[Prior Code, § 390.010; Penalty, see § 71.99]
Every owner of a motor vehicle or trailer which shall be operated or driven upon the highway of this City, shall annually file, by mail or otherwise, in the office of the Director of Revenue, an application for registration on a blank to be furnished by the Director of Revenue for that purpose in compliance with RSMo. § 301.020.
[Prior Code, § 390.020; Penalty, see § 71.99]
No motor vehicle or trailer shall be operated on any highway of this City unless it shall have displayed thereon the license plate or set of license plates issued by the Director of Revenue and authorized by RSMo. §§ 301.130 and 301.140. Each such plate shall be securely fastened to the motor vehicle in a manner so that all parts thereof shall be plainly visible and reasonably clean so that the reflective qualities thereof are not impaired. License plates shall be fastened to all motor vehicles except trucks, tractors, truck-tractors or truck-tractors licensed in excess of 12,000 pounds on the front and rear of such vehicles not less than eight nor more than 48 inches above the ground, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up. The license plates on trailers, motorcycles, motor tricycles and motor scooters shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicles, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up. The license plate on trucks, tractors, truck-tractors or truck-tractors licensed in excess of 12,000 pounds shall be displayed on the front of such vehicles not less than eight nor more than 48 inches above the ground, with the letters and numbers thereon right side up. The license plate or plates authorized, when properly attached, shall be prima facie evidence that the required fees have been paid.
The vehicle owner to whom a tab or set of tabs authorized by RSMo. § 301.130 is issued shall affix and display such tab or tabs on the middle of the license plate, no more than one per plate. A tab or set of tabs issued by the Director of Revenue when attached to a vehicle in the prescribed manner shall be prima facie evidence that the registration fee for such vehicle has been paid.
[Prior Code, § 390.045; Ord. 0303, passed 4-7-2003; Penalty, see § 71.99]
No motor vehicle licensed for operation on the streets and highways of this state shall be operated within the City limits unless it complies with the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law of the State (RSMo. Chapter 303).
The operator of a motor vehicle must possess proof of compliance with the said law and produce same upon the lawful request of a law enforcement officer.
[Prior Code, § 390.040; Penalty, see § 71.99]
Unless otherwise provided for by law, it shall be unlawful for any person, except those expressly exempted by RSMo. § 302.080, to:
Operate any vehicle upon any highway in this City unless he or she has a valid license;
Operate a motorcycle or motor tricycle upon any highway of this City unless such person has a valid license that shows he or she has successfully passed an examination for the operation of a motorcycle or motor tricycle as prescribed by the Director of Revenue;
Authorize or knowingly permit a motorcycle or motor tricycle owned by him or her or under his or her control to be driven upon any highway by any person whose license does not indicate that the person has passed the examination for the operation of a motorcycle or motor tricycle or has been issued an instruction permit therefor; or
Operate a motor vehicle with an instruction permit or license issued to another person.
Every person operating or riding as a passenger on any MOTORCYCLE or MOTOR TRICYCLE, as defined in RSMo. § 301.010, upon any highway of this City shall wear protective headgear at all times the vehicle is in motion. The protective headgear shall meet reasonable standards and specifications established by the Director.
[Prior Code, § 390.050; Penalty, see § 71.99]
A drivers license issued in compliance with RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.340 shall be carried at all times by the holder thereof while driving a motor vehicle, and shall be displayed upon demand of any officer of the highway patrol, or any police officer or peace officer or any other duly authorized person, for inspection when demand is made therefor. Failure of any operator of a motor vehicle to exhibit his or her license to any duly authorized officer shall be presumptive evidence that such person is not a duly licensed operator.
[Prior Code, § 390.060; Penalty, see § 71.99]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Display or to permit to be displayed, or to have in his or her possession, any license knowing the same to be fictitious or to have been canceled, suspended, revoked, disqualified or altered;
Lend to or knowingly permit the use of by another any licence issued to the person so lending or permitting the use thereof;
Display or to represent as one's own any license not issued to the person so displaying the same, or fail or refuse to surrender to the clerk of any division of the circuit court or the Director, any license which has been suspended, canceled, disqualified or revoked, as provided by law;
Use a false or fictitious name or give a false or fictitious address on any application for a license, or any renewal or duplicate thereof, or knowingly to make a false statement, or knowingly to conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application;
Authorize or consent to any motor vehicle owned by him or her or under his or her control to be driven by any person, when he or she has knowledge that such person has no legal right to do so, or for any person to drive any motor vehicle in violation of any of the provisions of RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.780;
Employ a person to operate a motor vehicle in the transportation of persons or property, with knowledge that such person has not complied with the provisions of RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.780, or whose license has been revoked, suspended, canceled or disqualified; or
Who fails to produce his or her license upon demand of any person or persons authorized to make such demand.
[Prior Code, § 390.070; Penalty, see § 71.99]
No person shall cause or knowingly permit his or her child or ward under the age of 16 years to drive a motor vehicle upon any highway when such minor is not authorized hereunder or in violation of any of the provisions of RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.260.
[Prior Code, § 390.080; Penalty, see § 71.99]
No person shall authorize or knowingly permit a motor vehicle owned by him or her or under his or her control to be driven upon any highway by any person who is not authorized hereunder or in violation of any of the provisions of RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.260.
[Prior Code, § 390.090; Penalty, see § 71.99]
Any person with a restricted license as defined in RSMo. § 302.301 and who operates a motor vehicle in any manner in violation of the restrictions imposed in a restricted license issued to him or her shall be guilty of an ordinance violation.
[Prior Code, § 390.100; Penalty, see § 71.99]
Any person whose license and driving privilege as a resident or nonresident has been canceled, suspended or revoked under the provisions of RSMo. §§ 302.010 through 302.340, 302.500 through 302.541, 544.046 or Chapter 577, and who drives any motor vehicle upon the highways of this City while such license and privilege is canceled, suspended or revoked and before an official reinstatement notice or termination notice is issued by the Director of Revenue, is guilty of an ordinance violation.
[Prior Code, § 390.110]
Whenever in this chapter the doing of anything is required or is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful, any person who shall be convicted of a violation thereof shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation. Each day's violation of or failure, refusal or neglect to comply with any provision of this chapter shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.