Inspection shall be made and the project shall be certified in writing to the Planning Board by the project developer's registered professional engineer at each of the phases outlined in Subsection D below. The Town's DPW Director and/or any other authorized representative of the Planning Board shall also make inspections and issue a written report to the Planning Board periodically and at each of the above referred to phases.
[Amended during codification]
Construction shall not commence on any portion of the subdivision until all of the following have been completed:
The Board's decision of approval has been filed with the Town Clerk.
All of the necessary approved/endorsed plans and documents have been recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds (by the Planning Board).
The developer, the project's engineer/surveyor, the project's designated contractor, the Town's DPW Director and engineering consultant have attended a preconstruction conference to be arranged by the Planning Board.
[Amended during codification]
The developer shall notify, in writing, the Department of Public Works, Planning Board and the Board's authorized representative three days (excluding _______________
[Amended during codification]
At the phases hereinafter indicated, the construction of required streets and other improvements shall be inspected (see Subsection A above):
The installation of underground utilities and services shall be inspected before the backfilling of trenches or other covering of structures.
The roadway shall be inspected upon the completion of each of the following:
Gravel base source;
Binder; and
Surface course prior to each required construction step.
The curbing shall be inspected upon the completion of each of the following:
Gravel base course;
Binder; and
Surface course prior to each construction step.
Following the completion of all the improvements required by Articles VII and VIII, the subdivision shall be inspected by the developer's project engineer, who shall submit a certified statement that all work and improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans.
Unless each phase of the work, including the materials used on the project, has been approved by the Town's DPW Director and/or any other authorized representative of the Planning Board, no further work shall be done on any other phase of construction.
[Amended during codification]
Inspections shall be requested by the applicant three working days in advance in written notice to the Town's DPW Director, Planning Board and the Board's authorized representative.
[Amended during codification]
The cost of inspections shall be paid by the applicant according to the fee schedule shown in Appendix B, Fees.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included as an attachment to this chapter.
If the Town personnel cannot perform the inspections due to the size or complexity of the project or the unavailability of personnel, the Town may retain the services of a private engineer or consultant to perform such inspection service. The total cost of such services, plus 10% to pay the Town's administrative costs, shall be paid by the applicant.
Inspections by the Town's DPW Director and/or any other authorized representative of the Planning Board will in no way relieve the developer, contractor or project engineer of responsibility in ensuring that all materials and all construction meet all standards as stated in these Rules and Regulations.
[Amended during codification]
Whenever these Rules and Regulations made under the authority hereof differ from those prescribed by any local ordinance or other local regulations, the provision which imposes the greater restriction or the higher standard shall govern.
The Building Inspector of the Town of Palmer shall issue no building permits for any of the lots of any subdivision unless notified in writing by the Chair of the Planning Board that the approved subdivision plans and documents have been recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds. Said notice shall be sent to the Building Inspector within seven calendar days after the date of said recording.
The Building Inspector of the Town of Palmer shall issue no occupancy permits for any of the lots of any subdivision unless notified, in writing, by the Chair of the Planning Board that the following have been installed/constructed by the developer and approved by the Town's Superintendent of the Department of Public Works and/or other authorized representative of the Planning Board:
All utilities to said lot (including payment of all necessary "entry" fees);
A driveway meeting Department of Public Works standards; and
At least the binder course on the proposed roadway from an existing Town roadway, up to at least the driveway mentioned above.
[Amended during codification]
The developer shall test, upon the request of the Town's DPW Director and/or other authorized representative of the Planning Board, at his own expense, all materials to be used in the construction of the public ways. The tests shall be conducted by qualified firms/individuals, which must be approved by the Town's DPW Director and/or other authorized representative of the Planning Board.