Prior to the construction, remodeling, alteration, or reconstruction of any building, including accessory buildings, within the corporate limits of the Village of Browntown, the owner of the property involved, or his agent, shall apply to the Village Building Inspector for a zoning/building permit. Such application shall include such information deemed necessary by the Inspector to determine compliance of the structure with this chapter and all other Village ordinances, state statutes, and rules and regulations pertaining to the property. Fees for said permits shall be as established from time to time by resolution of the Village Board. The Inspector shall grant the permit or specify, in writing, his reasons for denial within 10 working days of his receipt of a properly completed application.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Appeals from a decision of the Building Inspector shall be taken within 30 days of the issuance of the decision by the Inspector. To initiate the appeal, a written notice specifying the grounds of the appeal shall be filed with the Inspector and the Planning Commission. Fees for filing an appeal shall be as established from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
Any person proposing that the Village Board amend this chapter or the Official Zoning Map in any regard shall file with the Village Board a written petition specifying the change desired and the reasons therefor. The Village Board shall refer the petition to the Planning Commission for investigation, public hearing, report and recommendation in accordance with § 62.23(7)(d) of Wisconsin Statutes. The fee for filing such a petition shall be as established by resolution of the Village Board.
Complaints regarding violations of this chapter shall be referred to the Village Building Inspector, who shall investigate the matter and report promptly to the Village Board. If the Village Board finds that a violation exists, it shall authorize the Building Inspector to serve written notice of the violation upon the owner of the property in question. Said notice shall specify the section of this chapter being violated and shall order the property owner to cease the violation and direct him to take whatever action is required to bring the property into compliance with this chapter. The notice shall further inform the property owner that failure to rectify the violation by a date certain will result in prosecution under § 285-2 hereof and may lead to the imposition of a forfeiture and costs and/or the obtaining of an injunction against the property owner. If, upon the date set for compliance, the Building Inspector reports that the violation still exists, the matter shall be referred to the Village Attorney for suit. Enforcement under this section and § 285-2 may be stayed during the pendency of any application for a variance to the Village Board or petition for amendment of this chapter or the Zoning Map, provided that the property owner agrees not to continue construction or otherwise extend the violation until a final decision by the Village Board is rendered.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
(See § 285-13, definition of "variance," of this chapter.) A person seeking a variance shall first apply to the Building Inspector for a zoning/building permit as set forth in § 285-49. An appeal to the Planning Commission taken by a property owner upon the denial of his application for a zoning/building permit shall be considered to be an application by the property owner for a variance. The Village Board shall act upon the matter as set forth in § 285-50 of this chapter and make a final decision.