The purpose of this chapter shall be to require the clear display
of building numbers for all properties that contain principal buildings
within the Township in order to assist the authorities and the general
public in identifying properties in case of emergency as well as for
the welfare of the general public in conducting their normal affairs
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:67-1 et seq. Any changes made pursuant to
the provisions of this section shall be reflected on the appropriate
municipal tax and building numbering maps for inclusion in the 911
address system.
The Tax Assessor and 911 Coordinator are authorized to establish
numbers for all buildings, suites, apartments, structures and vacant
lots within the Township. The Tax Assessor and 911 Coordinator shall
give due regard to the need for a logical and uniform sequence of
number assignments along the streets and roads of the Township. All
properties which now or hereafter have frontage on or access to any
street shall be plotted on the Official Tax Map of the municipality.
Each property with frontage on or access to any street shall be assigned
an official property number, except where one or more buildings or
lots are located on an unnamed private road, lane or way having access
to a street. In that situation, only one official number shall be
assigned and it shall be based upon the number which describes the
location of the access point on the street. If more than one occupied
building exists, each building shall be known by the street number
assigned followed by a letter of the alphabet, said letters of the
alphabet to be assigned sequentially. Official property numbers shall
proceed from a logical point of origin and shall be in proper numerical
sequence in relation to the numbers assigned to other lots with access
to the same street. New streets will follow west to east numbering
and south to north numbering. Odd numbers will be on the left side
and even numbers will be on the right side starting from low to high.
This shall be the initial assignment of numbers. Every effort will
be made to follow these procedures. The number 13 will not be used.
If circumstances dictate the change of the numbering format from its
natural sequence, it will be reviewed on an individual basis with
agreement from the 911 Coordinator and the Tax Assessor.
The owner and tenant of any property or structure shall be responsible
for compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The owner and
tenant shall install and maintain the identification numbers and other
property identification required by this chapter so as to be clearly
visible and unobstructed at all times.
The following regulations shall apply to all identification
numbers installed in order to provide the greatest degree of identification
of the property so as to assist any persons thereon:
A. Identification numbers for residential
homes and single businesses shall be no less than four inches in height
and made of durable and clearly visible material. The identification
numbers shall be installed on the front of the structure approximately
six feet to eight feet from the ground so as to be clearly visible.
Identification numbers shall also be installed at the driveway entrance
to the property.
B. Identification numbers for large
commercial, industrial or residential properties where several buildings
are present shall be placed on a placard 18 inches by 18 inches with
the numbers filling the placard. The design of the placard shall be
compatible with the design of the building. The placard shall be installed
on the front of the structure approximately six feet to eight feet
from the ground so as to be clearly visible. Identification numbers
shall also be installed at the driveway entrance or access road to
the property.
C. Identification numbers shall be
of reflective material or of sufficient visible contrast to the background
material to be easily discernible at night with the aid of an emergency
vehicle spotlight. The identification numbers shall be clearly visible
at all times, unobstructed by trees, shrubs, vegetation or otherwise.
D. Identification numbers shall be
installed at the driveway or access road to any property wherein a
principal structure is being constructed.
E. In addition to the foregoing requirements,
properties and structures with multiple entrance points shall be labeled
as required by the 911 Coordinator for emergency response purposes.
The 911 Coordinator shall assess such properties and structures on
an individual basis so as not to over label the properties or structures.
No original certificate of occupancy or continued certificate
of occupancy shall be issued for any structure in the Township unless
the property and structure is in compliance with the requirements
of this chapter.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. II)]
This chapter shall be enforced by the Township of Raritan 911
Coordinator, Bureau of Fire Prevention, Department of Engineering,
Planning and Zoning and Police Department. In the event that there
is a violation of this chapter, a notice of violation shall be issued
providing the owner or tenant of the property a period of 15 days
to cure the violation. In the event that the violation has not been
cured within this period, a summons may be issued to the owner or
tenant of the property returnable in the Township of Raritan Municipal
Court for violating this chapter. Each day after the fifteen-day cure
period that the violation continues unabated shall be considered a
separate and distinct violation of this chapter. Upon conviction of
violating this chapter, a fine of $100 per violation shall be assessed,
plus applicable court costs.