[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-7-1992]
The objectives of the Cash Management and Investment Policy of the Village of Unadilla are to minimize risk; to ensure that investments mature when the cash is required to finance operations; and to ensure a competitive rate of return on funds.
In accordance with this policy, the Chief Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to invest all funds, including proceeds of obligations and reserve funds, in:
Certificates of deposit issued by a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State.
Time deposit accounts in a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State.
All investments made pursuant to this investment policy shall comply with the following conditions:
Collateral. Certificates of deposit and time deposits shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Financial institutions. Investments in time deposits and certificates of deposit are to be made with banks or trust companies. Their annual reports must be reviewed by the Chief Fiscal Officer.
Operations, audit and reporting.
The Chief Fiscal Officer shall purchase investments on behalf of the Village of Unadilla.
Solicitation of competitive rates for investments will be encouraged.
At time of annual audit, the auditor shall audit the investments of the Village of Unadilla.
At the annual organizational meeting of the Village of Unadilla, the Governing Board and Mayor shall review and amend, if necessary, the Village of Unadilla Cash Management and Investment Policy.
The provisions of the Unadilla Cash Management and Investment Policy and any amendments hereto shall not invalidate the prior selection of any custodial bank or prior investment.