Editor's Note: Former §§ 92-01 through 92-05, comprising §§ 510.010 through 510.050 of the prior Code, as amended, were repealed 7-12-2022 by Ord. No. 92-00.01. This ordinance also dissolved the Cemetery Board and provided that the City cemetery shall be directly managed by the Board of Aldermen.
[Prior Code, § 510.070; Penalty, see § 92.99; amended by Ord. No. 92-07.01, passed 5-3-2021]
Any person desiring to purchase a grave in the cemetery shall pay the City Clerk the amount set by the Board of Aldermen, to wit:
Anyone with a residential zip code of 63349: $350 per grave.
Anyone without a residential zip code of 63349: $500 per grave.
The conveyance from the City for the cemetery grave shall be made in the name of the City and shall convey the grave therein described to the purchaser and his or her heirs and assigns forever and shall recite the names of the purchaser and the price of the grave conveyed.
All subsequent transfers must be registered with the City Clerk to be effective.
No grave or part of a grave may be transferred for more than the original sale price.
[Prior Code, § 510.090]
The proceeds of the sale of the lots, half-lots or single grave spaces in the cemetery shall become and constitute a Cemetery Fund, which shall be kept separate and apart from any monies belonging to the City, and no part of the principal of the Fund shall ever be used or expended for any purpose whatever, but shall be loaned out by the City at the highest rate of interest obtainable, to be secured by real estate security, or invested in approved municipal, state or national government bonds, and the income and interest therefrom arising shall be used under the direction of the Board in repairing, beautifying and improving the cemetery, and in paying the expense necessary in the management of the fund, and for no other purpose.
When graves must be marked the City will charge $30.
[Ord. passed 7-2-2012; Penalty, see § 92.99; amended 7-12-2022 by Ord. No. 92-00.01]
The following rules and regulations shall apply to the City cemetery and may be enforced by the City as other City ordinances upon written complaint.
Artificial flowers or similar decorations may be placed against or on the headstone as long as it does not interfere with the mowing of the cemetery. Additional decorations may be maintained on the grave site from November 1 through March 1. Anything left on the grave that would interfere with mowing will be removed on or before March 1.
No shrubbery, trees, other plants, benches or statues shall be planted on or around the graves in the City cemetery except those authorized by the Board of Aldermen.
All burials, except the burials of ashes of cremated bodies in designated areas, shall be in vaults and concrete boxes.
No alcohol is allowed in the cemetery area.
All graves must have a permanent marker within 90 days of burial. There can only be one headstone per grave except for double-size headstones on more than one grave.
Memorial flags honoring service to the citizens of the United States of America shall be permitted to be sited at a grave site. Such flags will be allowed to remain at a grave site throughout the year, and shall be required to be maintained in good condition by any given organization or person, or they will be removed.
Benches that have been permitted must be constructed of a material that will withstand the elements and not become unsightly over time. Examples of approved materials are: concrete, marble or granite. Any bench that has broken or become unsightly will be removed by the City.
Any plot owned can only be sold for equal to or less than the original cost of the plot, and the transaction must be carried out at City Hall.
[Prior Code, § 510.130; Penalty, see § 92.99; amended 7-12-2022 by Ord. No. 92-00.01]
Graves shall not be mounded but kept filled and leveled to conform with surrounding ground levels. The settling of stones and markers of all kinds shall be in accordance with specifications furnished by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. passed 7-2-2012]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is otherwise provided shall be subject to the provisions of § 10.99.
Violation of § 92.25 shall be punishable by a fine of $1 to $500 and/or up to 30 days in the county jail.