Every applicant for a grading permit shall file a written application, plans, specifications, and a soil conservation report therefor with the Zoning Officer in a form prescribed by the Borough and shown in Appendix B.[1] The application shall include the following information:
A narrative which describes the land on which the proposed grading, excavation, and/or fill operations are to take place by lot, block, tract and address, or similar description which will readily identify and definitively locate the proposed operations.
The estimated dates for the starting and completion of grading, excavation and/or fill operations.
The purpose for which the grading permit application is filed.
Three sets of grading plans.
Application fee.
A description of the proposed hauling route for any cut removed from the development site and/or fill brought into the development site.
The written approval of the owner of the property if the applicant is other than the landowner, by affidavit.
The record of training set forth in Appendix C.[2]
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The grading plan for any grading, excavation and/or fill operations shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect, and shall accurately portray and describe the development site. The grading plan shall be submitted in triplicate and shall include the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
The name, address and telephone number of the property owner.
The name, address and telephone number of the professional engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect who prepared the grading plan.
The name, address, and telephone number of all contractors (general and subcontractors) performing the grading, excavation and/or fill work.
An accurate site location map by lot, block, tract, address, or other similar information which shall include PA One-Call System design reference serial number, or dig notification serial number.
A topography map showing the present contours of the land and the proposed contours of the land after completion of the proposed grading, excavation and/or fill operation at two-foot intervals in those areas where the average slope is 10% or less and at five-foot intervals in those areas where the average slope exceeds 10%.
The existing and proposed grades of the area to be graded, excavated, and/or filled.
Cross sections of the proposed cut and/or fill on fifty-foot intervals which show the method of benching both cut and/or fill; provided, however, that there shall be not less than two cross sections for each site.
A plot plan, as prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the grading boundaries, lot lines, neighboring roads, structures, on-lot wastewater disposal systems, surface and subsurface utilities and waterways, drainage patterns and sufficient dimensions and other data to show all work.
A description of the type and classification of the soil from the Allegheny County Soils Survey, or an actual soils test performed by a registered soils engineer.
A statement indicating whether there are excessive slopes and/or landslide-prone soils on the development site.
Details and location of any proposed drainage, structures and pipes, walls and cribbing.
Erosion and sedimentation control facilities.
Seeding locations, schedules, debris basins, and diversion channels.
The location of trees and natural ground cover.
The location of any floodplain areas, floodways or wetlands on the development site.
The nature and source of any fill material and any other information as the Zoning Officer may require to administer the provisions of this chapter.
The Borough shall require the following information for the grading permit if the development site involves any of the following conditions:
If the development site includes grading of soil or other material within the right-of-way of a state or county road, evidence of compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or Allegheny County requirements must be submitted.
If the development site includes the traversing or relocation of any watercourse or grading within a watercourse floodway without relocating it from its original position, the following information must be submitted:
A copy of the Department of Environmental Protection stream encroachment permit or waiver or general permit as the case may be.
A copy of all letters (with certified receipts) sent to any adjacent municipality being affected, if applicable.
A copy of the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations showing that there will be no change in capacity of the watercourse. This report shall be signed and sealed by a registered engineer.
No grading, excavation, and/or fill operations shall be permitted on a prohibitive slope or on landslide-prone soil, except as otherwise provided for in the Zoning and Land Development Ordinances for the Borough.[1] When a development site is located on a prohibitive slope or landslide-prone soil, the Borough shall require that a soils report as prepared by a soils engineer be submitted by the applicant if the Borough determines that the development site is, has been, or is likely to become a hazard to persons or property. The Coal Resource Maps prepared by USGS, 1975 for the Greater Pittsburgh Region, or the most recent version thereof, as well as the Allegheny County Soils Survey shall be used to locate hazardous areas. The report shall contain a detailed description of the geological conditions of the development site and shall include conclusions and recommendations that will demonstrate the relationship of the geological conditions to the proposed operations, including hazardous conditions, water resources, mineral resources landslide-prone soils, rock-fall-prone areas and environmental impact.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 121, Subdivision of Land, and Ch. 155, Zoning.