[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla 6-19-1990 by L.L. No. 3-1990. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 134.
Except as may be otherwise provided herein, the words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, 30 miles per hour is hereby established as the maximum speed throughout the Village at which a motor vehicle may proceed, if reasonable or prudent to the situation.
The maximum speed limit shall be 40 miles per hour on Route 7 from the easterly Village line to Butternut Road and from the westerly Village line to the easterly end of the railroad bridge.
Twenty miles per hour is hereby established as the maximum speed at which a motor vehicle may proceed on any portion of a highway passing a school building on school days between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. This area includes all of Noble Street, Teller Street from Noble Street to Depot Street, and Main Street (NYS Rt 7). The school zone on Main Street (NYS Rt 7) will exist from a point 200 feet +- east of Martin Brook Street to a point 400 feet +- east of Noble Street. The school zone shall be a total distance of 1,320 feet +-.
[Amended 3-21-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
The following street intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections at which stop signs shall be erected:
At Intersection With
Adams Street
Main Street
Adams Street
Railroad Avenue
Butternut Road
Main Street
Butternut Street
Adams Street
Church Street
Main Street
Clifton Street
Kilkenny Road
Fellows Street
Bridge Street
Hopkins Street
Main Street
Martin Brook Road
Martin Brook Street
Martin Brook Street
Main Street
Mulford Street
Clifton Street
Noble Street
Main Street
Ontio Terrace
Kilkenny Road
Ontio Terrace Entrance
Ontio Terrace
Page Street
Main Street
Railroad Street
Clifton Street
Railroad Street
Martin Brook Street
Siver Street
Railroad Avenue
Sperry Street
Adams Street
Sperry Street
Clifton Street
Teller Street
Depot Street
Teller Street
Martin Brook Street
Walnut Street
Main Street
Watson Street
Bridge Street
West Main Street
Main Street
The following street intersections are hereby designated as yield intersections at which yield signs shall be erected:
At Intersection With
Church Street Extension
Fellows Street
Cone Lane
West Main Street
Cottage Lane
Watson Street
Gregory Street
Maple Avenue
Ontio Terrace Entrance
Clifton Street
Page Street
Watson Street
Prospect Street
Kilkenny Road
River Street
Church Street Extension
Trout Avenue
Martin Brook Street
Trout Avenue
Prospect Street
Walnut Street
Watson Street
Weidman Street
Martin Brook Street
The following are hereby designated as one-way streets at which one-way signs shall be erected:
Butternut Street
Adams Street to Martin Brook Street
Cottage Lane
Main Street to Watson Street
Noble Street
[Added 7-18-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]
Teller Street and Main Street
Teller Street
[Added 7-18-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]
Depot Street and Noble Street
The following are hereby designated as dead-end streets, at which dead-end signs shall be erected:
Adams Street; from Sperry Street to railroad tracks
Church Street Extension
Cone Lane
Dart Street
Gregory Street
Hopkins Street
Ontio Terrace
Prospect Street, south of Adams Street
River Street
Sanley Street
Siver Street, from Sperry Street to railroad tracks
No-parking areas. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle within any of the following areas which are hereby designated as no-parking areas:
Within 50 feet from any railroad crossing.
Within 25 feet from any street intersection.
Within 20 feet from any fire hydrant.
On or across any sidewalk.
On the left side of any street so as to be headed against the flow of traffic, except as might be specifically authorized herein.
Specific locations.
Adams Street
Between Main Street and Prospect Street
Clifton Street
Within 500 feet of Kilkenny Road
Clifton Street
From Railroad Street to Main Street
Cottage Lane
Entire length
Depot Street
Entire length
Hopkins Street
Within 300 feet of Main Street
Hopkins Street
Between Main Street and the dead end of Hopkins Street
Kilkenny Road
Entire length
Main Street
Between Depot Street and Noble Street
Main Street
Between the I-88 access road and a point 250 feet west of Bridge Street, except during church services
Main Street
Between Noble Street and Butternut Road
Main Street
Between the viaduct on West Main Street and the I-88 access road
Main Street
Between Noble Street and Corwin Park
Main Street
Between the viaduct on West Main Street and a point 250 feet west of Bridge Street
Maple Avenue
Entire length
Martin Brook Street
Between the D and H Railroad and Martin Brook Road
Mill Street
Within 500 feet of Watson Street
Noble Street
Entire length
Ontio Entrance
Entire length
Prospect Street
Entire length
Railroad Street
Entire length
Trout Avenue
Entire length
Weidman Street
Entire length
Fifteen-minute parking. Fifteen-minute parking shall be allowed and appropriate signs shall be erected to so indicate:
On the west side of Bridge Street from the point 25 feet from the intersection of Bridge and Main Streets southerly to a point approximately 30 feet southerly from the Post Office, during Post Office hours.
Night parking restriction during winter season. In order to facilitate snow removal, parking on any street or public thoroughfare within the Village from 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. during the period from November 1 through April 1 is hereby prohibited.
Night parking restriction in Village Parking Lot. No parking shall be allowed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in the Village Parking Lot adjacent to the Community House.
Fines for parking violations.
Each violation of Subsection A shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $50.
Each violation of any other parking restriction shall be punishable by a fine of $10 for the first violation and by a fine of $10 for each subsequent violation.
No tractor or other vehicle equipped with lugs or other similar devices which might cause damage to the pavement surface shall be operated upon any street within the Village.
Any vehicle parked or abandoned on any street during a fire, flood, snowstorm or any other public emergency affecting that portion of the street or that area where the vehicle is parked or abandoned may be removed by order of the County Sheriffs Department, the New York State Police, the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, the Superintendent of Public Works or the Mayor.
Any vehicle which is found unattended on any street and which constitutes an obstruction to traffic may be removed by order of the County Sheriffs Department, the New York State Police, the Superintendent of Public Works or the Mayor.
Any vehicle which is parked or abandoned on any street where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited may be removed by order of the County Sheriffs Department, the New York State Police, the Superintendent of Public Works or the Mayor.
Upon removal of any vehicle as hereinbefore provided, the Village official ordering the same shall report that fact to the Village Clerk as soon as may be practicable under the circumstances, and the Village Clerk shall notify the owner as promptly as possible of the removal of the vehicle, the place where it is stored and the amount required to redeem same.
Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, each violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $50.