Not more than one building designed or available for use for dwelling purposes shall be erected or placed or converted to use as such on any lot in a subdivision, or elsewhere in the Town of Palmer, without the consent of the Board. Such consent may be conditional upon the providing of adequate ways furnishing access to each site for such building in the same manner as otherwise required for lots within a subdivision.
The Planning Board may, in special and appropriate cases, waive strict compliance with such portions of these Rules and Regulations, as provided for in MGL c. 41, § 81R, where such section is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Subdivision Control Law.
A request, with justification, for a waiver of a requirement, rule, or regulation shall be made in writing by the applicant at the time of first submission.
If the Planning Board approves the request for a waiver, it shall endorse conditions of such waiver (if any) on the plan or set them forth in a separate instrument attached conditions.
These Rules and Regulations or any portion thereof may be amended from time to time in accordance with MGL c. 41, § 81Q of the Subdivision Control Law.
The invalidity of any section, paragraph, clause or provision of these Rules and Regulations shall not invalidate any other section, paragraph, clause or provision therein.
In the Town of Palmer, certain services are provided to subdivisions under the jurisdiction of various Town departments and other quasi-public agencies. Compliance with the applicable regulations and requirements of these agencies and departments shall be required before a definitive plan is approved by the Planning Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting, and certification and installation of respective utilities shall be required before the performance guarantee can be reduced or released.
No person shall make a subdivision, within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, of any land within the Town, or proceed with the improvement or sale of lots in a subdivision, or the construction of ways, or the installation of municipal services therein, unless and until a definitive plan of such subdivision has been submitted to, approved and endorsed by the Board as hereinafter provided, and recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds.
The recording of a plan of land within the Town in the Registry of Deeds of Hampden County prior to the effective date of the Subdivision Control Law in the Town of Palmer, showing the division thereof into existing or proposed lots, sites or other divisions and ways furnishing access thereto, shall not exempt such land from the application and operation of these Rules and Regulations, except as specifically exempt by MGL c. 41, § 81FF of the Subdivision Control Law.
No plan of a subdivision shall be approved unless all of the building lots shown on the plan comply with the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Palmer, Massachusetts.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 171, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances.
The Planning Board may, in special and appropriate cases, require the developer to follow more stringent standards than the ones mentioned in these Rules and Regulations. In doing so, the Board shall notify the developer in writing of said standards and the reason they are required.
The preliminary and definitive plans shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor and construction details shall be designed by a registered professional engineer.