[Adopted as Art. 6.20, Sec. 2, of the 2013 Bylaws]
No person, other than a duly authorized officer or employee, shall dig a trench or lay a pipe in, or in any way disturb the earth or materials on, in or under any street or public way without a permit in writing given by the Superintendent of Public Works upon application by said person made to said Board; and whenever such a permit is so issued, the person or persons to whom it shall be issued shall, whenever a pipe, drain or any other structure is placed in, along or under such a street or public way, file with said Board a plan of the same showing the location and elevation of such pipe, drain or other structure.
Prior to digging within any public way in the Town of Wrentham, an excavation permit must be obtained from the Wrentham Public Works Department. The Wrentham Police Department and Dig Safe (1-800-322-4844) must be notified in writing at least 72 hours prior to excavating. In the event of an emergency excavation, Dig Safe, the Wrentham Public Works Department, and the Wrentham Police Department shall be notified at the time, and the excavation permit shall be applied for no later than 48 hours after the fact.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 34]
The excavation permit fee to be submitted with the application shall be in the amount specified in Chapter 283, Fees, Fines and Charges, § 283-1..
The application form shall be completed in full and signed by the applicant along with a sketch of the excavation and its relevant utilities, location, details, etc.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 34]
To guarantee proper replacement of the excavation, including surface treatment, applicants for excavation permits shall be required to post a cash deposit or certified check based upon the amounts specified in Chapter 283, Fees, Fines and Charges, § 283-3.
The deposit is to be determined by the Public Works Superintendent. A minimum deposit of $200 shall be required to be submitted with the permit application. The Town of Wrentham Public Works Department shall be exempt from the permit fee and deposit. If, based upon the price schedule in Subsection A, the deposit will exceed $3,000, a cash deposit of $3,000 and a bond for the balance will be acceptable. Should the applicant anticipate a number of street openings for utility services or repairs during the course of a calendar year, the Public Works Superintendent may at his discretion accept a blanket deposit of $3,000.
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2]
If the applicant does any work contrary to this bylaw or the regulations governing street excavations as adopted by the Wrentham Select Board, and, after being notified of same, fails to correct such work, the Wrentham Public Works Department may seize the cash deposit and/or bond to correct or complete such work and the applicant shall be liable for all costs incurred.
The Superintendent of Public Works may issue such permits subject to such conditions as he deems necessary or desirable to protect the public safety and property of the Town of Wrentham and to secure the full performance of the work by the permittee.
[Amended 11-21-2022 STM by Art. 2]
The Wrentham Select Board shall promulgate such regulations as it deems necessary to direct the applicant in the proper execution of street excavations.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 34]
The Superintendent of Public Works shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this article. Any person who violates any provision of this article shall be subject to a penalty in the amount specified in Chapter 283, Fees, Fines and Charges, § 283-2. Each day such violation continues shall be a separate offense and the permittee will no longer be allowed to excavate in a public way. The Superintendent, upon taking cognizance of a violation of any provision of this article, as an alternative to initiating criminal proceedings, may give to the offender a written notice to appear before the Clerk of the Wrentham District Court not later than 21 days after the date of such notice. Said notice shall be served in the form and manner prescribed by MGL c. 40, § 21D and shall be subject to the procedure for disposition set forth therein.
Except for emergencies, no permits for excavating within a public way shall be issued between December 1 and March 15.