[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Grafton as Title 11, Ch. 11.36, of the 1979 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1.01, Code Adoption)]
The person in charge of any real property abutting or fronting upon a paved public sidewalk shall remove and clear away or cause to be removed or cleared away all snow and ice within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall, provided that when ice has so formed on any sidewalk that it cannot be removed then the persons referred to in this section shall cause the ice from remaining and presenting a hazard to the users of the sidewalk by the use of sand, abrasive material or any product designed to prevent ice from forming or to remain in its form and to not be injurious to the health and safety of the public.
The police department shall, upon complaint of any person, investigate and cause the arrest of either the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises if there is a failure to have complied with the provisions of this chapter, or cause the charging of such person with violation of this chapter. In construing the provisions of this chapter, only owners of vacant lots or vacant premises are deemed to be the proper person whose duty it shall be to comply with the provisions of this chapter; where the real property consists of a single-family residence or is solely used for business, the owner or occupant shall be deemed to be the proper person whose duty it shall be to comply with the provisions of this chapter; and as to any other real property, the owner or any occupants, unless a person has been designated by the owner to be in charge of the premises and is residing thereon, are deemed to be the proper persons whose duty it shall be to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
It shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or person in charge of the property mentioned in § 11.36.020 to keep the sidewalk clean of any dirt, dust, cinders, mud, oil or other similar substances when the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice.
No person shall cause or allow any snow, ice, slush or a combination thereof to be shoveled, plowed, dumped, pushed or in any manner placed on a public street, alley, sidewalk or thoroughfare in the Village.
[Amended by Ord. No. A-528-89, 1989; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1.01, Code Adoption)]
See the penalty in Chapter 11.40 of this title.
The Village President shall declare a snow emergency during the period of a severe snowstorm, or immediately thereafter, whenever traffic becomes congested by reason of said snowfall and the operation of emergency vehicles, including snow removal equipment and machinery, is impeded.
Such emergency shall exist so long as traffic remains congested and the operation of emergency vehicles is impeded, or likely to be impeded, by the falling of snow and the congestion of traffic upon the streets, alleys or public parking lots of the Village.
The Village President or other authorized officials may proclaim the state of emergency through the press, radio or other public means of communication and may designate and authorize police officers and snow removal personnel to inform the citizenry of the existence of the emergency.
No person shall park any vehicle on a street, alley or public parking lot during the period of snow emergency, or immediately thereafter, until such street, alley or public parking lot has been cleared of snow.
The Chief of Police or any of his employees under his supervision and direction may remove any vehicle which may interfere with the operation of any snow removal equipment or any emergency vehicle and charge the cost of removing such vehicle to the owner or the operator thereof. Said Chief of Police may cause removal to be made either by his own department with Village help or may contract for such removal with any service man, person, firm or corporation that has as a part of their business towing service with proper equipment to move vehicles.
Anyone who violates §§ 11.36.060 through 11.36.100 shall be subject to a fine of $20 for the first offense, $50 for the second offense, and $200 for each offense thereafter. Nonpayment of fines shall subject the offender to imprisonment for a period of up to 30 days. All fines shall have as additional costs added thereto the towing charges involved in removing vehicle subject to removal under the terms of this chapter.