[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Wrentham as Title I of the 2013 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[The General Bylaws of the Town were renumbered and recaptioned and certain style changes were adopted 11-16-2020 STM by Art. 19.]
[Added 6-9-2014 ATM by Art. 20]
As used in these bylaws, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any multiple-member public body of the Town of Wrentham that is formed for a specific task or objective and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective.
The Wrentham Home Rule Charter established by Chapter 116 of the Acts of 2014.
[Added 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 33]
Any multiple-member public body of the Town of Wrentham that is established to serve a public purpose, whether called a board, commission, committee, or other title, and whose members are appointed by an elected official or officials or are designated as ex-officio by statute or by a Wrentham bylaw.
Any multiple-member public body of the Town of Wrentham that is established to serve a public purpose, whether called a board, commission, committee, or other title, and whose members are elected pursuant to MGL c. 41, § 1.
A member of a multiple-member public body who becomes a member by virtue of another position that he/she holds rather than through the regular election or appointment process.
These bylaws may be repealed or amended at any Annual Town Meeting or at any other Town Meeting specially called for the purpose, an article or articles for such purpose having been inserted in the warrant for such meeting.
Any article placed on the warrant of the Annual Town Meeting or any other Town Meeting, and any motion that is received by the Moderator, which would have a permanent effect on the operation of the Town by creating a committee or department, or by defining the structure or responsibilities of any committee, department or other agency of the Town, including acceptance of a local option statute, shall be presented as an amendment to the General Bylaws.
[Added 11-12-2013 STM by Art. 13]
Every violation of any of the provisions of the foregoing bylaws, contained in the following chapters and articles, unless otherwise provided by law or these bylaws, shall be punished by a fine, not more than $20 for each violation or breach thereof:
Chapter 250, Alarm Systems
Chapter 255, Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 260, Animal Control
Chapter 278, Explosives
Chapter 289, Hawkers and Peddlers
Chapter 311, Licenses and Permits, Article II
Chapter 318, Marijuana
Chapter 326, Peace and Good Order
Chapter 354, Streets and Sidewalks, Articles I and III
Chapter 365, Vehicles and Traffic
[Added 6-9-2014 ATM by Art. 17]
These bylaws and their articles, sections, sentences or clauses are hereby declared to be severable. If any article, section, sentence, or clause is adjudged invalid, it is hereby provided that the remainder of these bylaws shall not be affected thereby, and these bylaws shall remain in full force and effect, as amended from time to time, except for those provisions which are determined to be invalid.