vallingby Circle
Glacier Ridge South
1 stop
Van Wie Drive East
Drakes Landing
2-way stop
Van Wie Drive West
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Van Wie Drive West
Esprit Glade
1 stop
Vann Road
Fenner Road
1 stop
Vann Road
Route 370
1 stop
Venetian Drive (northern end)
[Added 11-16-2017 by L.L. No. 8-2017]
Samantha Drive
1 stop
Venetian Drive (southern end)
[Added 11-16-2017 by L.L. No. 8-2017]
Samantha Drive
1 stop
Vermillion Circle
Esprit Glade
1 stop
Verona Court
[Added 8-10-2015 by L.L. No. 5-2015]
Villa Ridge
1 stop
Vicki Lane
Route 370
1 stop
Villa Ridge Court
Samantha Drive (north)
1 stop
Villa Ridge Court
Samantha Drive (south)
1 stop
Walden Lane
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Walpole Lane
Glacier Ridge
1 stop
Wandering Way
Glacier Ridge East
1 stop
Wandering Way
Glacier Ridge West
1 stop
Warming Spring
Potter Road
1 stop
Warriors Path
Cortina Road
1 stop
Warriors Path
Killoe Road (north)
1 stop
Warriors Path
Killoe Road (south)
1 stop
Welwyn Lane
Radburn Drive
1 stop
West Entry Road
Willett Parkway
1 stop
West Ivy Trail
Route 370
1 stop
West Ivy Trail
South Ivy Trail
1 stop
Wheaton Road
Church Road
1 stop
Wheaton Road
Route 370
1 stop
Whisper Ridge Circle
Whisper Ridge Circle
2-way stop
Whisper Ridge Circle
Willett Parkway
1 stop
Widemark Drive
Cold Springs Road
1 stop
Widemark Drive
Hiltonwood Drive
1 stop
Willett Parkway
Drakes Landing
1 stop
Willett Parkway
Route 31 (north)
1 stop
Willett Parkway
Route 31 (south)
1 stop
Willowbend Drive
Hourglass Lane
1 stop
Winspear Lane
Hourglass Lane
1 stop
Woodcrest Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Woodland Drive
Route 370
1 stop
Woods Road
River Road
2-way stop
Wrenwood Circle
Van Wie Drive West
1 stop
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-22, the following-described intersections are designated as yield intersections:
Yield Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection
Amesbury Drive
Braewood Drive
Amesbury Drive
Carpenter Road
Braewood Drive
Carpenter Road
Braewood Drive
North Entry Road
Burrwood Drive
East Patrol Road
Fields End Drive
East Patrol Road
Oberon Drive
East Patrol Road
Oberon Drive
Carpenter Road
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-23, speed limits are established as indicated upon the following streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Speed Limit
Glacier Ridge Road, west side
Glacier Ridge Road, west side
Near North Entry Road
Guyder Road
From Plainville - Jack Reefs Road to a point 0.4 mile east and northeasterly thereof
Homestead Road
From NY Route 370 to Doyle Road
Meadowbrook Drive
From Hayes Road to NY Route 370 for a distance of approximately 0.5 mile
NY Route 48
From the village corporation line at the intersection of Brown Street and Oswego Street to a point approximately 1 mile north thereof
NY Route 370
From the west village line of the Village of Baldwinsville to a point 0.5 mile westerly thereof
West Entry Road, north side
Entire length
Willett Parkway, east side
Entire length
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-24, the following-described locations are designated as no-passing zones:
Name of Street
NY Route 48
In accordance with the provisions of Article III, § 295-25, the following-described locations are designated as pedestrian crosswalks:
Name of Street
Carpenter Road
At Visitors' Center
North Entry Road
At Aspen House
Editor’s Note: Former § 295-52, Schedule XI: All-Night Parking, was repealed 12-20-2018 by L.L. No. 11-2018.
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-28, the standing of vehicles is prohibited in the following locations:
Name of Street
Hayes Road
[Added 11-17-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]
Hillside Road
From West River Road to a point 600 feet southerly therefrom
Second Street
West Phoenix
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-29, the parking of vehicles is prohibited in the following locations during the hours indicated of any day, unless otherwise indicated:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-30, the parking of vehicles is prohibited in the locations described below:
Parking shall be prohibited on the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding Mothers' Day each year from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the side of the street as posted, on the following streets:
[Added 4-5-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
Name of Street
Alletta Circle
Briar Patch
Corlear Drive
Grey Birch
Madeleine Drive
Marinus Drive
Oak Brook Road
Reston Drive
Stanford Drive
Twin Flowers Road
Van Wie Drive
Van Wie Drive East
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-31, the standing of vehicles is prohibited in the following locations:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-32, the stopping of vehicles is prohibited in the following locations:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-33, the following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as taxi stands, and parking of vehicles, except taxis, shall be prohibited at all times in the locations described below:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, § 295-34, the following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as bus stops, and parking of vehicles, except buses, shall be prohibited at all times in the locations described below:
Name of Street
In accordance with the provisions of Article V, § 295-35, trucks in excess of the weights indicated are hereby excluded from the following streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Weight Limit
Avery Road
From Lamson Road to Swamp Road
Bellows Road
From East Mud Lake Road to Fenner Road
Channel Side
From NY Route 370 to South Ivy Trail
County Line Road East
Dennis Road, Roberts Avenue and Barbara Lane
From NY Route 370 for an estimated distance of 2,000 feet
Dewitt Drive
From NY Route 370 to termination
Dexter Parkway
From NY Route 370 to termination
Dinglehole Road
From Church Road to County Line Road
Doyle Road
From NY Route 370 to termination
Dunham Road
From NY Route 370 to Church Road
Ellison Road
From Church Road to East Mud Lake Road
Emerick Road
From NY Route 370 to Dunham Road
Farnham Road
From Cross Lake Road to termination
Guyder Road
From Plainville Road to termination
Homestead Drive
From NY Route to Doyle Road
Kibby Road
From Fenner Road to Plainview Road
Meadowbrook Drive
From NY Route 370 to Hayes Road
Merritt Drive and Olive Drive
From River Road to Doyle Road
Morgan Road
From Plainville Road to termination
Mott Road
From the Village of Baldwinsville limits to Connell Terrace
Patchett Road
From NY Route 370 to termination
Prine Road
From Church Road to Kibby Road
Rabbit Lane
From NY Route 48 to East Mud Lake Road
Reeves Road
From Fenner Road to Wheaton Road
South Ivy Trail
From West Ivy Trail to termination
Speach Drive
From NY Route 31 to termination
Swamp Road
From Plainville Road to Cayuga County line
Vann Road
From NY Route 370 to Church Road
West Ivy Trail
From NY Route 370 to termination
Wheaton Road
From NY Route 370 to Church Road