[Ord. 1104213(B), passed 11-4-2013; Penalty, see § 93.99]
In order to implement and carry out the county 911 emergency phone service all inhabitable structures for human habitation and all buildings in which private and public business is conducted shall be designated by a numerical system of numbers and alphabetical letters or a combination thereof.
All such numbers shall be placed on all new and existing structures as designated above, beside or near the front entrance thereof on the street or road side of the building. The numbers shall be four inches in height or larger and of a color contrasting with the color of the background and shall be visible from the street or road, day or night. The numbers shall be increased by one inch in height for every 75 feet the structure sets back from the road.
If the structure is not visible from the street or road, the numbers shall be placed at the driveway entrance and street or road, either on the mailbox or on a separate post or support. If a separate post or support is used, the numbers shall be placed no less than five feet nor more than seven feet from ground level to provide optimum visibility from ground level to provide optimum visibility. The numbers may be displayed either vertically from the top down or horizontally.
It shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or person in charge of the dwelling unit, structure or use, upon affixing the new number, to remove any different number which might be mistaken for or confused with the number assigned to the structure.
In such cases where the assigned numbers cannot be posted as required above, the number shall be posted as prescribed by the Lincoln County 911 Director after consultation with the owner.
[Ord. 1104213(B), passed 11-4-2013]
In the event that an owner or occupant or person in charge of any structure or unit refuses to comply with the terms of this chapter, such person shall be punished by paying a fine of not less than $10 per day or one day in jail, or both, for each and every day that the situation is not rectified after receiving written notification for failure to comply.