It is the intent and purpose of this article to ensure that all residential property within the Township is determined to be in a safe and habitable condition prior to the habitation thereof by any successive or new property owner, tenant or other occupant.
Except as otherwise provided in the Uniform Construction Code pertaining to new residential construction, and/or as otherwise set forth in this article, a certificate of compliance (COC) shall be required prior to the change of ownership or change of occupancy of any residential property, including the occupancy of any residential property by a new owner, a new tenant and/or other new occupant. No residential property shall be sold, leased to a person not currently residing at the premises or permitted to be occupied by any person who is not a current occupant of the property unless the property owner first obtains the certificate of compliance required by this article.
No certificate of compliance shall be issued unless the residential property first passes an exterior and interior property inspection, as defined in the International Property Maintenance Code and as otherwise set forth in this article.
Exception. For purposes of this article, new or additional members of the same family shall not be considered a new occupant or new tenant unless the family member lives at the property independent of the property owner and pays rent at the then-current market rate for similar properties within the Township. Notwithstanding same, members of the same family who take ownership of property previously owned by another member of the same family are not exempt from the requirements of this article. This article shall not apply to residential units belonging to rental communities, such as apartment buildings or apartment complexes, consisting of more than two residential units.
Notwithstanding anything herein, the Township does not assume, and hereby expressly disclaims, any responsibility and/or liability for any and all conditions existing on any property inspected pursuant to this article, regardless of whether such conditions are found or are reasonably discoverable at the time of inspection or reinspection.
The owner of residential property subject to this article shall be required to apply for a certificate of compliance prior to transfer of ownership of the property and/or the rental of the property to a new tenant/occupant. The fees for application, inspection and issuance of a certificate of compliance shall be paid at the time of submission of an application therefor in the amounts set forth in Chapter 111 of the Code.
Applications filed pursuant to this article shall be delivered to the enforcing officer not less than 30 days prior to the date that the property is scheduled to be sold or occupied by a new tenant/occupant. Failure to apply at least 30 days prior to the date that change of ownership or occupancy occurs shall require the payment of additional fees as set forth Chapter 111.
The applicant shall utilize only the forms approved by the Board of Commissioners, copies of which shall be maintained on file with the Township Clerk, Code Enforcement Officer and the Construction Office.
A certificate of compliance will be issued only when the premises are deemed to be in compliance with and/or are found to be consistent with the requirements of this article, the Township's Land Use Code and the applicable provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code and Uniform Fire Code.
The inspection required by this article shall include an exterior inspection of the subject premises and interior inspection of the dwelling consistent with all applicable provisions of the International Property Maintenance Code, Uniform Construction Code and Uniform Fire Code and the requirements set forth in this Code and shall include, but not be limited to, the specific requirements of this section.
Exterior inspections. Exterior inspections shall include an inspection of property maintenance conditions pursuant to Article II of this chapter and an inspection of the exterior of all buildings on the property. Such inspection shall include, but not be limited to, confirming compliance with the following:
Building numbering in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 167;
Maintenance and acceptable condition of sidewalks, curbs and driveway aprons in accordance with Chapter 203 and Article II of this chapter;
Maintenance and acceptable condition of doors, door locks, windows, patios, decks, railings, siding, gutters and downspouts, soffit and fascia as well as such other improvements or matters as may be permitted and/or required to be inspected under the Uniform Construction Code, Uniform Fire Code and/or any chapter or provision of this Code;
Maintenance and acceptable condition of pools, spas, saunas and/or hot tubs and satisfaction of enclosure requirements applicable thereto; and
Maintenance and acceptable condition of all outbuildings and/or accessory structures, including, but not limited to, detached garages, sheds, walls and fences.
Interior inspections. Interior inspections shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Life hazard inspection to confirm properly working smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers and confirm the requisite quantity of each as required by the Uniform Fire Code;
Life safety inspection to confirm properly secured and operational electrical connections, electrical outlets and switches (including ground-fault receptacles or GFCIs), covered electrical boxes, junction boxes and electrical panels;
Life safety inspection to confirm proper operation and maintenance of furnaces, heaters, water heaters, clothes dryers and gas appliances, including the existence of proper ventilation where required; and
Life safety inspection to confirm proper water faucet connections, wherever located.
A temporary certificate of compliance ("TCOC") may be issued for a residential property where a buyer submits a notarized letter with a complete address of the property requesting a TCOC and providing a detailed explanation of the reasons why the property cannot be brought into compliance prior to the date of transfer to a new owner or occupation by a new tenant or occupant. The fee for application and issuance of a TCOC shall be in the amount set forth in Chapter 111 and shall be due at the time of application therefor. Notwithstanding the issuance of a TCOC, no occupancy, including the moving in of any furniture, appliances or personal property, shall be permitted under a TCOC. Occupancy shall be permitted only when:
All deficiencies have been abated, a reinspection of the property has been conducted and a final COC has been issued by the Township; and
The owner has obtained any/all other local, county and state approvals that may be necessary.
A TCOC may be issued for a period not to exceed 60 days, in the sole discretion of the enforcing officer. The property owner shall correct all deficiencies as per the Township's inspection report within the time provided in the TCOC. In the event the TCOC is issued for a period less than 60 days, the enforcing officer may extend the TCOC for an additional period of time (but no more than a total of 60 days from the date of first issuance) if the enforcing officer, in his/her sole discretion, determines such extension will not create the risk of harm or injury to any person or to the general public.
In the event the deficiencies cited in the initial TCOC cannot be corrected within 60 days of the issuance of the TCOC, the property owner may request that the Board of Commissioners grant, via resolution and upon such terms as the governing body deems appropriate, such additional time as the property owner can demonstrate will be reasonably necessary as a result of reasons beyond the property owner's control. Such request shall be made in writing and delivered to the Township Clerk at least 14 days before the expiration of the then-existing and unexpired TCOC.
Upon the issuance of a TCOC, any and all paid contracts for services and/or repairs to the property required to satisfy the requirements of a final COC must be submitted to the enforcing officer. Subject only to extensions granted by the Board of Commissioners pursuant to Subsection C above, if the enforcing officer is not afforded enough time for complete review of the proposed services and/or repairs, the closing date for the subject property shall be rescheduled until such time as all deficiencies are abated or the documentation is fully reviewed and approved by the enforcing officer. The enforcing officer shall consult with such other Township personnel and/or professionals as the enforcing officer, in his/her sole discretion, deems necessary to evaluate the documentation provided pursuant to this subsection.