[Prior Code, § 210.010; Penalty, see § 10.99]
A person commits the offense of assault if:
He or she attempts to cause or recklessly causes physical injury to another person;
With criminal negligence he or she causes physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon;
He or she purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury;
He or she recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death or serious physical injury to another person; or
He or she knowingly causes physical contact with another person knowing the other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.
[Prior Code, § 210.020; Penalty, see § 10.99]
A person commits the offense of harassment if for the purpose of frightening or disturbing another person he or she:
Communicates in writing or by telephone a threat to commit any felony;
Makes a telephone call or communicates in writing and uses coarse language offensive to one of average sensibility;
Makes a telephone call anonymously; or
Makes repeated telephone calls.
[Prior Code, § 210.030; Penalty, see § 10.99]
A person commits the offense of assault of a law enforcement officer if:
He or she attempts to cause or recklessly causes physical injury to a law enforcement officer;
With criminal negligence he or she causes physical injury to a law enforcement officer by means of a deadly weapon;
He or she purposely places a law enforcement officer in apprehension of immediate physical injury;
He or she recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death or serious physical injury to a law enforcement officer; or
He or she knowingly causes or attempts to cause physical contact with a law enforcement officer without the consent of the law enforcement officer.
[Prior Code, § 213.010; Penalty, see § 10.99]
A person commits the crime of endangering the welfare of a child if:
He or she with criminal negligence acts in a manner that creates a substantial risk to the life, body or health of a child less than 17 years old;
He or she knowingly encourages, aids or causes a child less than 17 years old to engage in any conduct which causes or tends to cause the child to come within the provisions of RSMo. § 211.031 paragraph (d) of subdivision (2) of Subsection 1 or subdivision (3) of Subsection 1;
Being a parent, guardian or other person legally charged with the care or custody of a child less than 17 years old he or she recklessly fails or refuses to exercise reasonable diligence in the care or control of such child to prevent him or her from coming within the provisions of RSMo. § 211.031 paragraph (d) of subdivision (2) of Subsection 1 or subdivision (3) of Subsection 1; or
Nothing in this section or in § 131.05 shall be construed to mean the welfare of a child is endangered for the sole reason that he or she is being provided non-medical remedial treatment recognized and permitted under the laws of this state.
[Prior Code, § 213.020; Penalty, see § 10.99]
A person commits the offense of unlawful transactions with a child if:
Being a pawnbroker, junk dealer, dealer in secondhand goods or any employee of such person, he or she with criminal negligence buys or receives any personal property other than agricultural products from an un-emancipated minor, unless the child's custodial parent or guardian has consented in writing to the transaction;
He or she knowingly permits a minor child to enter or remain in a place where illegal activity in controlled substances, as defined in RSMo. Chapter 195 is maintained or conducted;
He or she with criminal negligence sells blasting caps, bulk gunpowder, or explosives to a child under the age of 17, or fireworks as defined in RSMo. § 320.106 to a child under the age of 14 unless the child's custodial parent or guardian has consented in writing to the transaction; or
He or she with criminal negligence sells cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products to a child under the age of 17.