Upon receipt of an application, the Township Police Chief shall cause an investigation of the applicant's business and moral character to be made as he deems necessary for the protection of the public good. In addition, he shall obtain a copy of the applicant's motor vehicle operating record for at least the past 10 years and check on all types of criminal convictions since the applicant was 18. Such investigation shall be completed within 10 days after the application is filed, and that, together with the application, shall be forwarded to the Mayor and Township Council for their review and decision on said application. They shall provide a decision within 25 days of the date the application was submitted.
If, as a result of such investigation, the applicant's character or business responsibility is found to be unsatisfactory, the Mayor and Township Council shall endorse on such application its disapproval and the specific reasons for its disapproval, and then notify the applicant that his application was disapproved and that no license or permit shall be issued.
If, as a result of such investigation, the character and business responsibility of the applicant are found to be satisfactory, the Mayor and Township Council shall endorse on the application its approval, and the Township Clerk shall deliver to the applicant his license or permit. Such license or permit shall contain the signature and seal of the issuing officer and shall show the name, address, and photograph of said licensee or permittee, the class of license or permit issued, and the kind of goods to be sold thereunder, the date of issuance and the length of time the same shall be operative, as well as the license or permit number and other identifying description of any vehicle used in such peddling, soliciting, or charitable solicitations.
The Clerk shall keep a permanent record of all licenses and permits issued.
If the application has been disapproved and the applicant desires to appeal the decisions to the Mayor and Township Council, he may do so by filing a written notice of appeal with the Township Clerk within 10 days of the date of the notice of disapproval. An appeal will only be heard where there is new information provided by the applicant that was not previously submitted, or where the applicant can provide information that shows the reason for the disapproval by the Mayor and Township Council were not valid. The Mayor and Township Council shall hold its hearing on appeal within 15 days after the submission of same, and its decision then shall be final.
Every permit or license issued hereunder, except those under § 428-23, shall be valid until December 31 of the year in which it was issued. All permits must thereafter be renewed if the licensees or permittees desire to continue their operations.
Any licensee or permittee having a permit or license valid until December 31 of the previous year may apply for a renewal of that license or permit and submit a renewal application fee of $25, and that license or permit shall automatically be renewed by the Township Clerk, provided the Township Clerk did not receive complaints regarding the licensee's or permittee's business and further provided the applicant for renewal states under oath that there has been no change in the information originally supplied to the Township on his first application.
If the licensee or permittee's prior permit was revoked or information previously submitted has changed, or complaints were received about the licensee's or permittee's operation, then he shall be required to file a new application, together with the application fee, and then proceed as if he had never been licensed before.
The Township Clerk shall maintain a record for each license and permit issued and record the reports of violations received.
Permits issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the Mayor and Township Council after notice and hearing before the Mayor and Township Council for any of the following causes:
Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement contained in the application for permit.
Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement made in the course of carrying on his business as peddler, solicitor, or charitable solicitation.
Any violation of this Chapter 428 of the Vernon Township Code.
Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
Conducting the business of peddling, soliciting, or seeking charitable solicitations in an unlawful manner, or in such manner as to constitute a breach of peace or as to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public.
In regard to peddlers and solicitors, a conviction or plea of guilty to a charge of drunk driving, reckless driving, careless driving, speeding, or other similar motor vehicle conviction or guilty plea that indicates the peddler or solicitor may represent a hazard to Township residents.
Notice of a hearing for the revocation of a license or permit shall be given in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of the complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid by both regular mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permittee at his last known address, as well as to all of the addresses given in his application or served upon him personally at least five days prior to the date set for the hearing.
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.