[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Raritan 10-11-2000 by Ord. No. 00-27 (Ch. 5.20 of the 2000 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall engage in the business of keeping a junkyard, i.e., keep and maintain a yard, covered or uncovered, space or place, in the Township for the purpose of buying and selling, exchanging or storing rags, old metals, old bottles, old glassware, old tinware, old paper, old plumbing fixtures, dismantled old automobiles or parts thereof, motor vehicle junk or any other old material commonly called "junk," without being licensed to do so by the Township Committee. This shall not prohibit the storage of old material to be used, by the person storing the same, for manufacturing purposes.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
All licenses shall expire on January 31 of each year. The fee for such license shall be as provided in Chapter 245, Fees, § 245-4, imposed for revenue.
[Amended by Ord. No. 15-3]
In addition to the provisions of Chapter 301, Licensing, the following shall apply.
Application for a license shall be made to the Township Committee in writing and the committee shall fix a reasonable time for a hearing.
The applicant shall publish notice of his or her intention to apply for a license in a newspaper published in the county seat of Hunterdon County, which publication shall be inserted in two issues of the paper, and the last publication shall not be more than 10 days preceding the date of hearing.
The applicant shall, by affidavit, present satisfactory proof to the Township Committee, at least two days prior to the hearing, that the notices have been published. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney.
No junkyard shall be kept and maintained unless the premises has a suitable enclosure not less than eight feet in height and constructed in such manner that the interior of the yard and the contents thereof shall not be visible from the outside. The licensee shall at all times maintain the premises in a safe and sightly manner with due regard to the public health and safety of persons and property in the vicinity in which the junkyard is located No material shall be placed or kept by the licensee on the sidewalk or street or any part thereof or on or above the fence or between the fence and any building. No junkyard shall be operated by any licensee in any space not specifically licensed, nor shall the licensee conduct his or her junkyard to occasion any moral hazards to the residents of the neighborhood or any traffic hazards on adjoining highways.
Every licensee of a junkyard shall provide and keep a book on the licensed premises in which shall be written at the time of each purchase a description of the articles purchased, the name and residence of the person from which the purchase was made and the date of purchase. The book shall at all reasonable times be opened to the inspection of any state police officer or police officer of the Township or of the county.
No license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of the crime of receiving stolen goods or to any corporation which includes a stockholder, director or officer who has been convicted of such crime.
No licensee shall receive or purchase any goods, articles, merchandise or vehicles from any person under the age of 18 years.
The Township Committee may suspend or revoke any license, after notice and hearing, where the licensee has been convicted of the crime of receiving stolen goods or where he or she violates any of the provisions of this chapter.