[Prior Code § 120.010]
All City elections shall be held under the provisions of RSMo. §§ 79.030 through 79.050 and RSMo. Chapter 122.
All duties specified in the state election laws to be performed by the constable or sheriff shall be performed by the Chief of Police in the City elections.
All duties specified in the state election laws to be performed by the County Clerk shall be performed by the City Clerk in the City elections.
The polling places for all election and the judges therefore shall be selected and specified by resolution, ordinance or otherwise, as may be appropriate.
All citizens of the United States over the age of 18 years of age who have resided in the state for one year and in the City for 60 days immediately preceding the election in which they offer to vote, and no other person shall be entitled to vote at all elections by the people. Each voter shall vote only once in the election district in which he or she resides. All voters must be registered as provided by the statutes of the state and fully qualified to exercise his or her right of suffrage.
[Ord. 0614, passed 9-5-2006]
Election to the Board of Aldermen shall be at-large. Each year one-half the Board of Aldermen shall stand for election at-large for a two-year term.
The election wards for Aldermen are hereby abolished, as is the requirement that an Alderman be a resident of a particular ward.
[Prior Code § 120.040]
A general election for the elective officers of the City shall be held the first Tuesday in April each year.
[Prior Code § 120.050]
Notice. The City Clerk shall give at least 28 days' notice of a special election, by advertising in some newspaper printed in the county, stating therein the time and the place of holding such election, what the purpose of the special election shall be.
When held. Such election shall be held on the Tuesday next following the final notice of the advertising of said election in the newspaper advertisement.
Qualifications of voters. Voters shall have the same qualifications as required in a general election.
Polling place. Polling places shall be designated the same way as for general elections.
Filling unexpired terms. If said special election is for the purpose of filling an unexpired term of some City official or officer, a certificate of candidacy shall be filed with the City Clerk during the regular business hours at the City Hall not more than 60 days or not less than 15 days prior to the said election.
Publication of candidates. At least 10 days before any special election to fill any City office, the City Clerk shall cause to be published in the local newspaper of the county, the name of the candidates and the office to be filled.
Order of candidates. The list of the candidates published by the City Clerk shall be arranged in the order and form in which they shall be printed upon the ballot.
Other special elections. As to any special election for any other type of issue, the ballot shall state clearly and concisely the issues to be voted upon and the ballot shall be arranged and printed in the order and form in which it shall be printed and presented to the elector.
[Prior Code § 120.060]
Time requirement. The name of no candidate shall be printed on any official ballot at any general or special election at which elective offices are voted on in the City, unless at least 10 days prior to such election and or before 5:00 p.m. of such date a written declaration shall be filed by the candidate as herein provided, stating his or her full name and residence in typewritten or printed words and the office for which he or she proposes as a candidate, and further a declaration that should he or she be elected to such office, he or she will qualify and serve.
Declaration. Such declaration shall be substantially in the following form: "I, the undersigned a resident and qualified elector of the _____ ward in the City, do announce myself as a candidate for the office of __________ to be voted for at the election to be held on the _____ day of __________, and I further declare that if nominated and elected to such office I will qualify and serve."
Filing. The declaration shall be filed with the City Clerk or his or her designate.