[Adopted 4-11-2012 by Ord. No. 2426-12]
There is hereby created as an instrumentality of the Borough of Roselle, within and under the office of the Mayor, a Mayor's Senior Citizen Advisory Board, the purpose of which shall be to undertake and promote activities and programs of benefit to senior citizens of the Borough of Roselle.
The Board membership shall consist of no more than 10 members, each of whom shall be senior citizens. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall so serve until the expiration of the term fixed for members by the Board's bylaws.
The Board shall adopt and maintain bylaws designed to effectively enhance and regulate its operation and conduct. The bylaws and any amendments thereto, to be effective, must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the full membership of the Board.
The Board shall be permitted, subject to rules and regulations to be imposed by the Mayor and Council, to utilize Borough real and personal property to carry out its functions and responsibilities.