[Adopted 3-19-1923, effective 4-16-1923]
[Amended 6-25-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Every person or corporation owning premises in the Village shall at all times keep the grass and weeds between such premises and the public streets and between the sidewalks in front of such premises and the street or gutter cut and trimmed to a height of less than 10 inches.
[Amended 6-25-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Any person, partnership or corporation who or which commits, takes part or assists in any violation of any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to a Type A penalty as set forth in § 1-15 of the Village Code.
The Village may serve notice upon the owner or owners of property in front of which grass or weeds are not cut and trimmed, as herein provided, requiring said owner or owners to cut and trim said grass and weeds within 48 hours from the receipt of said notice, and upon his, her or their failure so to do, the Village may proceed to cut and trim said grass and weeds, and the cost thereof may thereupon be assessed upon the adjoining property in the manner provided by law.