The minimum site area for a mobile home park shall be three acres. Not less than 80% of the site area shall be fully capable of development and shall not be encumbered by floodplain or flood hazard area, steep slope area, high water table area, wetlands, a highly erodible soil area, or area of shallow bedrock.
The minimum lot area for each mobile or modular home located in a mobile home park shall be 7,500 square feet.
The minimum lot width for each mobile or modular home located in a mobile home park shall be 60 feet as measured at the front right-of-way line and as measured at the building setback line.
The minimum depth of any lot proposed within a mobile home park shall be 120 feet as measured from the right-of-way line.
Flag lots are not permitted within a mobile home park.
The minimum front yard and the minimum rear yard for a proposed mobile or modular home lot shall each be 30 feet.
The minimum side yard shall be 15 feet, with an aggregate side yard width of 35 feet for each lot.
Each proposed mobile or modular home lot shall have full frontage on a public street, or on a private street (if approved by the Borough Council) meeting all paving, width and other design criteria for public streets as covered in this chapter.
A minimum open space area comprising 20% of the mobile home park site shall be required. Not less than 80% of the open space area shall be usable for active recreation purposes.
The maximum lot coverage by a mobile or modular home shall not exceed 20% of the lot area.
The maximum impervious surface coverage for a mobile home park and for a mobile or modular home lot shall not exceed 35% of the site area or the lot area.
The maximum height of a mobile or modular home shall not exceed 35 feet and the height of any appurtenant structures shall not exceed a total of 30 feet.
Each mobile or modular home located in a mobile home park shall be provided with not less than two off-street parking spaces located either on the mobile home lot or within an approved common parking area located not more than 150 feet from each mobile or modular home served.
Each proposed mobile home park shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter to the extent that all requirements for a land development plan shall be required.
Modular homes in mobile home parks. A mobile home park may include lots for modular homes, as defined herein, upon the following conditions:
There are at least 20 lots available in the mobile home park.
At least 30% of lots are designated for mobile homes and at least 30% of lots are designated for modular homes.
All lots designated for mobile homes and all lots designated for modular homes shall be contiguous to each other except for divisions caused by streets, alleys, or roadways. In no event shall less than four mobile home lots or four modular home lots of the same type of improvement stand alone.
Modular home. For the purposes of this subsection, modular home shall be defined as a single-family dwelling intended for permanent occupancy which is wholly, or in substantial part, made, constructed, formed, or assembled in manufacturing facilities for installation, or assembly and installation, on a building site of premade parts and unit modules.
Each proposed mobile home or modular homes located within a mobile home park shall be:
Connected to a public water supply.
Connected to a public sewer system.
Each mobile home park shall provide for complete, on-site stormwater management and erosion control facilities which shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of all applicable Borough ordinances.
Each mobile home park shall provide for centrally located refuse disposal container areas designed to serve a maximum of 20 individual mobile homes each. Each such container space shall not be less than 200 square feet in area, shall be fenced or buffered by a landscape screen and shall be easily accessible (within 250 feet of the mobile or modular homes served). Paved walkways shall be provided to the refuse container spaces. Containers shall be weatherproof, verminproof and accessible to a street or driveway for vehicular loading or removal. Waste in all refuse disposal containers shall be collected at least once a week.
A central service building or buildings may be provided within a mobile home park, containing such accessory uses as: a management office; laundry facilities; a repair and maintenance office; meeting rooms and toilets; resident mailbox facilities; indoor recreational facilities for residents only; and enclosed storage closets for residents only.
Each individual mobile or modular home shall be located on a foundation and be able to withstand forces in accordance with the most recent edition of the Uniform Construction Code.
All exterior sides of each mobile home shall be provided with a permanent skirt covering the entire space between the concrete pad and the exterior siding of the unit. The skirt shall be of compatible design and material of the unit. Sufficient ventilation to prohibit decay and deterioration of the structure shall be provided. Skirting around the entire base of the mobile home shall be constructed within 30 days of placement of the mobile home in the park.
Permitted accessory buildings or accessory uses may not be located in a required yard.
Screening (buffer strips) shall be provided along all property and street boundary lines. Said screening shall be installed by the developer in accordance with Borough ordinances.
Any entrance and exit to a mobile home park shall be on a public street.
Each mobile home park shall have a minimum of two means of egress and ingress, and a distance of at least 150 feet shall be maintained between center lines of these required access streets.
Electrical, telephone, and television cable service utilities shall be provided underground.
The tongue and hitch assembly used to tow a mobile home shall be removed within 30 days of placement of the mobile home in the mobile home park.
All mobile home park streets, auxiliary parking lots, and common walkways shall be illuminated during night hours. Spacing and height of illumination shall be based on recommendations of the electric utility.
No part of any mobile home park shall be used for a nonresidential purpose except such uses that are required for the direct servicing and wellbeing of the park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park.
Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every mobile home park shall be paved or covered with stone, screening or other solid material or protected with a vegetation growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and the emanation of dust during dry weather.
Mobile home park grounds shall be maintained free of vegetative growth which is poisonous or which may harbor rodents, insects or other pests harmful to human beings.
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate or maintain or permit to be established, operated or maintained upon any property owned or controlled by him, a mobile home park within the limits of the Borough without having first secured a license therefor from the Borough Manager, granted and existing in compliance with the terms of this chapter, which license shall expire one year from the date of issuance, but may be renewed under the provisions of this chapter for additional periods of one year.
Application requirements.
The application for an initial mobile home park license shall be filed with the Borough Manager and shall be accompanied by a fee as established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council for each mobile home space in the existing or proposed mobile home park. The application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and shall include the following:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the owner or owners of the land upon which the mobile home park is to be laid out or is maintained.
The location and legal description of the mobile home park.
A complete plan of the park setting forth roadways and driveways; locations of mobile home spaces; location and size of all utility lines; method and plan of sewage disposal; method and plan of garbage removal; plan for water supply; and plan for electrical lighting.
Plans for and specifications for all buildings, improvements and facilities constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park.
Such further information as may be requested by the Borough Manager's office to enable it to determine if the proposed mobile home park will comply with legal requirements.
The applications and all accompanying plans for specifications shall be filled in triplicate. The Borough Manager or his duly appointed designee shall investigate the applicant and inspect the applications and the proposed plans and specifications. If the proposed mobile home park will, when constructed or altered in accordance with such plans and specifications, be in compliance with all provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances and statutes, the Borough Manager shall approve the application and upon completion of the park according to the plans shall issue the license.
Upon application, in writing, by a licensee for renewal of a license and upon payment of the annual license fee, the Borough Manager shall issue a certificate renewing such license for another year. The fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
Upon application, in writing, for a transfer of a license and payment of a transfer fee as established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, the Borough Manager shall issue a transfer. The fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
The operator and owner shall be responsible for maintaining all common facilities, including but not limited to roads, parking areas, sidewalks or pathways, common open space, water supply and sewage disposal systems and service buildings, in a condition of proper repair and maintenance. If upon inspection by the Zoning Officer, it is determined that the mobile home park is not in compliance with this standard of maintenance, the licensee shall be considered to be in violation of this chapter and the Zoning Officer shall notify the operator or licensee of the particulars of any such violation. The operator and licensee shall thereafter correct any such violations. If the violation is determined by the Zoning Officer to constitute a hazard to the health and safety of the residents of the mobile home park, he shall order that the violation be corrected forthwith.
In addition to any performance bond which may be required for public facilities or utilities, the licensee of a mobile home park shall, prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy pursuant to final approval of an application, post with the Borough a maintenance bond in a form acceptable to the Borough a maintenance bond in a form acceptable to the Borough Solicitor, in an amount sufficient to cover for a period of two years the cost of maintenance of all common facilities, as determined by the Borough Zoning Officer or Borough Engineering Department. The bond shall remain in effect for the duration of the operation of the mobile home park.
In the event of noncompliance with an order pursuant to § 250-56, the Borough may call the maintenance bond and use the proceeds thereof to effect correction of the violations.