[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Wrentham as Art. 7.12 of the 2013 Bylaws; amended in its entirety 11-12-2013 STM by Art. 14. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this bylaw is to increase environmental protection, maintain aesthetic qualities, and preserve the historical values of designated roads in the Town. The bylaw regulates certain roadway repair, maintenance and reconstruction activities in order to help achieve these objectives.
In the absence of contrary meanings established through legislative or judicial action pursuant to MGL c. 40, § 15C, the following terms contained in that statute shall be defined as follows:
The destruction of one or more trees having a trunk diameter of four inches or more measured four feet from the ground, trimming of major branches or trimming of roots sufficient, in the Tree Warden's opinion, to cause eventual destruction of a tree. Not included in this definition is routine or emergency maintenance which removes only permanently diseased or damaged limbs, trunks, or roots, and dead whole trees.
Any work done within the right-of-way by any person or agency, public or private. Construction of new driveways or alteration of existing ones is included to the extent such work takes place within the right-of-way. Roadside clearing of trees to provide for vehicle clearance or for improvement to line-of-sight shall also be included in this definition. Construction or alteration of water, sewer, electric, telephone, cable TV or other utilities within the right-of-way is also included.
The right-of-way of any way used and maintained as public way, including the vehicular traveled way, plus shoulders, the portion of intersecting driveways within the right-of-way, and necessary appurtenances within the right-of-way such as bridge structures, drainage systems, retaining walls, and paths. When the boundary of the right-of-way is in issue so that there is a question as to whether or not certain trees or stone walls or portions thereof are within or without the way, the trees or stone walls shall be presumed to be within the way until the contrary is shown.
An assembled grouping of stones comprising at least one cubic foot of stone per linear foot and totaling five or more feet in length.
The removal or covering with earth of more than two linear feet of stone wall. Temporary removal and replacement with the same materials at the same location within 30 days shall not be construed to be within this definition.
A perennial woody plant whose trunk has a diameter of four inches or more as measured four feet above the ground.
Any person or group of persons may submit an application to the Town Administrator to request that a public road be designated as a scenic road. Such application shall be accompanied by a written description of the characteristics of the road that qualify it for protection afforded by this bylaw.
The Town Administrator shall refer all such applications to the Planning Board, the Conservation Commission and the Historical Commission within 15 days of the date of receipt of the application.
Within 45 days of receipt of an application thereunder, the Planning Board, the Conservation Commission and the Historical Commission may make a recommendation to the Select Board or request in writing that the road described in the application be designated a scenic road. Upon recommendation, the Select Board shall include a warrant article for the next Town Meeting.
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2]
Designation is by majority vote of Town Meeting.
Findings. In considering whether to recommend a road as a scenic road to the Town Meeting, the Board shall consider the following factors:
Historic significance of affected trees and stone walls.
Contribution of trees and stone walls to scenic beauty.
Exceptional qualities of trees in terms of age, spread, species or specimen size.
Protection of natural resources as well as the scenic and aesthetic quality of the area, including scenic views.
Bordering land uses, present and prospective, and how they impact the importance of retaining trees and walls.
Feasibility of accomplishing the intent of the Scenic Roads Act in light of road design and use.
Nonqualifying roads. Numbered routes and state highways may not be designated scenic roads.
Scenic road work permit. The Planning Board shall issue a scenic road work permit in accordance with the following review procedures. The Planning Board shall advertise, notify abutters and hold a public hearing on all work permit applications filed hereunder, in accordance with the notice requirements of MGL c. 40A, § 11.
Activities requiring approval. Within a public road layout which has been designated a scenic road, the following activities shall require approval of the Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw: the cutting or removal of trees and/or the tearing down or destruction of stone walls or portions thereof, in connection with repair, maintenance, reconstruction, paving or other work within the layout of a public road.
Imminent threats to public safety. In cases where an imminent threat to public safety newly arises and does not allow sufficient time to obtain advance approval of the Planning Board as required by this bylaw, the Planning Board must be notified within five business days of any action taken which, had such a threat not arisen, would have been a violation of this bylaw.
Application content:
A notice identifying the location of the proposed activity which enables readers to reasonably locate it on the ground, without need for additional references, describing the proposed changes to tree(s) and/or stone wall(s).
A certified abutters list prepared by the Wrentham Assessor's Office, including owners of land which is both abutting and within 300 feet of the affected scenic road location.
A plan, describing the proposed activity and mitigation measures, including protection, restoration and any compensatory efforts.
A certificate by the petitioner attesting to the marking of all trees and walls to be affected, sufficient to enable the Board and all interested parties to identify those trees and walls.
Photographs of all stone walls and trees within the proposed work area.
Application form.
Public Shade Tree Act. Whenever feasible, notice shall be given and Planning Board hearings shall be held in conjunction with those held by the Tree Warden acting under MGL Chapter 87. The consent of the Planning Board to a proposed action shall not be regarded as inferring consent by the Tree Warden, or vice versa. The Planning Board decision shall contain a condition that no work should be done until all applicable provisions of the Public Shade Tree Law, MGL Chapter 87, have been complied with.
Fees. Actual advertising costs and abutter notification mailings for a scenic roads work permit shall be borne by the petitioner and shall be billed directly to the petitioner. A scenic roads work permit fee shall be established by the Planning Board to cover the Town's administrative costs.
Compensatory actions.
Since the purpose of this bylaw is to protect the scenic quality and character of designated scenic roads, the Planning Board shall approve the proposed work only upon finding that adequate compensatory actions have been included in the applicant's proposed plan. The Planning Board shall consider the value of compensatory actions, such as the planting of new replacement trees or the reconstruction of stone walls, in making its decision. Reasonable measures should be taken in road widening and traffic safety projects on scenic roads so as to minimize tree removal and destruction of any portion of a stone wall. All feasible measures should be employed in the construction to minimize the removal of trees, stone walls and the grade of adjacent lands.
Limited review standards.
Replacement trees.
Trees destroyed shall be replaced with nursery-grade trees on the following basis:
[Amended 11-10-2014 STM by Art. 13]
Tree Removed
Up to 12 inches dbh caliper
2 trees minimum, 2-inch caliper
12 inches to 24 inches dbh caliper
6 trees minimum, 2-inch caliper
Over 24 inches dbh caliper
8 trees minimum, 2-inch caliper
The Planning Board shall approve the final specimen and replanting location selected with a preference for replacement tree(s) planted within the outer edge of the right-of-way.
The preference is for replacement tree(s) to be planted in the vicinity of the original tree removal location; however, in the event compensatory planting is not feasible or desirable near the project site, the Planning Board, upon recommendation from the Tree Warden, may authorize compensatory planting in alternate locations based on the following preference:
First: Compensatory tree planting will occur within the outer edge of the right-of-way of the same scenic road, in close proximity to the proposed location of tree removal.
Second: Compensatory tree planting will occur in suitable location(s) on same scenic road as proposed tree removal location.
Third: Compensatory tree planting will occur on another scenic road in Wrentham.
Fourth: Compensatory tree planting will occur in another location in Town.
Stone walls shall be replaced so as to reconnect with undisturbed walls, wherever physically possible.
Reasonable steps to be described in Subsection D(3) will be taken to ensure protection of tree trunks, branches, and root systems of remaining trees in the project area from temporary or permanent damage.
General. The Planning Board, after a public hearing consistent with the provisions of this chapter of the Town Bylaws, may adopt additional regulations for carrying out provisions hereof.
The Planning Board and the Tree Warden shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this bylaw, as applicable.
Any violation of this bylaw, whether for the tearing down or destruction of stone walls or the cutting or removal of trees, shall result in a fine levied against the offending property owner, in the amount specified in Chapter 283, Fees, Fines and Charges, § 283-2. Each day, or portion thereof, that a violation of this bylaw continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 34]
In addition to the foregoing remedies, the Town of Wrentham, acting by and through its Planning Board, and with the approval of the Select Board, shall have all other legal and equitable remedies which may exist, including without limitation the right to seek injunctive relief.
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2]
In addition and as an alternative method of enforcement, the Town of Wrentham may in its discretion enforce the provisions of this bylaw in the manner provided in MGL c. 40, § 21D.
The following are designated as scenic roads as provided for in MGL c. 40, § 15C. The entire length of each road is protected under this bylaw, unless more specific limits are defined.
Arnold Street
Beach Street
Bennett Street
Berry Street
Burnt Swamp Road
Cherry Street
Chestnut Street
Ellery Street
Everett Street
Jenks Street
Hancock Street
Madison Street (from Stoney Brook Lane to Route 1)
Myrtle Street
North Street
Otis Street
Ray Road
Spring Street
Summer Street
Taunton Street (from Senior Center to Town line)
Vine Street
Wampum Street
West Street (from Spring Street to the Bellingham town line)
Williams Street
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2]
The applicant may appeal the decision of the permit granting authority to the Select Board within 30 days of the filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. The Select Board shall hear the appeal within 60 days of receipt of a notice of appeal. The appeal shall be submitted to the Select Board by certified letter in which the reasons for the appeal are itemized.