In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where articles of the 2013 Bylaws have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Title/Article from 2013 Bylaws
Location in 2020 Code
Title I, General Provisions
Ch. 1
Title II, Governance
Article 2.10, Elections
Ch. 10
Article 2.15, Board of Registrars
Ch. 210
Article 2.20, Town Meeting
Ch. 74
Article 2.30, Moderator
Ch. 42, Art. VI
Article 2.40, Committees
Ch. 100, Art. I
Article 2.50, Vacancies in Office
Ch. 42, Art. IX
Article 2.60, Meetings and Executive Sessions
Ch. 100, Art. II
Article 2.70, Notices
Ch. 37
Article 2.80, Policies and Procedures
Ch. 51
Title III, Administration
Article 3.10, Board of Selectmen
Section 1, Paragraph A: Highways and Sidewalks
Ch. 354, Art. I
Section 1, Paragraph B: Junk Dealers and Collectors
Ch. 305
Section 1, Paragraph C: Wires for the Transmission of Electricity or Data
Ch. 354, Art. II
Article 3.20, Town Administrator
Ch. 42, Art. I
Article 3.30, Procurement and Chief Procurement Officer
Ch. 55
Article 3.40, Legal Affairs
Ch. 30
Article 3.50, Town Clerk
Ch. 42, Art. II
Article 3.55, Records and Annual Reports
Ch. 63
Article 3.60, General Bylaw Review Committee
Ch. 155
Article 3.70, Cable Advisory Committee
Ch. 115
Article 3.80, Personnel Board
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Title IV, Finance
Article 4.10, Financial Affairs
Sections 1-6
Ch. 18, §§ 18-1 - 18-6
Section 7
Ch. 283
Section 8
Ch. 18, § 18-7
Article 4.20, Finance Department
Ch. 18, § 18-8
Article 4.30, Finance Director
Ch. 42, Art. VII
Article 4.35, Town Accountant
Ch. 42, Art. III
Article 4.40, Treasurer/Collector
Section 1
Ch. 42, Art. IV, § 42-9
Section 2
Ch. 311, Art. I
Section 3
Ch. 42, Art. IV, § 42-10
Section 4
Ch. 42, Art. IV, § 42-11
Article 4.50, Board of Assessors
Section 1, Numbering of Buildings
Ch. 267, Art. I
Article 4.60, Finance Committee
Ch. 150
Article 4.70, Capital Budget Planning Committee
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Article 4.80, Budget
Ch. 18, § 18-9
Article 4.90, Permanent Building Committee
Ch. 195
Title V, Public Safety
Article 5.10, Police Department
Section 1, General
Ch. 48
Section 2, Hawkers and Peddlers and Business Regulation
Ch. 289
Section 3, Handicapped Parking
Ch. 365, Art. I
Section 4, False Alarms
Ch. 250
Section 5, Code of Conduct and Dress
Ch. 326, Art. I
Section 6, Demeanor and Conduct on Public Ways and Public Property
Ch. 326, Art. II
Section 7, Off-Road Vehicles
Ch. 365, Art. II
Section 8, Alcohol
Ch. 255
Section 9, Public Consumption of Marijuana and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Ch. 318, Art. I
Section 10, Enforcement
Ch. 250; Ch. 255; Ch. 289; Ch. 326, Art. I; Ch. 326, Art. II; Ch. 365, Art. I and Art. II
Section 11, Civil Fingerprinting
Ch. 311, Art. II
Section 12, Other
Ch. 354, Art. III
Section 13, Marijuana Establishments Prohibited
Ch. 318, Art. II
Article 5.20, Animal Control
Ch. 260
Article 5.30, Fire Department
Section 1, Licenses and Registration Fees for Flammables
Ch. 278
Article 5.40, Emergency Management
Ch. 13
Article 5.50, Communications
Ch. 4
Title VI, Public Works
Article 6.10, DPW, General
Ch. 58
Article 6.20, DPW, Highways
Section 1, Snow Removal
Ch. 354, Art. IV
Section 2, Excavating in Public Ways
Ch. 354, Art. V
Section 3, Plans of Town Ways
See Ch. 42, Art. II.
Section 4, Scenic Roads
See Ch. 346.
Section 5, Other
Ch. 354, Art. VI
Article 6.30, DPW, Water
Ch. 371
Article 6.40, DPW, Buildings and Facilities
Ch. 78
Article 6.50, DPW, Solid Waste and Recycling
Section 1, Mandatory Recycling
Ch. 338
Article 6.51, Solid Waste Recycling Committee
Ch. 220
Article 6.60, Town Common Landscape Memorial Committee
Ch. 225
Article 6.80, Dam Committee
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Article 6.80, Prohibition of Illicit Discharges to the Storm Drain System
Ch. 350, Art. I
Article 6.90, Energy Resources Commission
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Title VII, Development and Land Use
Article 7.10, Planning Board
Section 1, Zoning
Ch. 390
Article 7.11, Earth Removal
Ch. 275
Article 7.12, Scenic Roads
Ch. 346
Article 7.20, Board of Appeals
Ch. 110
Article 7.30, Conservation Commission
Ch. 125
Article 7.31, Wetland Protection
Ch. 375
Article 7.40, Open Space Committee
Ch. 190
Article 7.60, Building Inspector
Section 1, Appointment of Inspectors
Ch. 42, Art. V
Section 2, Demolition of Historically Significant Properties
Ch. 297
Article 7.70, Board of Health
Section 1, Building on Shores of Lakes Pearl, Archer and Mirror
Ch. 293, § 293-1
Section 2, Enforcement and Penalties of Rules and Regulations
Ch. 293, § 293-2
Section 3, Carting Materials on the Streets of the Town
Ch. 293, § 293-3
Section 4, Reduction of Single-Use Plastic Bags
Ch. 331
Article 7.80, Technical Review Committee
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Article 7.90, Economic Development Commission
Ch. 140
Article 7.100, Host Community Committee
Repealed 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 13
Article 7.110, Community Preservation Committee
Ch. 120
Title VIII, Human Services
Article 8.10, Council on Aging
Ch. 105
Article 8.20, Veterans Agent
Ch. 42, Art. VIII
Article 8.30, Recreation Commission
Ch. 205
Article 8.40, Commission on Disability
Ch. 135
Article 8.50, Library Trustees
Ch. 180
Article 8.60, Cultural Council
Ch. 130
Article 8.70, Historical Commission
Ch. 160
Article 8.80, Elderly and Disabled Tax Aid Committee
Ch. 145
Title IX, Education
Article 9.10, Wrentham Public School Committee
Ch. 200
Article 9.30, Scholarship Committee and Educational Fund Committee
Ch. 215
Article 9.51, Regional Public Schools
Ch. 66
Appendix A, Style of Codification
Ch. A401
Appendix B, Accepted Statutes and Home Rule Petitions
Ch. A400
Appendix C, Mullen’s Rule Certification
Ch. A402
Editor's Note: The renumbering and recaptioning of the General Bylaws of the Town was adopted 11-16-2020 STM by Art. 19. The renumbering and recaptioning of the Zoning Bylaws of the Town was adopted 6-17-2021 ATM by Art. 11.