[Adopted 11-8-1976 as Art. IV of Ord. No. 76-12]
There is hereby created the office of Deputy Borough Clerk in and for the Borough of Neptune City.
Such person who shall fill such position shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. In order to qualify for such office, he shall be a resident of the Borough of Neptune City and shall maintain his residence within the borough from and during the term of his office. The term of the office of Deputy Borough Clerk shall be for a period of one year, commencing from the first day of January in the year of his appointment, except that the term of office of the Deputy Borough Clerk first appointed shall be from the date of his appointment to December 31, 1976.
The Deputy Borough Clerk shall devote his full time to the duties of his office during regular business hours, when the office of the Borough Clerk is open to the public. The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Borough Clerk shall be those set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-135, together with any other duty assigned by the Borough Clerk to the said Deputy Borough Clerk, and as required by any ordinance of the Borough of Neptune City.
In full compensation for the discharge of all his duties, the Deputy Borough Clerk shall receive the annual salary fixed by the annual Salary Ordinance of the Borough of Neptune City.[1]
Editor's Note: For additional information concerning salaries, see Ch. 30, Salaries and Compensation.
Before entering his duties as Deputy Borough Clerk, the Deputy Borough Clerk shall execute a bond in such amount as is provided by statute, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties.
In the event that the office of the Deputy Borough Clerk shall become vacant during the term, the same shall be filled for the expiration of the term by the appointment of the Mayor of such successor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
The Deputy Borough Clerk shall, in the absence of the Borough Clerk, have the right and power to execute all documents required by law or ordinance to be executed by the Borough Clerk, and shall affix the seal of the borough thereto whenever required. In signing any documents, the Deputy Borough Clerk should sign the name of the Borough Clerk, followed by the word "by" and the Deputy Borough Clerk's own name and the words "Deputy Borough Clerk," and shall have the right, in connection with such documents, to affix the seal of the borough. The Deputy Borough Clerk shall turn over all moneys received by him on behalf of the borough to the Borough Treasurer.