[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Collegeville 3-3-1965 by Ord. No. 180 (Part 6, Ch. 2, Art. H, of the 1985 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
No wire or cable shall be erected on or over any street so as to endanger public safety and any so erected shall be changed in position or removed entirely by their owners as may be directed by Council or its agents in whom from time to time jurisdiction over these matters is vested.
There shall be an annual inspection of all wires and cables now or in the future erected and maintained upon the streets, alleys or public places in the Borough. Any insecurity in any pole or wires, or cables, shall be reported to the owner and the Borough Engineer and any fire hazard shall be reported to the Chief of the Fire Department. This inspection shall be done under the jurisdiction of the Streets and Roads Committee.
All wooden poles upon the streets, alleys or public places in the Borough carrying electrically charged wires or cables shall be inspected as required by Council. Unsafe or unsound wooden poles, shall be reported to the Engineer who shall at once notify the individual or corporation owning, using, or in control of those poles to forthwith replace them with safe and sound poles. Notice may be served upon corporations by their local superintendent, manager, clerk or other accessible employee.
As a police regulation every individual and every corporation maintaining, using or controlling upon the streets, alleys or public places in the Borough, wooden poles carrying electrically charged wires or cables now or in the future erected and maintained upon the streets, alleys or public places in the Borough, are required to adhere to the following rules and regulations:
To plainly stencil or mark every pole with the name or initials of the corporation owning, maintaining or using such pole and upon erecting other poles to likewise immediately designate them, and to keep such name and initials always legible from the sidewalk;
To submit to regular official inspection of every pole;
To remove defective or dangerous poles from the public streets immediately upon written notice so to do duly served by the Streets and Roads Committee.
Wooden poles may be relocated by the individual or corporation owning or controlling those poles only after notice to the Secretary who shall issue a permit for the relocation of the poles upon the payment of a fee of $1 for each pole to be relocated.
In the case of any disturbance of any pavement or sidewalk caused by the erection, relocation or maintenance of any poles, that disturbance shall not be patched but the individual or corporation causing the disturbance shall at his or its own cost and expense, replace and restore the disturbed area of pavement or sidewalk with an entire concrete slab. In case of construction of underground facilities, the curb shall be restored and poured at the same time that the pavement or sidewalk is replaced.
There shall be an annual inspection of all manhole covers for the purpose of ascertaining that those installations are maintained in safe condition and that the covers are tight and constructed and maintained in such manner that the traveling public may be protected from danger with respect thereto. Any insecurity in such manholes and manhole covers shall be reported to the owner and to the Borough Engineer. The inspection shall be done under the jurisdiction of the Streets and Roads Committee.
[Amended 3-1-1989 by Ord. No. 363]
Any person convicted in a summary proceeding of violating any provision of this chapter, or of failing, neglecting or refusing to pay any fee imposed under this chapter shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution for each offense. Provided, each separate offense or violation of any provision of this chapter or any repeated violations of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense, and penalized as such.