[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Waldwick 3-13-62 as Ord. No. 2-62.]
All claims for the payment of moneys by the Borough of Waldwick not otherwise provided for by separate ordinance shall be approved or disapproved in the following manner only:
All claims shall be submitted to the Mayor and Council on vouchers to be obtained by claimants from the Borough Clerk.
Every such voucher shall set forth the amount of the claim and the nature of the services rendered or the supplies or materials supplied by the claimant, shall be signed by the claimant and filed with the Borough Clerk.
Every such voucher, after filing with the Borough Clerk, shall be certified by the head of the Borough department for which the services were rendered or to which the materials or supplies were delivered.
Every such voucher, over $500, after certification by the head of the Borough department, shall be signed by the chairman of the committee charged with the operation of such Borough department. (Amended 9-28-99 by Ord. No. 13-99).
Every such voucher, over $500, shall thereafter be submitted to the Chairperson of the Borough Finance Committee and in their absence the next ranking member of the Finance Committee for consideration and signature, and if approved shall be considered and signed thereafter by the Mayor. (Amended 9-28-99 by Ord. No. 13-99; 2-28-06 by Ord. No. 3-06).
Payment of each such voucher certified and approved as above shall be authorized only upon the adoption of a resolution of the Mayor and Council authorizing and directing payment of such voucher.
Any claim not approved as hereinabove provided shall be deemed to be disapproved.
All disbursements of moneys in payment of claims certified and approved as hereinabove provided shall be made in the following manner only:
By check or draft prepared by the Borough Clerk and signed by the Mayor, Clerk and Collector-Treasurer of the Borough; or in the absence of any of them, by the person or persons duly qualified and acting in the capacity of Mayor, Clerk or Collector-Treasurer and authorized by law to perform the duties of such Mayor, Clerk or Collector-Treasurer.