The subdivider shall provide all of the improvements required herein and the improvements shall be installed at his/her own expense. All work done under this Article VIII shall be done under the direction of the Board, including registered engineer(s) and any other consultants appointed by the Board.
No performance guarantee under § 215-1.26D shall be released in its entirety until:
All streets and all other improvements, except the topcoat, shall have been in place over at least one winter (December 1 through April 15);
Said topcoat has been laid after over-wintering of the base and other improvements;
Full approval in writing of all work done under this Article VIII was received from the Board's engineering consultant, or other consultants.
All construction shall follow the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Transportation:
[Amended during codification]
Standard Specification for Highways, Bridges and Waterways, 1973 edition, as amended (to be referred hereto as the "Standard Specifications").
Construction Standards, 1977, as amended (to be referred hereto as the "Construction Standards") and the following ___________
Boring work shall consist of making soil-test borings, obtaining and preserving acceptable samples, preparing a report of the results obtained and delivery of the report and samples in conformance with appropriate provisions of the Standard Specifications and these Rules and Regulations.
The developer shall employ, at his own expense, a professional engineer or a registered land surveyor to set all lines and grades in a manner satisfactory to the Town's engineering consultant and in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Standard Specifications.
All materials and construction methods used for roadway excavation and embankments shall conform to appropriate provisions of the Standard Specifications.
All natural features, such as large trees, watercourses, scenic points, historic plots, and similar community assets, shall be preserved. It is the opinion of the Board that this protection and preservation will add to the attractiveness and value of the subdivision.
The entire area within the right-of-way lines, except for trees and other vegetation intended to be preserved, shall be cleared and grubbed of all stumps, brush, roots, and like material. All rock or masonry with a maximum dimension over three inches and within six inches of the top of subgrade shall be removed. Trees intended to be preserved shall be protected by suitable boxes, fenders, or wells as appropriate.
In a cut area, all material shall be removed to subgrade. All unsuitable material, such as peat, highly organic silt or clay, or any other material that, in the opinion of the Town's engineering consultant, is considered to be detrimental to the subgrade, shall be removed and shall be replaced by bank-run gravel, and be brought to proper compaction with a ten-ton roller.
Topsoil, defined as fertile, friable, natural material which has demonstrated vegetative growth, and found on the site, can be used within the right-of-way, provided it conforms with the relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications.
In fill areas, the embankment shall be ordinary borrow specified and placed as in the relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications.
Before the ground base course is spread, the subgrade shall be shaped to a true surface conforming to the proposed cross section of the road. Where fill is required, it shall be placed in layers not deeper than 12 inches loose; except the last layer, which shall not exceed four inches in depth. The fill shall be ordinary borrow specified and placed as in the relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications. A tolerance of 1/2 inch above or below finished subgrade will be permitted, provided this difference is not maintained over 50 feet and the required cross section is maintained.
The subgrade shall be classified as follows:
Poor: Subgrade soils which become quite soft and plastic when wet. Included in these are soils having an appreciable amount of clay, silt, and fine sand.
Medium: Subgrade soils which retain a moderate degree of firmness when saturated. Included in these are such soils as fine sands, silty sands, and sandy gravels with some silts and clays.
Good to excellent: Subgrade soils which retain a substantial amount of their load-supporting capacity when saturated shall be classified as good. Included are clean sands and gravels free of detrimental amounts of plastic silts and clays. Subgrade soils unaffected by moisture shall be classified as excellent. Included are clean and sharp sands and gravels, particularly those that are well graded.
Inspections shall be required upon completion of the subgrade by the Town's engineering consultant or similarly appointed agent.
The pavement structure shall be constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications and the following:
Subbase. The subbase shall be gravel borrow meeting M1.03.0 Type A specifications, except that the top four inches shall be gravel borrow meeting M1.03.01 specifications. A tolerance of 1/2 inch above or below finished subgrade will be permitted, provided this difference is not maintained over 50 feet and the required cross section is maintained. The gravel borrow shall be laid to a depth indicated in Appendix D.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix D is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Binder course. The binder course shall be asphalt concrete, in accordance with Section 420, Class I Bituminous Concrete Pavement Type I-1 (Binder Course Mix). It shall be laid to a depth indicated in Appendix E.[2]
Editor's Note: Appendix E is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Surface course. The surface course shall be asphalt concrete, in accordance with Section 460, Class I Bituminous Concrete Pavement Type I-1 (Top Course Mix). It shall be laid to a depth indicated in Appendix E.[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix E is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Inspections shall be required by the Town's engineering consultant upon completion of each layer of subbase and the binder and surface courses.
Shoulders shall not be allowed in place of sidewalks, curbs and grass strips, as shown in the typical cross section (Appendix C[1]) unless permission is specifically granted by the Planning Board.
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
For all nonresidential subdivisions, all curbing shall be granite Type VB. Granite curb corners Type A shall be installed at all driveways.
In all residential subdivisions, curbing shall be bituminous concrete curb Type 2 (six inches reveal), except that all street intersection radii and the outside radius of culs-de-sac shall be constructed with granite curb Type VB. The outside radius of the island in all culs-de-sac shall be constructed with granite edging Type SB having a minimum thickness of four inches.
Granite curb corners, wherever required, shall be Type A (see § 215-1.53).
Granite curb inlets (Type VB) shall be built against all catch basin frames and shall be installed true to the horizontal and vertical alignment as shown on the plans.
All bituminous berms shall be placed on the bituminous binder.
The type and method of installation of bituminous berm, granite curb, granite edging and granite curb corners shall conform to the relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications.
Under special conditions, specially constructed berms or gutters may be required by the Planning Board.
Driveway approach areas from the edge of the public roadway to the edge of the public right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with standards and permits set by the Town's Department of Public Works.
The nearest line of any driveway shall not be closer than 50 feet to the intersection of any two or more streets.
The Planning Board may require the developer to construct certain driveway approach areas during the construction of the subdivision, in order to ensure that certain physical characteristics, such as swales, steep side slopes, etc., do not get disturbed after the end of construction. In addition, the developer shall make provisions for driveway openings in all cases where granite curb had been used (e.g., around all culs-de-sac). Granite curb corners Type A shall be used at all driveway openings. The developer shall follow the regulations as stated in Subsections A and B above in constructing said driveways.
Driveways of Type II subdivisions shall be shown on the definitive plans.
Grass strips shall be provided on each side of the roadway, between the curb and the sidewalk, where sidewalks are required.
The finished grade of such grass strips shall have a slope of 1/2 inch per foot toward the roadway. Where unusual physical land characteristics or topographic conditions exist, and where no sidewalk is to be constructed, the Board may approve the construction of a grass strip of a greater slope, with the finished slope not projecting above a plane sloped four horizontal to one vertical from the back of the curb.
No trees or other obstruction shall be placed or retained within the grass strip, except those approved by the Planning Board.
See § 215-1.61 for planting instructions.
The minimum width of any grass strip shall be 10 feet.
The applicant, his successors or assigns shall mow and maintain the grass.
The area in back of the required strip, or behind the sidewalk when one is required, shall be graded to a point where it coincides with the finished grade of abutting lots in such a manner that no portion thereof within the right-of-way lines of the street will project above a plane sloped four horizontal to one vertical.
See § 215-1.61 for planting instructions.
The applicant, his successors or assigns shall mow and maintain the grass.
[Amended during codification]
Street name signs shall be provided to the applicant by the Department of Public Works. The applicant shall pay a fee per sign to the Department of Public Works (see Appendix B, Fee Schedule[1]). The applicant shall provide the posts and erect them at each intersection near the inside curb edge, at locations to be approved by the Town's engineering consultant. The installation shall be done in accordance with the sketch shown in Appendix I.[2]
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix I is on file in the Town offices.
Granite or reinforced concrete monuments six feet in length, dressed to six inches at the top with a 3/8-inch drill hole in the center, and not less than six inches square at the bottom shall be set to finish grade as shown on plans.
No permanent monuments shall be installed until all construction which could destroy or disturb the monuments is completed.
Monuments shall be installed at all street intersections, at all points of change in direction or curvature of streets, and at other points as shown in the definitive plan and where, in the opinion of the Board, permanent monuments are necessary. All monuments shall be installed under the direction of a Massachusetts registered land surveyor.
All monuments shall be installed prior to any release of the performance guarantee and will be inspected by the Town's engineering consultant.
All monuments shall be set flush with the ground.
[Amended during codification]
Bridges shall be designed in accordance with the Standards of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
Fire alarm boxes must be provided, whenever applicable, on light standard or separate poles, placed, installed, and wired under the direct supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department, at the expense of the applicant, who must make all necessary arrangements with the Fire Department for this installation.
Existing trees. Trees on the site, especially those over 12 inches in diameter, should be preserved. Following is a list of recommended measures for the protection of trees:
There should be no operation of heavy equipment or storage of any materials under said tree within its natural drip line.
Wherever possible, no grading or filling should be done within the drip line.
Supplemental irrigation should be provided to all trees as needed during the summer months to ensure healthy maintenance.
No blacktop paving or vehicle parking should be located under evergreen trees. No more than 20% of the area under any deciduous tree's natural drip line may be so paved.
All drainage from paved areas should be directed away from root zones.
Additional trees.
The subdivider is required to plant suitable broad-leaved deciduous shade trees along roads or ways unless specifically exempted by the Board. All trees shall be well-rooted nursery-grown stock free of injury, harmful insects, and diseases. They shall be well-branched, and the branching structure should be sound.
Acceptable types of street trees may be selected from those recommended by the Associated Landscape Contractors of Massachusetts and approved by the Town of Palmer, which includes large-growing, medium-growing, and small-growing deciduous trees.
Large-growing trees shall be spaced at intervals of 45 feet to 55 feet, medium-growing trees at intervals of 30 feet to 40 feet, and small-growing trees at intervals of 20 feet to 30 feet. Trees on one side of the street may be set either opposite or diagonally to trees on the opposite side. If overhead wires are present, large- or medium-growing trees to be planted along the same side as such wires should be planted within the front yard setback area in all cases.
Minimum acceptable sizes of trees to be planted shall be as follows:
Large-growing: 2 1/2-inch trunk diameter caliper at one foot above the ground.
Medium-growing: 2 1/2-inch trunk diameter caliper at one foot above the ground.
Small-growing: nine-foot crown height, five-foot spread.
Planting operations shall be as specified in the appropriate sections of the Recommended Standard Specifications for Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines, Associated Landscape Contractors of Massachusetts.
Requirements for support stakes, guy wire and cable, ground anchors, hose, and wrapping material shall be those contained in Section 6 of the Recommended Standard Specifications for Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines, compiled and issued by the Associated Landscape Contractors of Massachusetts, Inc.
The applicant, his successor or assigns shall be responsible for maintenance of planted trees and replacement of those which have died or become diseased from the time of planting through one full growing season.
Bank plantings.
All cut or fill bankings that tend to wash or erode shall be planted with suitable, well-rooted, and low-growing plantings. All plants shall be nursery-grown stock in good health, free from injury, harmful insects, and diseases.
Acceptable planting types may be selected from those recommended by the Associated Landscape Contractors of Massachusetts and approved by the Town of Palmer, which includes very -low-growing (four inches to 12 inches), low-growing (12 inches to 30 inches), and herbaceous plantings. Perennial grass turf installed as sod is an acceptable alternative for the bank plantings.
If bank plantings are of a type which is properly spaced at close intervals, eight inches to 12 inches of loam shall be spread over the entire bank. If the plantings are to be widely spaced, they may be planted in loam pits.
Landscape fabric shall be laid and mulch (wood chips or equal) shall be spread heavily among plantings for weed and erosion control.
The applicant, his successors or assigns shall be responsible for maintenance of bank plantings and replacement of those which have died or become diseased from the time of planting through one full growing season.
Corner plantings.
Requirements for plantings adjacent to street intersections shall be the same as those for bank plantings, with the following exceptions:
Turf may be provided by seeding as well as by planting sod.
Bushy shrubs and herbaceous plantings that would tend to obscure visibility are not permitted within 100 feet of the point of intersection of the curbs adjacent to the corner lot.
No small trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants that tend to obstruct visibility at street intersections shall be permitted in the right-of-way within 50 feet of the point of intersection of the edge of the pavement along both sides of the corner lot.
Cul-de-sac plantings. The central portion of a permanent dead-end street should be landscaped with low-maintenance/no-maintenance plantings of the following options:
Planting with ground cover recommended by the Associated Landscape Contractors of Massachusetts and approved by the Town of Palmer using an eight-inch to twelve-inch base of loam, and spreading mulch between plants for weed control.
Planting perennial grass by either sod or seed.
Planting ornamental shrubs of a type acceptable to the Board.
Retaining existing vegetation, with the approval of the Board.
Standards and Specifications.
Sheeting shall be used, whenever necessary, upon the direction of the Town's engineering consultant and in conformance with relevant provisions of the Standard Specifications.
Pipe and conduits shall be surrounded by six inches of compacted screened gravel if set in earth, and 12 inches if set in rock. In rock, clay, or peat excavation, trenches shall be excavated to a depth of 12 inches or more below the bottom of any water pipe, storm drain, or sewer and filled with bank-run or select gravel, whichever is approved by the Town's engineering consultant.
Backfill shall be compacted to 90% of the maximum dry density of the material as determined by the American Association of State Highway Officials, Designation T-180D.
The water and sanitary sewer systems shall be tested and approved prior to installation of base course(s) and pavement.
All lot connections shall be installed to the right-of-way line, and marked or surveyed so as to be easily located in the future.
The construction of the drainage system, including methods of construction and quality of materials used, shall be in conformity with the definitive plan and appropriate sections of the Standard Specifications.
The design capacity of the drains shall be determined by the "rational method", unless the engineer exhibits satisfactory evidence that another approach is more appropriate for the specific case. The engineer shall design the drainage system in accordance with natural drainage boundaries of the total contributing drainage area, using a minimum of a ten-year design frequency storm. Where, in the opinion of the Board, flooding would produce property damage or a safety hazard, the design frequency storm shall be increased to 25 years. A one-hundred-year design frequency storm shall be used for all bridge openings, major culverts, and detention areas. Drainage calculations shall be submitted with the definitive plan.
Pipe drains, where used, shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches, and shall be laid in true line. All drainage pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe, ACCM pipe (14 gauge), or other approved pipe of equal strength. Rubber gaskets ("O" rings) or other suitable seals shall be used for all pipe joints of the pipe mentioned above. The rubber gaskets ("O" rings) or other suitable seals shall be of approved composition, size, and shape to provide for a proper joint.
Where feasible, stormwater should be directed toward the nearest open stream channel. Stormwater shall not be permitted to cross any roadway upon the surface but must be piped underground. Stormwater runoff shall not be permitted to flow upon the road surface for a longer distance than 300 feet before it enters the underground system. Catch basins shall be located on both sides of the roadway on continuous grades at intervals of not more than 300 feet, at all sags in the roadway, and near the corners of the roadway at intersecting streets.
Proper connections shall be made with any existing public drainage system within 400 feet of the subdivision, if that system has the capacity to absorb the flows from the project area. Where no public drain is available within 400 feet, adequate provisions shall be made for the detention of surface drainage within the boundaries of the subdivision and for its proper dispersal onto adjacent property. The rate of run-off from the completed subdivision shall not exceed the rate that existed prior to development.
No open water body or pond shall be filled in and no wet or swampy area shall be filled in unless it can be shown to the Board that provision has been made in the lower drainage system to account for the removal of the storage area represented by the former wet or swampy area. In addition, permits and approval must be secured from the appropriate Town, state and/or federal authorities.
Where open stream channels exist within a subdivision, adequate provision shall be made for properly maintaining them or for properly enclosing them, if absolutely necessary. It is the Town's intent to preserve and maintain the natural features of such streams and any development should be planned accordingly.
Manholes and catch basins shall be pre-cast, cast-in-place or block, and a typical detail of such, noting materials, dimensions, and construction details, shall be part of the definitive plan.
Iron castings for manhole frames and covers and catch basin frames and grates shall be in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Transportation Standards.
[Amended during codification]
Manhole covers shall have three-inch lettering to read "DRAIN". In addition, manhole covers shall be 26 inches in diameter.
Catch basin grates shall be square, Type F, as manufactured by LeBaron Foundry Company, Box 746, Brockton, MA 02403, or other approved equal.
Drain manholes shall be located at every change in grade, or direction of the drainage line, at catch basin connections, and shall not exceed 300 feet apart in a continuous system.
All catch basins shall connect directly to drain manholes.
All catch basins shall have 2 1/2-foot sumps.
If roadway subdrainage is required, rigid perforated PVC or ACCM pipe of appropriate size shall be used. Installation and materials shall conform to the appropriate provisions of the Standard Specifications and the sketch shown in Appendix C.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The maximum allowable slope on a drainage system for reinforced concrete pipe shall be 7%. The maximum allowable difference in elevation between inlet and outlet pipes in a drain manhole shall be one foot. If greater slopes than 7% are necessary, ACCM pipe of appropriate size shall be used.
The maximum depth of any portion of the storm system shall be 10 feet.
The responsibility for adequate drainage shall rest with the developer. This shall include the risk involved in connecting with the existing drainage facilities (if any) provided by the Town.
Where property adjacent to the subdivision, but within the same watershed, is not subdivided, provision shall be made for proper projection of the drainage systems by continuing appropriate drains and easements to the exterior boundaries of the subdivision at such size and grade as will allow for such projection. Drainage rights which are appropriate, sufficient, and necessary to handle drainage from the subdivision and adjacent areas shall be secured for the Town.
As construction progresses, unforeseen groundwater conditions may be encountered which require additional subdrains or curtain drains. These conditions include potential problems if construction is in progress at a time of low water table or other dry conditions. The Board reserves the right to require appropriate systems to accommodate the problem.
A definitive plan may be approved without provision of sanitary sewers, provided that no lot shall be built upon without the provision of on-lot sewage disposal facilities specifically approved by the Board of Health in conformity with the regulations of said Board as promulgated and amended from time to time.
A definitive plan may be approved without provision of water lines (except required lines to fire hydrants), provided that no lot shall be built upon without the provision of on-lot facilities specifically approved by the Board of Health in conformity with the regulations of said Board of Health as promulgated and amended from time to time.
Any public water lines must meet the specifications and receive the approval of the water district within which they fall.
Materials and construction methods shall be in accordance with the requirements of the involved utility company after said requirements have been approved by the Town's engineering consultant and other appropriate Town boards.
Fire hydrants.
Maximum distance between hydrants shall be 800 feet measured along the access route; provided, however, that at least one hydrant shall be located on each street.
Minimum size of hydrant branch is six inches inside diameter (ID), or as required by the water district.
Hydrants shall be supplied with water by a well or other water source (such as a pond within the subdivision with an all-weather way for access) provided by the subdivider, with pipes between hydrants and a pump capable of supplying to the hydrants 1,600 gallons per minute for a period of at least 24 hours. The pump and associated equipment shall be housed in a pump house with insulation and heating sufficient to protect the pump from freezing at temperatures down to -25° F. (-31.6° C.). One hydrant shall be located at the pump house.
The maximum distance from any structure to a hydrant shall be 500 feet measured along the street.
[Amended during codification]
Retaining walls shall not be permitted in the right-of-way. Retaining walls shall be and remain the responsibility of the private property owner. Retaining walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation Bridge Manual, including all amendments, and shall conform to the applicable sections of the Standard Specifications. All deeds to said lots shall include wording that it is the property owner's responsibility to maintain said retaining walls.
Upon completion of the work, the subdivider shall remove from the highway and adjoining property all temporary structures, surplus material, and rubbish which may have accumulated during the execution of the work, and shall leave the subdivision area in a neat and orderly condition. Burning or burying of the rubbish and waste material is prohibited.
The entire area must be cleaned up within 30 days of completed construction so as to leave a neat and orderly appearance free from debris and other objectionable materials. All catch basins shall be properly cleaned out.
Existing streets, and sections of the subdivision streets upon which dwellings exist, shall be cleaned up at the end of each working day.
The construction of the sanitary system, including methods of construction and quality of materials used, shall be in conformity with the definitive plan, Section 230 of the Standard Specifications and the specifications of the Department of Public Works.
If a public sewerage system is located within 400 feet of the subdivision, the applicant shall connect all lots to the public sewerage system.
If a planned public sewerage system has not yet been installed to within 400 feet of the proposed subdivision, the applicant shall install private on-lot sewerage systems. The latter shall be installed in conformity with applicable codes, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Town's Board of Health.
Sanitary sewer mains shall have a minimum diameter of eight inches and shall be PVC, bedded in 3/4-inch stone to spring line of pipe, or other approved equal.
Sanitary sewer services shall be six-inch PVC, bedded in 3/4-inch stone to spring line of pipe, or other approved equal, and shall be extended to the edge of the right-of-way.
The minimum slope for sanitary sewer pipes shall be such that a minimum flow velocity of 2 1/2 feet per second is achieved.
The maximum slope for sanitary sewer pipes shall be 7%. Drop sanitary sewer manholes shall be allowed only with outside "chimneys".
Manhole covers shall have three-inch lettering to read "SEWER". In addition, manhole covers shall be 26 inches in diameter.
The following requirements shall be met for the design and construction of sewerage systems in relation to water systems:
Horizontal separation. Whenever possible, sewers shall be constructed in the center of the street. A lateral separation of 10 feet between the sewer and water mains shall be maintained and the elevation of the top (crown) of the sewer shall be at least 18 inches below the bottom (invert) of the water main.
Vertical separation. Whenever sewers must cross under water mains, the sewer shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the sewer cannot be varied to meet the above requirement, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation or reconstructed with mechanical-joint pipe for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the sewer. One full length of water main should be centered over the sewer so that both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible.
When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal or vertical separation as stipulated above, both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of mechanical-joint cast-iron pipe and shall be pressure tested to assure watertightness.
Leakage test.
The sewer shall be made as nearly watertight as practicable, and leakage measurements shall be made as directed and under the supervision of the Town's authorized representative.
Whenever possible, the leakage tests shall be made at a time when the groundwater is at least one foot above the top of the pipe of the highest section of work being tested.
Leakage into the sewer shall not exceed 500 gallons per inch diameter in 24 hours per mile of sewer.
Where the groundwater level is less than one foot above the top of the pipe, the sewer shall be subjected to an internal pressure by plugging the pipe at the lower end and then filling the sewers and the higher manhole with clean water to a height of two feet above the top of the pipe. The leakage out of the sewer will be measured by the volume of water necessary to maintain the water level in the higher manhole. Leakage out of the sewer shall not exceed 500 gallons per inch diameter per 24 hours per mile of pipeline.
Should the sections under test fail to meet the requirements, the contractor shall do all the work of locating and repairing leaks and retesting as the Town's authorized representative may require.
The contractor shall furnish suitable test plugs, water, pumps, and any appurtenances, and all labor required to conduct the tests properly on the sewer.
The maximum depth of any portion of the sanitary system shall be 10 feet.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 240, Sewer Regulations.