Chapter 1
§ (chapter)-(number). [Title.]
(level one) A.
(level two) (1)
(level three) (a)
(level four) [1]
(level five) [a]
Chapter 100
Committees and Boards in General
§ 100-1. Establishment; standing and ad-hoc committees.
A. Town committees may be established, and may be given responsibilities
and authorities, as set forth in these bylaws, and consistent with
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
B. The standing committees shall be: [Amended 6-9-2014
ATM by Art. 20; 11-4-2019 STM by Art. 13]
(1) Finance Committee.
(2) Cable Advisory Committee.
(3) Town Common Landscape/Memorial Committee.
. . . and so forth.
§ 100-2. Membership, appointment and organization. [Amended 6-9-2014 ATM by Art. 20; 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 35]
Committees may have members who are appointed in accordance
with these bylaws; and may have ex-officio members, who shall serve
without voting authority unless these bylaws provide for such voting
A. Membership. No person whose principal residence is not within
the Town of Wrentham and who is not a registered voter of the Town
of Wrentham may be appointed by the Select Board or the Moderator
to serve on any Town committee. Any member of a committee or of an
elected board who removes from the Town shall be deemed to have vacated
his/her office. The provisions of this section shall not apply to
any ex-officio positions or those specifically provided for by Town
bylaw. Any person appointed to any committee must be duly sworn in
by the Wrentham Town Clerk or any other state-authorized authority
within 60 days of the date of the appointment or the appointing authority
may consider that the person has declined the appointment and may
appoint someone else.
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2] |
B. Appointment and resignation; compensation.
(1) It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to notify
in writing all members of elected boards and committees, upon their
appointment, stating the name of the elected board or committee and
business for which it was appointed.
(2) Except as otherwise prescribed by statute or
by a bylaw, all personnel serving on all standing committees shall
be appointed for three-year terms on a staggered basis and arranged
so that approximately 1/3 of the members will expire each year. All
personnel serving on all ad-hoc committees shall be appointed for
one-year terms; however, whenever an ad-hoc committee is created at
a Special Town Meeting, the term of the initial appointments shall
conclude on June 30 of the following fiscal year. Nothing in this
bylaw shall be construed as preventing the reappointment by the proper
appointing authority of any individual to any standing committee or
to any other committee the life of which has been extended for another
year by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting.
. . . and so forth.