[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Lincoln as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No intoxicating beverages may be sold or consumed within the limits of a park, youth center or on school grounds unless a special permit to do so has been obtained from the Town Clerk.
No person shall leave paper, glass, or other refuse on the grounds of park, youth center or on school grounds, but shall place such refuse in the receptacles that are provided.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 164, Littering.
No person shall cut, remove or damage any tree, bush, plant, fence, berry, flower, or any other shrubbery, building, or other public property or affix a sign in any park, youth center or on school grounds, except upon authorization of proper officers.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 171, Malicious Mischief; and Ch. 199, Property, Defacement of.
No person shall use profane or indecent language, or commit any disorderly or indecent act within the limits of a park, youth center or on school grounds.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 101, Disorderly Conduct.
[Amended 6-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-6]
Park property and facilities are open daily to the public from sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset, except when permission is granted by the Director of Parks and Recreation or his authorized representative for authorized alternate hours or extended use of the park property or facility.
No person shall ride or drive any animal, or power-propelled vehicle or any other vehicle within any park or recreation area, except for the purpose of parking those vehicles in the designated areas.
The Director of Parks and Recreation shall erect signs at appropriate entrances and exits to the areas covered by this article setting forth the provisions of this article.
Any violation of this article shall be punished by a fine of not more than $20 or imprisonment of 10 days, or both.
[Added 8-19-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-09]
The Director of Parks and Recreation or his/her designee shall take application and may issue a permit, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 183, and all other provisions of the Lincoln Town Charter, to individuals or organizations, to utilize a designated area and/or facilities within a Town park, recreation area, or any other Town property under the control of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Pursuant to the issuance of a permit, the Director of Parks and Recreation may require any additional provisions, rules, or conditions that he/she deems necessary for the public good, orderly conduct, and preservation of said Town property. The Director has the right to deny all applications for a special use permit at his/her discretion.
Upon issuance, a copy of all permits will be recorded with the Lincoln Police Department giving notice of the event and any provisions or restrictions placed upon said permit. The individual or organization to whom the permit has been granted will maintain a copy of the permit for display while utilizing Town property.
Events, activities, and programs requiring Town Council approval:
Applicants for special use permits requesting to conduct events with attendance exceeding 200 people, or to conduct activities, programs, or events that produce campfires, engage in the discharge of nonprojectile firearms, exceed stated curfews or conflict with the Noise Ordinance or any other Town ordinance, shall require approval of the Town Council. Upon receipt of such application, the Parks and Recreation Director or his/her designee shall submit the application to the Town Council for consideration.
When submitting the application to the Town Council for consideration, the Parks and Recreation Director may also recommend any additional provisions, rules, or conditions to be imposed upon the applicant that he/she deems necessary for the public good, orderly conduct, and preservation of Town property.
Special use permits will not be required for events, activities, and programs directly sponsored by the Town of Lincoln and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Right to revoke permit. The Director of Parks and Recreation, the Chief of Police, and the Director of Public Works are hereby authorized to revoke any special use permit for violations of or noncompliance with specific provisions of Chapter 183 or any applicable provision of the Lincoln Town Charter or Rhode Island General Laws.
Smoking, vaping, electronic cigarettes and other uses of tobacco products are hereby prohibited at any municipal athletic recreation areas, playgrounds and parks in the Town of Lincoln.
Any person violating the article may be ejected from the athletic recreation area, playgrounds or parks and/or may be fined not more than $100 per offense, which sum shall be collected for the use of the Town of Lincoln.
Any juvenile violating this article will be referred to the Juvenile Hearing Board for adjudication.