[R.O. 1995 § 525.010; Ord. No. 42 § 1, 1-25-1949]
No streets or sidewalks shall be constructed within the City, by any person, firm or corporation, without first obtaining a permit authorizing the same from the Board of Aldermen. The cost and regulations governing such permits shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
New streets shall be constructed according to the St. Louis County Highway Department specifications of streets acceptable for maintenance by the City.
All street construction shall conform in every respect as to width to the streets already made within the City and a true copy of the plans and specifications for such street shall be filed with the Board of Aldermen upon the application for a permit in accordance with the terms of this Article.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.020; Ord. No. 42 § 2, 1-25-1949]
New lateral sewers shall be constructed according to specifications approved by the appropriate sewer district wherein such lateral sewers are located and shall be extended to the nearest possible point of connection.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.030; Ord. No. 42 § 8, 1-25-1949; Ord. No. 2015-13 § 11, 11-17-2015]
All fees for sidewalk permits shall be paid to the City Collector before the permit is delivered to the contractor. The fees shall be as set out in the attachment to Chapter 130 titled "Commercial, Industrial and Multiple-Family Construction Permit Fees Schedule."
[R.O. 1995 § 525.040; Ord. No. 42 § 4, 1-25-1949]
The fee for inspections by the Director of Public Works shall be two dollars ($2.00) for each inspection and shall be paid on demand.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.050; Ord. No. 42 § 5, 1-25-1949]
If the work upon any streets, sidewalks or sewers shall be conducted in violation of the provisions of this Article, as to the use or application of materials or workmanship or by a deviation from the approved plans and specifications or by a false statement as to any material part contained in or accompanying the application upon which any permit has been issued, it shall be the duty of the Board to revoke the permit for such operations, and it shall be unlawful, after the revocation of a permit for any person to proceed with such sewer, street, or sidewalk until such permit has first been reinstated or reissued by the Board.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.060; Ord. No. 54 § 1, 3-13-1950]
Hereafter all sidewalks including approaches and parkways within this City shall be constructed, reconstructed and repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.070; Ord. No. 54 § 2, 3-13-1950]
Any person, firm or corporation hereafter constructing any street or thoroughfare in this City, whether the same shall be an extension of any existing street or thoroughfare or the original construction of a new street or thoroughfare, shall so construct the same that the course thereof will be bound on both sides by concrete sides or by concrete curbs and gutters in accordance with specifications on file with the City Clerk and which have been or which may hereafter be adopted by the Board of Aldermen as their specifications for the work.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.080; Ord. No. 54 § 14, 3-13-1950]
As used in this Article, the term "approaches" or "sidewalk approaches" shall be understood to mean the extension of sidewalks at corner lots from the property line of each way to the street curbline and being, in fact, the connection across the parkway or intervening space between the corner of the property and the crossing in the street.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.090; Ord. No. 54 § 3, 3-13-1950]
The Board of Aldermen may by ordinance condemn any sidewalk that they may deem to be in a dangerous condition or out of repair, or any sidewalk which is not located upon the established grade and line for sidewalks on the street on which it is located, as may be required by ordinance, or any sidewalk hereafter constructed which does not conform with the requirements and specifications for sidewalks as provided in this Article, and may direct to the Director of Public Works, or some other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, to remove any sidewalk so condemned, provided the costs of condemnation and removal of such sidewalks shall be paid by the City out of the General Revenue Fund.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.100; Ord. No. 54 § 4, 3-13-1950]
The Board of Aldermen may divide the City into Sidewalk Districts and shall on or after the first day of January in each year let any annual contract to the lowest and best responsible bidder for the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk, or approach including the necessary grading, filling and terracing of the parkway, which work may be ordered by the Board of Aldermen within said District for the ensuing year. The City Clerk or some other person designated by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance shall advertise for bids in at least one (1) issue of a weekly newspaper or at least two (2) consecutive issues of a daily newspaper published in the City, or if there be no newspaper published in said City, it may be published in some newspaper published in St. Louis County, and before the bids are opened or any contract let, the Director of Public Works or some other person appointed by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance shall prepare and submit to the Board an estimate of the cost of the repairing of such sidewalks, including approaches, grading parkways and terracing and materials, etc., which estimate shall be the price per cubic yard or per square yard as the case may be, for the finished improvement, and no contract shall be let for a price in excess of the estimate. The costs of all sidewalks, parkways, approaches, terracing and other improvements herein contemplated shall be, on their completion, levied as a special assessment against the lot, tract or parcel of land or ground along and in front of which said improvement is made as hereinafter provided.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.110; Ord. No. 54 § 5, 3-13-1950]
Whenever the Board of Aldermen shall by ordinance order the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk, or approach, including the necessary grading, filling and terracing of any parkway, the Director of Public Works or some person designated by the Board shall make out a written report or notice to the owner or owners of the property lying along or adjacent to such sidewalk to have the same constructed, reconstructed or repaired and the necessary grading, filling or terracing of the parkway done, as the case may be, which notice shall be served on the parties by the Marshal by delivering a copy thereof to the said owner or owners or his/her or their representatives within the City of Bel-Ridge and the Director of Public Works or such other person as has been designated by the Board of Aldermen to do the work, shall cause the notice to be published in some newspaper published within the City, or if there be no newspaper published within the City, then in some newspaper published in St. Louis County for at least a week. If such owner or owners or his/her or their representatives fail or refuse to begin the work specified in such notice within fifteen (15) days after being served as aforesaid, or after the first publication of such notice, the Director of Public Works or some other person so designated by the Board shall notify the contractor having the annual contract for the building of sidewalks to construct or reconstruct such sidewalks or approaches, together with the necessary grading, terracing, and filling, and in those cases where the Board of Aldermen has ordered the repair of any sidewalk or approach, the Director of Public Works or some person designated by the Board of Aldermen shall repair such sidewalk or approach and the cost of such work, whether performed by the City or by the contractor, shall be levied as a special assessment and special tax bills issued therefor in the manner provided by law and ordinance of the City of Bel-Ridge.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.120; Ord. No. 54 § 6, 3-13-1950]
The Board of Aldermen may order the construction or reconstruction of certain sidewalks and parkways within the City previous to the letting of the annual contract for such work, and should the property owner or owners or his/her or their representative fail or refuse to begin the work within fifteen (15) days after notice to do such work, the City Clerk, or some other person designated by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance, shall cause an advertisement for bids for the doing of such work to be published in at least one (1) issue of a weekly newspaper or at least two (2) issues of a daily newspaper published in the City or if there be no newspaper published within said City, then in some newspaper published in St. Louis County, and the date for the opening of said bids shall be at least ten (10) days after the date for the first publication of said advertisement for bids; provided, however, that before said bids are opened, the Director of Public Works, or some person designated by the Board of Aldermen by ordinance, shall prepare and file an estimate showing qualities and quantities of grading and filling and of the various materials required for the sidewalk in front of each separate lot, tract or parcel of ground, and an estimate of the cost of said work per cubic yard or per square yard as the case may be, and an estimate of the cost of the removal of any obstruction, and no contract shall be let for a price in excess of said estimate of the cost. After the bids are opened by the Board of Aldermen, the said Board shall let the contractor making the lowest and best responsible bid receive the contract, and in case there are no bids received or that all bids are rejected for any reason, the said Board may re-advertise for bids for said work or may by ordinance, order and require the Director of Public Works, or some other person, to build and construct said sidewalk or other work as herein contemplated according to the specifications adopted therefor, provided further that the cost of said work shall not exceed the estimate previously filed. An accurate account shall be kept of the cost of the separate items thereof, and the Board of Aldermen shall pay for the labor and material and all of the cost of said work out of any funds which they may have on hand available for the purpose, and at the completion of said work, either by contract or by the City as last provided, the Board of Aldermen shall levy the cost thereof as a special assessment, and special tax bills shall be issued therefor, against the lot, tract or parcel of ground along which the said improvements are made in the manner as herein provided.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.130; Ord. No. 54 § 7, 3-13-1950]
All special tax bills for any of the work or improvement mentioned in this Article shall bear interest after thirty (30) days from the date of issue at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.140; Ord. No. 54 § 8, 3-13-1950]
Before the construction of any sidewalk is commenced, a permit shall be secured from the Director of Public Works.
All sidewalks shall be constructed to the line and grade as fixed by ordinance. The Director of Public Works shall have charge of all sidewalk work.
The word "contractor" as used in these specifications shall be taken to mean the person who is doing the work under contract with the City or the property owner or his/her authorized agent.
The contractor shall grade and terrace all of the space from the property line to the curbline to the line and grade as given by the Director of Public Works.
Fill shall be deposited in layers of not more than six (6) inches and thoroughly tamped. Surplus excavation shall belong to the contractor and shall be disposed of by him/her.
The sidewalks hereinafter constructed within the City shall be built of concrete, unless otherwise ordered by ordinance, and shall not be less than four (4) feet wide and four (4) inches thick, and shall slope toward the street one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot.
The concrete shall be in two (2) courses, a base course of three and three-fourths (3 3/4) inches and a top course of one-fourth (1/4) inch. The base course shall be mixed in the proportion of not less than one (1) part portland cement, two (2) parts sand, and four (4) parts gravel, and the top shall be mixed in the proportion of one (1) part portland cement and one and one-half (1 1/2) parts sand.
Gravel, sand and cement in the above-specified proportions shall be thoroughly mixed dry and clean water added, and the whole mass thoroughly turned until a well-mixed material is obtained. After placing this on the subgrade, the same shall be thoroughly tamped and brought to a surface so as to be not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch below the straight edge resting on the outer forms.
After the base course has been placed as above-specified, the top course shall be applied before the base has set and carefully struck with a straight edge and left with a neat float finish. An edging tool shall be run along the sides and at the cross joints.
Three-eighths (3/8) inch prepared asphaltic expansion joint shall be placed the full width and depth of the concrete sidewalk in at least fifteen (15) foot lengths of walk, at the property line of corner lots and between the curb and approach. The top course shall be marked with cross joints one-fourth (1/4) inch deep and five (5) feet on centers and shall be at right angles to the edge of the walk.
Private driveways across sidewalks shall be six (6) inches in depth and composed of the same materials and mixed in the same way and proportions as specified for concrete walks. The driveway shall be dipped in the center not more than two (2) inches below the grade of the walk so as to conduct the water to the street.
The contractor shall observe all ordinances of the City in relation to the obstructing of sidewalks, maintaining signals, keeping open passageways and protecting the same when exposed, and generally to observe all laws and ordinances controlling or limiting those engaged in the work.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.150; Ord. No. 54 § 9, 3-13-1950]
Every property owner, his/her agent or contractor who shall commence the work of constructing or reconstructing any sidewalk shall carry on such work with all reasonable dispatch so that the public use shall not be obstructed beyond a reasonable time, and violation of this Section shall be punishable as herein provided.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.160; Ord. No. 54 § 10, 3-13-1950]
No person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of sidewalk contractor shall construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk upon or along any street, avenue or public highway in this City without first having taken out a license as a sidewalk contractor, for which license he/she shall pay to the City Collector, as a license tax, the sum of twelve dollars ($12.00). Such license shall be good during the calendar year in which it is issued, and may be revoked by the Board of Aldermen at any time for failure of the licensee to observe any of the provisions of the specifications or ordinances of the City relating to the construction or reconstruction or repair of sidewalks.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.170; Ord. No. 54 § 11, 3-13-1950]
Every person, firm, or corporation before obtaining his/her or their permit shall give a surety bond to the City of Bel-Ridge in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) issued by a lawfully authorized surety company or signed by one (1) or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor of the City, contingent upon the observation of all City ordinances in relation to obstructing streets and sidewalks, maintaining signals and protecting the same when exposed, and to observe all law and regulations relating to those engaged in the work, and to indemnify and save harmless the City from all claims, suits and actions of every kind and description against said City or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any party or parties by or from the acts of said person, firm or corporation, his/her or their servants, employees or agents in doing the work of constructing, reconstructing or repairing same or by or in consequence of any negligence regarding same, or in any improper materials used in its construction or by or on account of any act or omission of such licensee or his/her or their servant, employee or agent caused by faulty construction, and that all surplus earth and refuse or debris will be promptly removed from the line of work. Said bond to continue for a period of twelve (12) months after the last permit issued to said contractor.
[R.O. 1995 § 525.180; Ord. No. 54 § 12, 3-13-1950]
If any sidewalk shall become out of repair within one (1) year after the work has been accepted, on account of faulty construction the contractor shall replace or repair the same when ordered to do so by the Director of Public Works, within fifteen (15) days after having been notified; if not so done, the City shall cause such work to be done and the contractor or his/her or their sureties or their or his/her said bond shall be liable for the cost thereof, and in addition thereto, his/her license may be revoked by the Board of Aldermen.