[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Slinger 5-17-2021 by Ord. No. 05-05-2021.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 178, Amusement Devices, adopted as Sec. 16.08 of the former Municipal Code, as amended 12-3-2018 by Ord. No. 11-01-2018.
[Amended 1-17-2022 by Ord. No. 01-05-2022]
"Amusement devices" include but are not limited to coin-operated electronic games, billiard tables, jukeboxes and pinball machines and require an amusement license.
Amusement licenses for the Village of Slinger run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, and can be applied for at any time. The Village requires any person, firm or corporation being an operator of an amusement device to make an application to the Village Clerk for a license and pay the appropriate fee(s) when submitting the application. Amusement licenses may be approved by the Village Clerk or appointed Village staff. The application fees are not prorated and nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the registration of any slot machine or gambling devices not allowed by the state.
The Village Clerk shall require the registrant to submit the information as may be necessary to identify the electronic games, billiard tables, jukeboxes and pinball machines so registered, and shall issue to the registrant an amusement license. This license must be kept on the premises and available for inspection at any time. Keep in mind, any person, firm, corporation or LLC must be current in the payment of taxes, personal or real, utilities and/or any other payments due the Village or no license will be given.
Fees for any applications, petitions, licenses, or permits shall be as set by the Village Board of the Village of Slinger by a duly enacted resolution and may be changed from time to time.
The Village President, Chief of Police or any police officer shall seize or cause to be seized any electronic game, billiard table, jukebox or pinball machines which are not listed on the amusement license.
By the Court. Upon a conviction of a violation of any provision of this section, the Police Chief shall revoke and demand surrender of the amusement license, and notify the Village Clerk in writing of the name and address of the licensee or registrant and the date of such revocation. The revocation shall be effective as of the date of conviction, unless stayed appeal.
By the Village Board. The Village Board may, after the issuance of any license, revoke the same when any licensee has made a material misstatement of fact in his application.