The Township of Plumsted is designated as a "Qualified Municipality" pursuant to P.L. 1975, c. 104, as amended. The entire Township of Plumsted is hereby designated as an area in which residential buildings may be eligible for tax exemptions pursuant to P.L. 1991, c. 441, as amended.
[Ord. #93-09, § 1]
All housing units which are in buildings at least twenty (20) years old, and which are otherwise eligible for tax exemptions pursuant to P.L. 1991, c. 441, as amended, the regulations duly promulgated pursuant to thereto and this section shall have exempt from taxation the first twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of otherwise taxable improvements for a period of five (5) years following completion of such improvements.
No exemption of improvements from taxation shall be allowed except pursuant to statute and to duly promulgated regulations of the Department of Community Affairs and the Division of Taxation.
The Tax Assessor for the Township of Plumsted shall implement P.L. 1975, c. 104, as amended, in the Township of Plumsted and shall accept and receive applications for exemption of improvements from taxation and shall report such applications or retain them as a permanent part of the municipal tax records.
The Mayor of the Township of Plumsted is authorized to execute agreements with developers for tax abatements on commercial and industrial improvements or projects, pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1991, c. 441, providing for the exemption from real property taxation of improvements and the abatement of real property taxation on products for a period of five (5) years.
[Ord. #97-06, §§ 1, 2]
The following procedures shall govern agreements for tax abatement entered into by the Township of Plumsted and developers:
All improvements, as defined in C. 54:4-3.96, shall be exempt from local real property taxes, if approved by the Tax Assessor after proper application has been made. An application shall be upon the form approved by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs.
Applicants shall apply for tax exemption on improvements prior to the commencement of construction of the improvement, provided that the applicant must file a proper application with the Tax Assessor within thirty (30) days of the completion of the improvement, in order to be eligible for tax exemption thereon.
Every properly completed application for exemption of one or more improvements which is filed within thirty (30) days of the completion of the improvement shall be approved and allowed by the Tax Assessor not later than within thirty (30) days of its filing.
In determining the amount of improvement exemption to be granted, the municipality shall regard up to the Assessor's full and true value of the improvements made as not increasing the value of the property.
During the exemption period of five (5) years, the assessment on the property shall not be less than the assessment thereon existing immediately prior to the improvements, unless there is damage to the structure through action of the elements sufficient to warrant a reduction.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:21-7, all commercial structures within the Township of Plumsted are eligible to be granted tax assessment exemptions for improvements and additions.
No exemption or abatement shall be granted, or tax agreement entered into, pursuant to this ordinance or P.L. 1991, Chapter 441, with respect to any property for which property taxes are delinquent or remain unpaid, or for which penalties for nonpayment of taxes are due. Failure to keep all property taxes due, paid current and in full, shall result in the loss of the tax exemption for the entire balance of the exemption period granted.
COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE — Structure or part thereof used for the manufacturing, processing or assembling of material or manufactured products, or for research, office, industrial, commercial, retail, recreational, hotel or motel facilities, or warehousing purposes, or for any combination thereof, which the governing body determines will tend to maintain or provide gainful employment within the municipality, assist in the economic development of the municipality, maintain or increase the tax base of the municipality and maintain or diversify and expand commerce within the municipality. It shall not include any structure or part thereof used or to be used by any business relocated from another qualifying municipality.
EXEMPTION — That portion of the Assessor's full and true value of any improvement, conversion alteration, or construction not regarded as increasing the taxable value of a property pursuant to this section.
IMPROVEMENT — A modernization, rehabilitation, renovation, alteration or repair which produces a physical change in an existing building or structure that improves the safety, sanitation, decency or attractiveness of the building or structure as a place for human habitation or work, and which does not change its permitted use. In the case of multiple dwelling, it includes only improvements which affect common areas or elements, or three (3) or more dwelling units within the multiple dwelling. In the case of a multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial structure, it shall not include ordinary painting, repairs and replacement of maintenance items, or an enlargement of the volume of an existing structure by more than thirty percent (30%). In no case shall it include the repair of fire or other damage to a property for which payment of a claim was received by any person from an insurance company at any time during the three (3) year period immediately preceding the filing of an application pursuant to this section.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, applicants for tax abatement on projects shall provide the Township of Plumsted with an application setting forth:
A general description of the project for which abatement is sought;
A legal description of all real estate necessary for the project;
Plans, drawings and other documents as may be required by the Township of Plumsted to demonstrate the structure and design of the project;
A description of the number, classes and types of employees to be employed at the project site within two (2) years of completion of the project;
A statement of the reasons for seeking tax abatement on the project, and a description of the benefits to be realized by the applicant if tax abatement is granted;
Estimates of the cost of completing such project;
A statement showing:
The real property taxes currently being assessed at the project site;
Estimated tax payments that would be made annually by the applicant on the project during the period of tax abatement; and
Estimated tax payments that would be made by the applicant on the project during the first full year following the termination of the tax abatement agreement;
A description of any lease agreements between the applicant and proposed users of the project, and a history and description of the user's business;
Such other pertinent information as the Township of Plumsted may require.
Upon approval of an ordinance authorizing an agreement for tax abatement for a particular project, the Township of Plumsted shall enter into a written agreement with the applicant for the abatement of local real property taxes. The agreement shall provide for the applicant to pay to the Township of Plumsted in lieu of full property tax payments an amount annually to be computed by using either, but not a combination of, the formulae set out in C. 54:4-3.102. Such agreements may also provide for tax phase-in pursuant to subsection c of C. 54:4-3.102. All tax abatement agreements hereunder shall be in effect for a period of not more than five (5) days starting with the date of completion of the project.