[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Raritan 10-11-2000 by Ord. No. 00-27 (Ch. 5.28 of the 2000 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is unlawful to maintain, conduct, operate or engage in, or carry on, the business of maintaining, conducting or operating any pool room or billiard room or place in which pool or billiards shall be played for gain, hire or reward in the Township without first having obtained a license therefor from the Township Committee.
Application for a license shall be filed in accordance with Chapter 301, Licensing. The following additional information shall be required:
In the case of a corporation, the names and addresses of all the officers, directors and all stockholders presently holding stock and all who for six months prior to the making of an application have been officers, directors or stockholders;
In the case of clubs or associations, it shall state the names and addresses of all officers;
The number of pool tables and billiard tables to be located upon the premises to be licensed.
The licenses shall be issued by the Township Clerk only after a resolution of the Township Committee has been adopted approving the application and only after the payment of the license fee. All licenses shall be valid from the first day of July of the year in which the license is issued until the 30th day of June next after the same is issued, unless sooner revoked.
The license shall not be transferable by the holder to any other person, but it may be transferred by the holder to another address, provided that the licensee makes written application for the transfer to the Clerk and the transfer is approved by resolution of the Township Committee. In the event that the business is sold, the prospective purchaser shall apply for the issuance of a new license in accordance with the terms of this chapter and the payment of the fees as set forth hereinafter.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The annual fee to be paid for the license is as provided in Chapter 245, Fees, § 245-4, for each pool or billiard table located upon the premises to be licensed.
In addition to the grounds stated in § 301-9, a license may be suspended or revoked for permitting or suffering any activity upon the licensed premises which is or may be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare or morals.
The following regulations shall apply:
In the event any license is suspended or revoked, the licensee shall not be permitted to the return of any portion of the license fee.
Any premises which shall be declared to be unsafe as a result of the written report of the Building Subcode Official, or declared to be or pose a fire hazard as result of the written report of the Fire Marshal, shall be deemed to be ineligible for a license or renewal thereof.
No license shall be issued for the operation of any pool or billiard room which is located within 200 feet of any school, church or publicly owned building.
The hours of operation of such pool or billiard room shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight on Mondays through Thursdays; 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sundays.
Age regulations. No person under the age of 14 shall be admitted to or permitted to play pool or billiards in any licensed premises or to frequent or lounge or congregate or gather in any such room or place unless accompanied by his or her parent or adult guardian. Further, no person under the age of 18 shall be permitted to play or remain in the licensed premises beyond the hour of 11:00 p.m., regardless of whether such child is accompanied by his or her parent or adult guardian.
In no event shall card playing be permitted on premises licensed under this chapter, even if such card playing is for social purposes.
All premises in which the games of pool and billiards are played shall be on the street floor of any building and shall be so arranged and shall be so lighted that a full view of the interior may be had from the public thoroughfare or from adjacent rooms to which the public is admitted at all hours.
This chapter shall not apply to any religious, charitable, benevolent or nonprofit association or corporation which operates or maintains any pool or billiard table solely for the recreation and amusement of its members, provided the organization is bona fide in character and is not intended as a means or device for evading the terms and provisions of this chapter, nor shall this chapter apply to the keeping of any pool or billiard table in private residences.
There shall be conspicuously posted and displayed in any premises licensed under this chapter the following:
The license issued pursuant to this chapter;
A copy of the ordinance codified in this chapter, which shall be supplied to the licensee by the Township Clerk;
A minimum of two signs conspicuously placed in the pool or billiard area of the premises with clear, bold lettering (lettering shall be a minimum of six inches in height) indicating "No Gambling";
A minimum of two signs conspicuously placed in the pool or billiard area of the premises giving notice of the hours of operation with regard to persons under the age of 18 years.
The licensee shall provide a minimum of one qualified adult attendant on duty at all times within the premises and during the hours the billiard or pool room is open to the public, who shall supervise the premises to see that order is maintained, that disorderly or improper conduct is prevented, that such licensed area is kept free from congestion, and to insure that the provisions of this chapter and the rules governing the use of the billiard or pool tables are observed.