[Added 3-12-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
Definition. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any container intended for the purpose of storing or keeping household goods and other personal property, or construction material and tools, that is intended to be filled, refilled, or emptied while located outdoors on a property within the Village.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or entity to place, keep or maintain any storage container on any property without first securing a permit.
Any person, firm or entity desiring a permit to place or maintain a storage container shall file an application with the Building Department. The form shall be furnished by the Building Department and shall be sworn to and filed by the applicant with the Building Department, together with an application fee of $200.
A permit for a storage container may only be granted if:
There is currently a building permit for improvement of the property upon which the storage container is located; and
If deemed appropriate by the Building Inspector, the property has a fence pursuant to § 17-54.1 of the Village Code.
A storage container may not be more than 160 square feet and no more than 8.6 feet in height, or such other size as may be determined by the Building Inspector.
The storage container shall be set back from any side yard property line a minimum of five feet and from the front property right-of-way of the Village by a minimum of five feet and also by a minimum of five feet away from any structures on the property, but in each case the final location shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. In granting any permit, the Building Inspector shall protect the rights of adjacent property owners so that there shall not be any unreasonable deprivation of privacy, light, air or enjoyable use of adjacent property. The Building Inspector shall have the discretion to require additional screening to obstruct the eyeview of the permitted storage container from neighboring properties.
The Building Inspector is hereby authorized, in the exercise of reasonable discretion, to revoke any permit issued hereunder if, after due investigation, he deems that the holder thereof has violated any provisions of this subsection, in that the storage container is being maintained in an unsafe manner or is a nuisance. Written notice of said revocation shall be given, either by personal service upon the person to be notified or by depositing said notice in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to such person at the address which appears on the records of the Building Department.
The length of time a storage container shall be permitted to remain shall be 90 days from the issuance of a permit. An extension beyond 90 days shall be renewed in the same manner as a building permit pursuant to the applicable sections of the Village Code, as set forth in Subsection C above, and will be considered upon application to the Building Department along with the payment of an additional fee of $200 or higher based on the then current facts and circumstances after consultation with the Building Inspector and Village Clerk.