[1985 Code § 16-1.1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean and include any automobile or motor vehicle commonly called taxi, engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, which is held out, announced or advertised to operate or run over the public streets or highways in the Borough, and accepts and discharges passengers who may offer themselves for transportation from points or places within the Borough to points or places within or without the Borough.
[1985 Code § 16-2.1]
No taxicab shall operate upon the streets of the Borough without first obtaining a license from the Borough Council.
Such license shall be issued for the calendar year and shall expire on December 31 of each year unless revoked sooner by the Borough Council.
The annual license fee to be paid for such license shall be $50.
[1985 Code § 16-2.2]
Every person obtaining a taxicab license must be at least 18 years of age. If the applicant is a corporation, it must be organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
[1985 Code § 16-2.3]
Application for licenses for taxicabs shall be made under oath by the owner or lessee or bailee thereof in writing to the Borough Council, and filed with the Borough Clerk.
Such application shall contain:
The full name and address of the owner of the taxicab.
If the applicant is not the owner, he shall furnish a complete statement of the terms and conditions of the lease or bailment.
The type of vehicle for which the license is desired.
The length of time the vehicle has been in use.
The number of persons the vehicle is capable of carrying.
The model of the car, its horsepower, serial number and present value.
A complete schedule of fares proposed to be charged.
The business address from which the applicant intends to operate such taxicab.
[1985 Code § 16-2.4]
The Borough Clerk, upon receipt of a license application, shall refer the same to the Chief of Police for investigation and report. The Chief of Police shall make a diligent investigation of the application and the moral character of the applicant, and report thereon in writing as soon as possible. The Borough Clerk, upon receipt of such report from the Chief of Police, shall present the application and report to the Borough Council who shall have the power to grant or deny all licenses.
[1985 Code § 16-2.5]
No vehicle shall be licensed under this section until it has been thoroughly and carefully inspected and examined by the Chief of Police or such other person designated by the Borough Council and found to be in thoroughly safe condition for the transportation of passengers.
The Borough Council is authorized and empowered to establish reasonable rules and regulations for the inspection of vehicles and their appurtenances, construction, condition and fitness.
[1985 Code § 16-2.6]
No taxicab license shall be issued unless the following prerequisites have been complied with:
The prescribed license fee as set forth in subsection 8-2.1 has been paid.
The insurance and power of attorney requirements as set forth in subsection 8-2.8 have been complied with.
The Borough Council finds that the vehicle for which the license is sought is fit and suited for public patronage and transportation as set forth in subsection 8-2.5, and that the applicant is of good moral character.
[1985 Code § 16-4.5]
No taxicab owner's license shall be transferred from person to person.
A vehicle license shall not be transferred from vehicle to vehicle unless the substituted vehicle shall have been inspected and meets the standards governing inspection as specified in subsection 8-2.5 of this chapter.
[1985 Code § 16-2.7]
No taxicab licensee shall operate, cause or permit to be operated, any taxicab unless the provisions of N.J.S.A. 48:16-1 et seq. relating to liability and property damage insurance and power of attorney have been and continue to be complied with, unless otherwise required by State law.
[1985 Code § 16-2.8]
The Borough Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses issued. This record shall include the license number, description and make of the vehicle and the record of inspections for this vehicle. Records shall be open for inspection by the public at all reasonable times and shall be an official record of the Borough.
[1985 Code § 16-2.9]
The Borough Council shall have the right to order the inspection of any taxicab, and all licensees are hereby required to submit their taxicabs to inspection when ordered to do so by the Borough Council.
[1985 Code § 16-2.10]
The granting of a taxicab license may be refused under this section, or, if already issued, may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Borough Council if:
The vehicle is not in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers, and is not kept in conformance with the provisions of this section;
Any of the applicable provisions of this section, or any of the rules and regulations made by the Borough Council are violated, or for other good cause; or
The licensee is found not to be of good moral character.
[1985 Code § 16-3.1]
No person shall drive a taxicab unless he has applied in writing to, and has procured a driver's license from, the Borough Council. Every person applying for a license to drive a taxicab shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he has received a driver's license issued by the State of New Jersey, Motor Vehicle Commission.
[1985 Code § 16-3.2]
Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall:
Be of the age of 18 years or over;
Be fingerprinted;
Present the certificate of a physician showing that he is of sound physique, with good eyesight, and not subject to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble or any other infirmity of body and mind which might render him unfit to safely drive a taxicab;
Be able to read and write the English language;
Not be addicted to the use of narcotics or intoxicating liquors; and
Be of good moral character.
[1985 Code § 16-3.3]
An application for a taxicab driver's license shall be made to the Borough Council and filed with the Borough Clerk on forms provided by the Borough, and shall be retained on file by the Borough Clerk.
Every application shall be verified under oath, and shall contain the following:
Full name and address of the applicant;
Place of residence for the preceding five years;
Age, height, color of eyes and hair;
Whether applicant is a citizen of the United States;
Places of previous employment for the preceding five years;
Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime; and
Whether a driver's license issued by any State to the applicant had ever been suspended or revoked, and if so, for what reason.
Each application shall be accompanied by four recent photographs of the applicant. The photographs shall be two inches by two inches.
Each applicant shall produce letters of his good character from at least two reputable citizens who have known him personally.
[1985 Code § 16-3.4]
Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements set forth in subsections 8-3.2, 8-3.3 and 8-3.6c, the Borough Council shall cause to be issued to the applicant:
A taxicab driver's license which shall contain the photograph and signature of the licensee; and
An identification card which shall also contain the photograph of the driver, his license number and signature.
[1985 Code § 16-3.5; New]
The identification card shall be placed in a conspicuous part of the interior of the taxicab and shall remain there at all times when such licensee is the driver of the taxicab.
[1985 Code § 16-3.6; New; Ord. No. 2016-#01]
Every driver's license shall be issued for the calendar year and shall expire on December 31st of each year.
A license fee of $50 per taxicab driver's license shall be paid.
No fee shall be refunded because the license applied for is denied.
[1985 Code § 16-3.7]
The Borough Council is empowered to establish additional rules and regulations governing taxicab drivers' licenses not inconsistent with this section as may be necessary and reasonable.
[1985 Code § 16-3.8]
Any taxicab driver's license issued pursuant to this section may be suspended or revoked by the Borough Council for violation of any of the provisions of this section, after reasonable notice and opportunity to the licensee to be heard.
Such suspension or revocation may be in addition to the penalty prescribed in subsection 8-5.6.
[1985 Code § 16-3.9]
Upon suspension or revocation of a taxicab driver's license, the licensee shall surrender the license and identification card to the Chief of Police. In the case of suspension, the Chief of Police shall return the license and identification card at the expiration of the period for which the licensee was suspended.
[1985 Code § 16-4.5]
No taxicab license and no taxicab driver's license shall be transferred from person to person.
[1985 Code § 16-4.1]
No owner or driver of any taxicab shall induce any prospective passenger to employ him by knowingly misinforming or misleading any such prospective passenger either as to the time or place of the arrival or departure of any train or bus or as to the location of any hotel, public place or private residence between any two points; nor shall any such owner or driver deceive any prospective passenger, or make any false representations to him or her, or convey any passenger to any other place or over any other route than that which the passenger may have instructed such driver to go.
[1985 Code § 16-4.2]
Every vehicle licensed under this chapter shall have fastened, in a conspicuous place therein, a printed card showing:
The rates provided for in the approved license application, in letters not less than 1/2 inch in height.
The name of the licensee of the taxicab.
The charging of any fares in excess of the rates referred to in paragraph a1 of this subsection shall constitute a violation of this chapter by the taxicab licensee or taxicab driver, or both.
[1985 Code § 16-4.3]
No person other than the licensed driver of a taxicab and one passenger shall ride or sit in the compartment of the taxicab reserved for the driver.
[1985 Code § 16-4.4]
No driver of any licensed taxicab which is disengaged shall refuse to carry any orderly person upon the payment of the rate of fare in accordance with subsection 8-2.3b7.
[1985 Code § 16-5.1]
No person shall keep, hire or use for hire or pay, or cause to be kept or used for hire or pay, any motor vehicle or limousine utilizing the Borough of Ringwood as a principal place of business or principal place of garaging as expressed in N.J.S.A. 48:16-13 et seq. without having first obtained a license for that purpose from the Borough Clerk for such limousine or livery, which license shall be known as a "limousine license". Such license shall be for a term of one year and shall be renewable annually and shall be nontransferable.
[1985 Code § 16-5.2; Ord. No. 2016-#01]
The fee for the issuance of such license shall be $50 for each limousine or automobile license. Each vehicle used as a limousine shall be licensed separately.
The Borough Clerk shall issue such license after the satisfactory compliance by the applicant with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 48:16-13 through 22 and the payment of the aforesaid fee.
[1985 Code § 16-5.3]
There shall be a separate license issued for each limousine to be licensed. The license shall be in writing, numbered, in triplicate, and signed by the Borough Clerk on a form provided by the Borough Clerk, which shall contain the following information:
Name, business address, and business telephone number of the owner.
Number of the license, make and model, year, serial number and license plate of the vehicle.
The name of the company supplying insurance coverage and policy number.
The name, address and telephone number of the insurance agent.
[1985 Code § 16-5.4]
Licenses for limousines and liveries or any renewal thereof shall be issued by the Borough Clerk and no approval of the Borough Council shall be required.
[1985 Code § 16-5.5]
One copy of the limousine license, when issued, shall be retained by the Borough Clerk. The applicants shall receive an original and one copy. The original shall be kept in the limousine at all times.
[1985 Code § 16-5.6]
Any person, firm, corporation, or other organization found to be in violation of any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof in Municipal Court, in addition to the penalties provided by N.J.S.A. 48:16-22, pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for this first offense; and for each subsequent offense shall, upon conviction, pay a fine not to exceed $500. Upon failure to pay such fine, such person shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.
[1985 Code § 16-1.2]
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both. A separate offense shall be committed on each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
Any penalty imposed pursuant to paragraph a hereof shall not be deemed to be in lieu of any provision in this chapter for revocation or suspension of any license issued under this chapter.