[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Neptune City 12-28-1982 by Ord. No. 82-12.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Section 1 of this ordinance included certain historical information with regard to the Fire Department, including the following: On 8-30-1890 the Mayor and Council adopted an ordinance establishing a Fire Department for the borough. Other ordinances pertaining to the Fire Department were adopted 9-20-1890, 11-8-1890, 8-6-2002, 9-8-2002, 9-17-2002 and 10-15-2002. The Name of the Fire Department was established by ordinance adopted 11-5-2002. Section 4 of this ordinance provided that it shall take effect 1-1-1983.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
COMMITTEE — The Fire Committee or any committee appointed by the Mayor with jurisdiction over the Department.
The United Fire Company No. 1 of the Borough of Neptune City.
The Mayor and Council of this borough.
The Fire Department of this borough.
The member of Council appointed by the Mayor who is Chairman of the Fire Committee.
A Fire Department shall be and the same is hereby established in the Borough of Neptune City and shall consist of one Fire Chief; one assistant fire chief; and such other officers as may be authorized by the constitution and bylaws of the Department. The officers duly elected by the members of the Department shall constitute a Board of Officers, and said Board shall report to the appointed Fire Commissioner and Fire Committee of the Borough of Neptune City.
The Department shall consist of one fire company and shall be known as "United Fire Company No. 1 of the Borough of Neptune City."
Membership in the Department shall be limited to those persons who at the time of joining the department are residents of the borough, who shall volunteer to serve in the Department without compensation and who shall be recommended for membership by the Committee and by the Fire Company and approved by the Council.
The constitution and bylaws of the Fire Company and all of its rules and regulations as presently existing, are hereby incorporated as additional provisions in this chapter, and amendments to the constitution or bylaws, or any changes in any of said rules and regulations or additions thereto, from time to time, and while remaining in force, shall be as binding and effective as though the same had been incorporated as additional provisions of this chapter. The constitution and bylaws of the company may only be changed or amended by a vote of 2/3 of the members of the company present at a meeting duly called for consideration of such proposed change or amendment.
[Amended 12-27-1993 by Ord. No. 1993-23]
Any person desiring membership in the Company shall complete, in duplicate, filing the same with United Fire Company No. 1, an application, the form of which may be prescribed by the Company, but which shall contain the following information about the applicant:
Home address.
Birth date.
Social security number.
Driver's license number.
Any conviction of violation of N.J.S. 2C:17-1.
Aggravated Arson, or
Arson, or
Failure to control or report dangerous fire, or
Directly or indirectly pays or accepts any form of consideration for the purpose of starting a fire or explosion.
Any conviction of violation of N.J.S. 2C:33-3, False Public Alarms.
Any conviction of a crime or disorderly persons violation.
Such other information as the Company deems relevant to the application, provided none of such information is prohibited by law.
Following the filing of such application the Company shall transmit one of the applications to the Chief of Police of the Borough of Neptune City who shall conduct an investigation to ascertain the truth of the statements made by the applicant upon his/her application and any such other investigation of the applicant's background as he deems necessary for the protection of the public good. If as the result of such investigation the applicant is found to have been convicted of violation of N.J.S. 2C:17-1 a, b, c and/or d or N.J.S. 2C:33-3 or any other crime or disorderly persons violation or any other information that would indicate the applicant may be a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the community, the Chief of Police shall report such information and the particulars therof to the United Fire Company No. 1.
In connection with said investigation, the applicant shall submit to fingerprinting, and the Chief of Police is authorized to submit applicant's fingerprint card and receive state criminal history record information from the Division of State Police/State Bureau of Investigation for use in considering suitability of all applicants covered under this section.
This section is intended to make the United Fire Company No. 1 an authorized agency as defined by N.J.A.C. 13:59-1.1.
The above investigation by the Chief of Police shall be completed within 30 days of receipt of the application and the fingerprinting of the applicant.