[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Arbor Vitae as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-9-1992 by Ord. No. 3-92]
The Town Board of the Town of Arbor Vitae through the Arbor Vitae Building Inspector may issue a written permit allowing the location of manufactured, modular and mobile homes outside of approved mobile home parks, providing compliances to the following conditions are met:
All modular, mobile or manufactured dwellings/homes must have a State of Wisconsin insignia (red tag) indicating State of Wisconsin inspection and approval of the unit.
Modular, mobile or manufactured homes located on a private lot must be placed on an approved foundation, masonry crawl space or basement conforming to the Uniform Dwelling Code.
Mobile, modular or manufactured homes located on a private lot must be a current year model and be a minimum of 24 feet wide and a minimum of 768 square feet. Permits and inspections will be made by the Town of Arbor Vitae Building Inspector during installation and before occupancy.
[Amended 6-9-1993]
All additions, storage buildings, decks and garages (attached or freestanding) shall meet the compliances of the Uniform Building Code and require a building permit.
Only one mobile, manufactured or modular home will be allowed per parcel of land.
Any modular, mobile or manufactured home located on land fronting a Town of Arbor Vitae road shall be set back 48 feet from the center line of said road.
Any mobile home (current year model) located on a lot with lake frontage shall be set back 200 feet from the high-water mark.
That all manufactured, modular or mobile homes shall comply in any and all respects with the provisions of the Vilas County Zoning Ordinances. The units must comply with all and any construction standards, including electrical, heating and plumbing set forth by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or other state or federal inspecting agencies. A Vilas County sanitary permit is required.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to verify the possibility of "deed restrictions" on any parcel of land to be used for a dwelling as permitted by this chapter.
No privies shall be permitted.
Travel trailers, tent campers, motor homes or any mobile vehicle or trailer designed for use as a temporary dwelling unit:
One unit will be allowed on a private lot for two weeks maximum per year by the lot owner only with proper sanitation.
No privies allowed and sanitation must be provided by temporary chemical units.
A unit will not be allowed to be stored on property unless the property has a habitable dwelling and is the owner's primary residence. The unit cannot be used in any way for human lodging or shelter.
One unit will be allowed on a private lot for one year or 365 days during construction of a new dwelling. The unit must be hooked up to a conforming sanitary system.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Mobile, modular or manufactured homes. Fees for the following shall be charged at current approved rates:
On a private lot, permanent foundation up to 1,600 square feet.
Each additional 100 square feet of living area.
Each additional 100 square feet of attached garage.
Detached garages, accessory buildings or additions.
When the Building Inspector cities violations with this chapter, the fines shall be not less than $50 nor more than $500.
[Adopted 1-17-2024 by Ord. No. 7-2023]
In authority in accordance to Wis. Stats., § 66.0435. The provisions of § 66.0435, Wis. Stats., and the definitions therein are hereby adopted by reference.
License required. No person shall establish or operate a mobile home park without having first secured a license from the Town of Arbor Vitae. All applicants must comply with Vilas County Zoning regarding location, layout, improvements and management.
Mobile home park fee. The mobile home park fee and transfer fee shall be as provided in the Town fee schedule.
Additions to parks. Licensees of mobile home parks shall furnish information to the Town Clerk and Assessor on such homes added to their park within five days after their arrival on forms furnished by the Clerk.
For mobile homes within the mobile home park. There is imposed on each nonexempt mobile home located in the Town a parking permit fee, such amount to be determined in accordance with § 66.0435, Wis. Stats. The fees shall be paid to the Town Treasurer on or before the 10th day of the month following the month for which they are due. It shall be the full and complete responsibility of the licensee of a mobile home park to collect such fees from each nonexempt mobile home therein and to remit such fees to the Treasurer. Failure to do so is to be treated like a default in payment of personal property taxes and subject to all procedures and penalties applicable under Ch. 70 and Ch. 74, Wis. Stats.
For mobile homes outside the mobile home park. The owner of the land on which a mobile home is located outside of a mobile home park may collect the fee from the owner of the mobile home and, on or before January 10 and on or before July 10, shall transmit to the Town Treasurer all fees owed for the six months ending on the last day of the month preceding the month when the transmission is required.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be subject to a penalty up to $500. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation of this article occurs or continues.
The Town of Arbor Vitae retains the right to rescind and/or deny licensure of a mobile home park due to delinquent payments of the mobile home park license or of the municipal permit fee.