[Added 8-6-1984 by Ord. No. 3-1984]
The Borough-owned lot located at the corner of Longfellow and Wallace Streets adjoining the elementary school property of the Kiski Area School District, that lot being referred to in this article as the "rental parking lot," is established as a Borough-operated rental parking lot, except that the nine spaces closest to the school property shall be reserved for use by the School District at no charge and shall be specifically marked off and designated to that effect. The Borough shall mark off spaces on the rental parking lot, each for the accommodation of a single parked vehicle.
The parking spaces in the rental parking lot, other than the nine spaces reserved for use by the School District, shall be available for parking on a monthly rental basis only. The rental fee shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of Council and shall be for a calendar month, except that where a rental arrangement is first made by a specific renter after the commencement of a calendar month, the charge for the first month only shall be prorated for the portion of the month remaining. The rental fee, which shall be for the use of the Borough, shall be paid in advance to the Borough Secretary. After the first month, rental shall be automatically renewable from month to month, until the renter notifies the Borough, at least 15 days in advance of the beginning of a new month, that he wishes to terminate the rental agreement.
The rental parking spaces shall be assigned by the Borough Secretary. The name of the renter of each rented parking space, or the numbers and/or letters in the registration tag of the vehicle entitled to be parked there, shall be posted by the Borough at the parking space or shall be marked on the surface of the parking space.
The rental parking lot shall be for the use of passenger cars and pickup trucks only, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park any other kind of class of vehicle in the lot, provided that, at its discretion, Council may authorize rental of a space for use by a small van if that van can be accommodated within the lines of the parking space and if that space is so located in the lot that the van, when parked, will not unduly restrict the view of drivers of vehicles parked in adjacent or neighboring spaces.
[Amended 5-1-1989 by Ord. No. 6-1989]
The rental parking lot shall be restricted for parking only by renters and others entitled to park thereon under § 470-79 of this article.
Every vehicle parked in the rental parking lot shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding or marking the individual parking space assigned to that vehicle and shall be parked headed into the parking space. It shall be unlawful for any person:
To park a vehicle in a space not rented by him;
To park a vehicle otherwise than as required by this section; or
To park a vehicle elsewhere than in an individual parking space, the prohibited areas including, but not limited to, the access and exit driveways and turning and maneuvering spaces.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $15 and costs.