[1985 Code § 100-3.5]
Every apartment house, boarding or rooming house and every residence camp or bungalow and every part thereof shall be kept clean and free from any accumulation of dirt, filth, garbage or other matter in or on the premises or in the yard, court, passage, area or alley connected with or belonging to the premises. The owner, or agent, lessee or occupant of any apartment house or part thereof shall thoroughly cleanse all the rooms, passages, stairs, floors, windows, doors, walls, ceilings, toilets, privies, cesspools and drains of each house or part thereof of which he is the owner, agent lessee or occupant to the satisfaction of this Board or its Officers so often as shall be required by the Board or its Officers and shall, when notified so to do, whitewash or paint the walls and ceilings once every year to the satisfaction of the Board or its Officers.
[1985 Code § 100-3.1]
No builder, lessee, tenant or occupant of any building or structure in the Borough (within the right or ability of either to remedy or prevent the same) shall cause or allow any matter to accumulate or anything be done in or about any such building or structure dangerous or prejudicial to life or health.
[1985 Code § 100-3.2]
No owner, agent or lessee of any building or any part thereof shall lease, rent or let the same or any portion thereof to be occupied by any person or allow the same to be occupied as a place for anyone to dwell or lodge except when the building or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness for which this section or any Law of this State requires that such premises be kept.
[1985 Code § 100-3.3]
No person having the right and power to prevent the same shall knowingly cause or permit any person to sleep or remain in any cellar or in any place dangerous or prejudicial to life or health by reason of lack of ventilation or drainage or by reason of the presence of any poisonous, noxious or offensive substances or gas.
[1985 Code § 100-3.4]
No owner, agent, lessee or keeper of any apartment house, boarding or rooming house or any house which takes in lodgers, camp or bungalow shall cause or allow so great a number of persons to dwell or sleep in the house, or any portion thereof, as to cause any danger or detriment to life or health. Air space per person shall be 400 cubic feet for each adult and 200 cubic feet for each child in accordance with the requirements of Section 142 of the State Tenement House Act.
[1985 Code § 100-3.6]
Whenever it is determined by the Board of Health that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation because it is infested with the germs of a communicable disease or because it is in a condition dangerous to health or life, or because it is likely to cause sickness among the occupants, notice of such decision shall be affixed conspicuously on the building which is unfit for human habitation, and personally served on the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in the State, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building or part thereof for the reasons stated on the notice. This building, or part thereof, shall within 10 days be vacated, or in case of special emergency, within such shorter time as specified in the notice.
[1985 Code § 100-3.7]
No premises shall be rent, let, leased or occupied as an apartment house unless the premises shall have a plentiful supply of pure water, suitable for domestic purposes, furnished at one or more places in the house so that the water supply is adequate and reasonably convenient for the use of the occupants of the house. No person shall take any children for board or start any boarding home for children without first applying for a permit from the Board of Health.[1]
Editor's Note: See also New Jersey State Sanitary Code, Chapter VI, Boarding Homes for Children.