Editor's Note: For statutory provisions governing sewer systems in realty improvements, see "The Realty Improvement Sewerage and Facilities Act (1954)." N.J.S.A. 58:11-23 et seq.
See also "Rules and Regulations for the Preparation and Submission of Plans for Sewer Systems and Wastewater Treatment Plants" effective May 10, 1965, promulgated by the State Department of Health.
See also "Standards for the Construction of Sewerage Facilities for Realty Improvements" promulgated by the State Commission of Health, effective August 1, 1963.
Editor's Note: See also Chapter 18, Water and Sewer, of the Revised General Ordinances.
[1985 Code § 108-1.1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean and include a sanitary sewer system which has been designed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health, pursuant to Title 58 of the New Jersey Statutes and intended to provide sewage facilities for realty improvements.
Shall include the singular, and plural, and shall mean and include any person, firm, or partnership, corporation, association, club, society, or any other form of association or organization.
Shall include any residence or other building the useful occupancy of which will require the installation or erection of sewage facilities.
[1985 Code § 108-1.2]
No person shall locate, construct, alter, or put into use an approved sewer system until a permit for the location, construction, or alteration of the system shall have been issued by the Board of Health.
No certificate of compliance shall be issued until and unless such system complies with the standards and regulations herein stated.
[1985 Code § 108-1.3]
Applications for the permit required by this chapter, and for certificate of compliance of the system shall include such engineering data as shall be prescribed by the standards for construction, fixed by the State Department of Health and by this chapter. The application shall set forth the following information:
The applicant's full name and post office address;
The full description of the property or area in the Borough to be served by the sewer system;
Name and address of the professional engineer designing the system;
Certification of the professional engineer that the sewer system is in compliance with the standards of the State Department of Health and the standards of this chapter;
Name and address of the licensed superintendent or operator who will be in general charge of the sewer system; and
Such other information as the Board of Health may determine and require in order to show compliance with the standards herein stated.
Copies of all applications and the accompanying engineering data for certification shall be filed with or mailed to the State Department of Health on the date on which application is made to the Board of Health.
[1985 Code § 108-1.4]
The Board of Health shall issue or deny certification within 30 days after receiving an application for certification except that in case the Board finds the data submitted by an applicant incomplete, the time for acting thereon shall be extended by 30 days beyond the date of submission of adequate supplementary or amendatory data. Denial of certification shall be supported by a statement of the reasons for such action.
Copies of all certifications by the Board of Health shall be mailed to the State Department of Health on the date of issue.
[1985 Code § 108-1.5]
Any permit or certification made may be revoked by the Board of Health provided such action is taken before approval is given by the State Department of Health; and provided that such action is supported by a statement of the reasons therefor. If after revocation of any permit or certification, the application is amended or supplemented, the Board after reconsideration may re-issue the permit and re-certify the system.
[1985 Code § 108-1.6]
If any change in the physical conditions of any lands of a realty improvement which will materially affect the operation of the sewage facilities or system covered by any certification issued under this chapter shall be made after certification, the certification shall become null and void and a new certification shall be obtained before construction shall proceed. A copy of the application for a new certificate shall be mailed to the State Department of Health on the date upon which it is submitted to the Board of Health.
[1985 Code § 108-1.7]
In case any certification is denied by the Board of Health, a hearing shall be held thereon before the Board within 15 days after request thereof is made by the applicant. After the hearing the Board of Health shall affirm, alter or rescind its previous determination and take action accordingly within 15 days after the date of such hearing.
[1985 Code § 108-1.8]
The Board of Health shall have power to make, or cause to be made, such inspections and tests as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, and its authorized representatives shall at all times have the right to enter upon the lands served by the sewer system and/or of the realty improvements for these purposes.
[1985 Code § 108-1.9]
The Board of Health shall have the right to order all further work in and about any sewage facilities which are being erected or installed in violation of this Act (The Realty Improvement and Facilities Act (1954), N.J.S.A. 58:11-23 et seq.), to be stopped forthwith, except such work as shall be necessary to remedy such violation and thereafter, to continue such work without any violation of any of the provisions of this Act (The Realty Improvement and Facilities Act (1954), N.J.S.A. 58:11-23 et seq.), and after the issuance of any such order and the service of a copy thereof upon any persons connected with or working in and about the erection or installation of any such sewage facilities, or any part thereof, no further work shall be done thereon except as aforesaid and any person or corporation who, after having been served with a copy of such an order, shall do any work or cause or permit any work to be done in or about the same, except such as is hereinbefore provided, shall be liable for a penalty stated in Chapter BH1, Section BH1-3 to be collected and enforced by summary proceedings for the collection of penalties pursuant to the "Penalty Enforcement Law." (N.J.S.A. 58:1-1 et seq.)
NOTE: The foregoing provision is in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:11-40.
[1985 Code § 108-1.10]
The following fees and charges are herewith established:
For the filing of an application and plans for a permit to locate and construct a sewer system: $20.
For the issuance of a permit, or for a certification to locate and construct a sewer system in compliance with this chapter: $200.
For the filing of an application and plans for a permit to alter or extend a sewer system: $10.
For the issuance of a permit, or for a certification to alter or extend a sewer system: $40.
For each house connection to an approved sewer system, a permit fee of $5.
[1985 Code § 108-1.11]
All of the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health of the State of New Jersey, made effective on April 25th, 1958, promulgated for employment in the administration of N.J.S.A. 58:12-1 et seq., 58:11-2, 58:11-10 and 58:10-17, and any supplements and amendments thereto, except as to any provisions hereinafter recited modifying the same, are hereby included and made part of this section; no approved sewer system shall be certified until and unless it conforms to such rules and regulations, as herein modified.
All work in connection with the installation of an approved sewer system, and all house connections, shall be in accordance with the provisions of the State Sanitary Code and the State Uniform Construction Code. Work in connection with house connections shall be performed by duly licensed personnel who must satisfy the local Board of Health of their experience and knowledge in the installation of house connections to approved sewer system.
All sewage treatment plants are to be provided with primary and secondary treatment facilities.
No intermittent biological sand filter shall be employed to provide secondary treatment in any sewage treatment plant.
Sewage treatment plants must be designed to provide parallel units for all principal treatment processes so that any one unit may be temporarily removed from service without affecting the operation of the remaining units.
Principal treatment processes as contained in this chapter shall be defined as screening and comminutor mechanisms, primary and secondary settling basins, biological treatment units and sand filters or similar filtering media.
Aesthetic Appearance. In the residential areas, an aesthetic (sight) fence should preclude the enclosed safety fence.
Alarm Systems. The alarm system should include a visual warning, such as a flashing light, in addition to the required audible system.
Applicants shall prove to the Board that they have investigated all possibilities of hooking up to existing systems which can be economically expanded.
Sewage treatment plants shall be located as far from existing structures as practical, but not closer than the distances from the following:
From an existing collector street
400 feet
From an existing minor street
200 feet
From any existing dwelling
500 feet
From any other type of existing building
300 feet
From property line
250 feet
Where intermittent sand filters are used, the distances shall be as follows:
From an existing collector street
600 feet
From an existing minor street
200 feet
From any existing dwelling
500 feet
From any other type of existing building
300 feet
From property line
300 feet
Variances from any of the above distances may be granted by the Board of Health after public hearing on due notice to all property owners within the distance of the location of the proposed treatment plant for which a variance is applied for. Where by ordinance consent has been given to the formation of a sewerage company, and such ordinance provides for the location of sewage treatment plants, such company, notwithstanding the provisions herein, shall locate its sewage treatment plants in accordance with the distances stated in the ordinances of consent.
After the installation of the sewer system, the applicant shall submit in duplicate a map, with an overlay of the original plan, upon which certification is based, showing the location of the treatment plant, and showing all utilities, construction units and connections in exact location and elevation. This map shall bear the certification of the professional engineer designing the system.
[1985 Code § 108-1.12]
No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall file a bond in the principal amount of $4,000 of a surety company acceptable to the Board, conditioned (1) upon the performance of the work to be done in a good workmanlike manner and in conformity with all applicable ordinances, regulations of local and State Boards; and (2) upon the effective removal and abatement notice from the Board, of any nuisance arising out of failure of the sewage system to function in a sanitary manner during the twelve-month period commencing from the completion date.
[1985 Code § 108-1.13]
This chapter Where intermittent sand filters are used, the is for the purpose of regulation and shall in no way affect any of the fees as now provided for or to be hereafter provided for in any other ordinance, but shall be in addition thereto.
[1985 Code § 108-1.15]
Any person who violates any provision of, or order promulgated under this chapter shall, upon conviction, be liable for the penalty stated in Chapter BH1, Section BH1-3 for each violation. Each day a particular violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.