[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Slinger as Secs. 6.01 to 6.05, 6.07, 6.08, 6.10, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15 and 6.16 of the former Municipal Code; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the statutory provisions in Chs. 85, 110, 305 and 340 through 348, Wis. Stats., together with all related orders, rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation contained within the Wisconsin Administrative Code, describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles and traffic, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to penalties to be imposed and exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a fine or term of imprisonment are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated in this section by reference is required or prohibited by this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the Wisconsin Statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets and alleys of the State of Wisconsin.
Section 340.01, Words and phrases defined.
Section 341.11(4), Display of registration certificate.
Section 341.15, Display of registration plates.
Section 341.16(4), Issuance of duplicate plates.
Section 341.52(4), Reciprocity permits.
Section 341.55, Penalty for misuse of plates.
Section 341.57, Registration of finance companies and banks.
Section 341.63, When registration is to be suspended.
Section 342.05(4), Certificate of title required.
Section 342.15(5),(6),(7)., Transfer of interest in vehicle.
Section 342.23, Secured party's and owner's duties.
Section 342.30, 31, 34, Anti-theft and anti-fraud provisions.
Section 343.01, Words and phrases defined.
Section 343.305, Implied consent.
Section 343.35, Surrender of licenses upon cancellations, revocation or Suspension.
Sections 342.45 to 343.46, Unlawful practices relative to licenses.
Sections 343.60 to 343.72, Licensing of driver schools and instructors.
Section 343.73, Penalty.
Section 344.01, Words and phrases defined.
Sections 344.45 to 344.47, Penalties for violation of chapter.
Section 344.51, Financial responsibility for domestic rented vehicles.
Section 345.01, Words and phrases defined.
Sections 345.20 to 345.53, General provisions in traffic forfeiture actions.
Section 345.55, Traffic officers not to profit from arrests.
Section 346.01, Words and phrases defined.
Section 346.02, Applicability of this chapter.
Section 346.03, Applicability of rules of the road to authorized emergency vehicles.
Section 346.04(1), (2).
Sections 346.05 to 346.16, Driving, meeting, overtaking and passing.
Section 346.17, Penalty for violating §§ 346.04 to 346.16.
Sections 346.18 to 346.21, Right-of-way.
Section 346.22, Penalty for violating §§ 346.18 to 346.21.
Sections 346.23 to 346.29, Drivers and pedestrians.
Section 346.30, Penalty for violating §§ 346.23 to 346.29.
Section 346.31 to § 346.35, Turning and stopping and required signals.
Section 346.36, Penalty for violating §§ 346.31 to 346.35.
Section 346.37 to § 346.42, Traffic signs, signals and markings.
Section 346.43, Penalty for violating §§ 346.37 to 346.42.
Sections 346.44 to 346.48, Required stops.
Section 346.49, Penalty for violating §§ 346.44 to 346.48.
Section 346.57(2), (3), (4)(A) to (C), Speed restrictions – first offense in year.
Sections 346.57(4)(D), (5), (6) to 346.595, Speed restrictions.
Section 346.60, Penalty for violating §§ 346.57 to 346.595.
Section 346.61, Applicability of sections relating to reckless and drunken driving.
Section 346.62(1), (3), Reckless driving – first offense in four years.
Section 346.63(1), (3), (4), Operating under the influence of an intoxicant – first offense in five years.
Section 346.64, Employment of drunk operators – first offense.
Section 346.65(1), (2), Penalty for violating §§ 346.62 to 346.64.
Section 346.66, Applicability of sections relating to accident and accident reporting.
Sections 346.68 and 346.69, Duty upon striking unattended vehicle – upon striking property or adjacent to highway – first offense within a year.
Sections 346.71, 346.72, 346.73, Duty to report accidents, etc.
Section 346.70(4), Police and traffic agencies to report.
Section 346.70(5), Falsifying reports – first offense within a year.
Sections 346.77 to 346.81, Bicycles and play vehicles.
Section 346.82, Penalty for violating §§ 346.77 to 346.81.
Sections 346.87 to 346.94, Miscellaneous rules.
Section 346.95, Penalty for violating §§ 346.87 to 346.94.
Sections 347.01 to 347.05, General provisions.
Sections 347.06 to 347.29, Lighting equipment.
Section 347.30, Penalty for violating lighting equipment requirements.
Sections 347.35 to 347.49, Other Equipment.
Section 347.50, Penalty for violating §§ 347.35 to 347.49.
Sections 348.01 to 348.02, Size, weight, load – general provisions.
Section 348.05, Size and load.
Section 348.11, Penalty for violating size and load limitations.
Sections 348.15 to 348.20, Weight.
Section 348.21, Penalty for violating weight limitations.
Sections 348.25 to 348.27, Permits.
Section 348.28, Permits to be carried – penalty.
Section 349.21, Authority to regulate school bus warning lights.
Other laws adopted. There are also hereby adopted by reference the following sections of the Wisconsin Statutes, but the prosecution of such offenses under this chapter shall be as provided in Chs. 305 and 340 to 350, Wis. Stats., and the penalty for violation thereof shall be limited to a forfeiture as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, of this Code: Chapters 84 and 110, Wis. Stats.
The Village Board of the Village of Slinger shall establish the traffic limits and regulations applicable to Village streets and portions thereof under authority granted by § 349.06, Wis. Stats., as documented in the Village's Official Traffic Manual.[1]
Editor's Note: The Official Traffic Manual is on file in the Police Department and the Village offices.
No person shall operate any nonlicensed motor bike, minibike, moped, or other nonlicensed vehicle within the corporate limits of the Village of Slinger. This chapter shall not apply to agricultural vehicles or recreational vehicles registered by the State of Wisconsin.
This chapter is not intended to prohibit the lawful use of motorcycles on the streets of the Village of Slinger, Wisconsin, or on private property within the Village limits, which operation is incidental to lawful street operation.
The Village of Slinger is hereby authorized and directed to procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation as required by state law. Signs shall be erected in such locations and manner as the Village of Slinger shall determine will best effect the purpose of this chapter and give adequate warning to users of the street or highway.
Removal of unofficial signs and signal. The Village of Slinger shall have the authority granted by § 349.09, Wis. Stats., and is hereby directed to order the removal of a sign, signal, marking or device placed, maintained, or displayed in violation of this chapter or § 346.41, Wis. Stats., in any Village or state right-of-way. Any charge imposed on a premises for the removal of such an illegal sign, signal or device shall be reported to the Village Board at its next regular meeting for review and certification.
No motorized or self-propelled vehicle, except those properly licensed by the State of Wisconsin, shall be operated on Village streets, except for snow removal or crossing with a lawn mower.
Conditions for use. Only vehicles designed for and used by handicapped persons, either self-propelled or power-driven, may be operated on public sidewalks under the following conditions:
The vehicle to be operated on public sidewalks by a handicapped person must be inspected by the Chief of Police and determined to be in good operating condition and an appropriate vehicle for safe operation on a public sidewalk in the view of pedestrian traffic that will be on sidewalks at the same time the handicapped vehicle will be operated on the sidewalks.
The person requesting to operate a vehicle on the public sidewalks shall furnish to the Police Department a statement from a physician licensed to practice medicine in any state, from a chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic medicine in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in this state and listed in the Christian Science Journal that the person is physically disabled by any physical condition which renders the person unable to walk or unable to walk without great difficulty. The physician's, chiropractor's or practitioner's statement shall state whether the disability is permanent or temporary and, if temporary, the opinion of the physician, chiropractor or practitioner as to the duration of the disability.
No other vehicles of any description may be operated on public sidewalks.
The Village may place restrictions on use of certain streets by heavy traffic. Streets with weight restrictions are enumerated in the Village's Official Traffic Manual.
Suspension of operation. The Chief of Police or Village Engineer may order the owner of any vehicle being operated on a street to suspend operation if, in his judgment, such vehicle is causing or likely to cause injury to streets or the public investment therein, except when § 84.20, Wis. Stats., is applicable or when the vehicle is being operated pursuant to a contract which provides that the Village shall be reimbursed for any damage done to the street.
Special weight limitations. The Chief of Police or Village Engineer may impose special weight limitations, in addition to existing standards, on any street or portion thereof which, because of weakness of the roadbed due to deterioration, climatic conditions, or other special or temporary condition, would likely be seriously damaged or destroyed in the absence of such special limitations.
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a forfeiture as hereinafter provided, together with the cost of prosecution imposed as provided in §§ 345.20 to 345.53, Wis. Stats.
Uniform offenses. Except as provided in § 460-7C for nonmoving traffic offenses, forfeitures for violation of any provision of Chs. 341 to 348, Wis. Stats., adopted by reference in § 460-1 of this chapter, shall conform to the forfeitures for violation of the comparable state offense, including any variations or increases for second offenses.
Miscellaneous. The forfeiture for violation of any provision of § 460-1B of this chapter shall be per the forfeiture schedule approved by the Village Board.
Parking. The forfeiture for violation of parking regulations shall be per the schedule of forfeitures approved by the Village Board.[1] The forfeitures for offenses described in §§ 346.52 and 346.55, Wis. Stats., adopted by reference in § 460-1, shall be per the Village's schedule of forfeitures approved by the Village Board.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 23, Citations.
This chapter shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions of §§ 345.20 to 345.53, Ch. 800 and § 66.0114, Wis. Stats.
Uniform citations. The uniform traffic citation promulgated under § 345.11, Wis. Stats., shall be used for all moving traffic violations under this chapter.
Parking citations. Citations for all nonmoving traffic violations under this chapter shall conform to § 345.28, Wis. Stats., and shall permit direct mail payment of the applicable minimum forfeiture to the Village within five days of the issuance of the citation in lieu of court appearance.
Notice of demerit points and receipt. Every officer accepting a forfeited penalty or money deposit under this chapter shall receipt therefor as provided in § 345.26(3)(b), Wis. Stats. Every officer accepting a stipulation under the provisions of this chapter shall comply with the provisions of §§ 343.27, 343.28, 345.26(1)(a) and 345.27(2), Wis. Stats.
Forfeitures in treasury. Officer to post bond, qualify. Any officer accepting deposits or forfeited penalties under this chapter shall deliver them to the Village Treasurer within 20 days after receipt. Any officer authorized to accept deposits under § 345.26, Wis. Stats., or this chapter shall qualify by taking the oath prescribed by § 19.01, Wis. Stats., and filing an official bond in the sum of $1,000, as described by § 19.01.
Reference to specific statutory sections wherever used in this chapter shall mean the Wisconsin Statutes.
All ordinances regulating traffic upon the streets, alleys and highways of the Village of Slinger, Wisconsin, and all ordinance heretofore enacted by the Village Board of the Village of Slinger, Wisconsin, are hereby repealed.