The subdivider shall observe the following requirements and principles of land subdivision in the design of each subdivision or portion thereof as set forth herein.
All major subdivisions submitted to the Board, shall include off-site, off-tract, on-site and/or on-tract improvements as required by the Board in accordance with the standards set forth herein, including but not limited to roads, pavement, curbs, sidewalks, shade trees, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers.
All minor and major subdivisions shall be designed so that each lot is served by a paved public street. Minor and major subdivisions fronting on an existing street shall provide for the improvement of the near side of that street in conformity with the following standards. Existing streets under the control of state or county agencies shall be improved to conform to the requirements of such agencies or the following, whichever is more stringent:
Design Standards for Streets
Type of Street
Portion of Street
Business or Collector
Right-of-way width
60 feet
50 feet
Width between curbs
40 feet
30 feet
Minimum grade
Maximum grade
Surface, Type FABC, Mix I-5
2 inches
1 1/2 inches
Base, bituminous stabilized base, Mix I-2
4 inches
3 inches
Subbase, Dense Graded Aggregate
6 inches
6 inches
Crown, traffic lanes
2 1/4% to 2 3/4%
2 1/4% to 2 3/4%
Crown, parking lanes
2 1/2% to 3%
2 1/2% to 3%
Note 1: Manufacture and placement of pavement shall conform to the current specifications of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Note 2: Bituminous stabilized base course may be substituted for subbase at the rate of one inch of bituminous stabilized base course for two inches of subbase material.
Street intersections shall be as nearly as practical at right angles and in no case shall be less than 60°. No more than two streets shall intersect at any one point. In no case shall a street intersect another street at a distance of less than 150 feet between centerlines of the intersecting streets measured along the centerline of the street intersected.
Dead end streets (cul-de-sac) shall be provided with a turnaround having a radius of not less than 40 feet on the curbline, together with additional right-of-way of not less than eight feet around the entire curbline.
Curbs. All new streets shall be provided with curb constructed of portland cement concrete having a twenty-eight day strength of not less than 4,000 pounds. Curbs shall have minimum dimensions of 6x8x18 inches with a battered face. The curb shall extend six inches above the street pavement. Curbs shall have premolded, nonextruding expansion joints at intervals not exceeding 20 feet and shall also be provided with contraction joints at intervals of not more than 10 feet. Curbs shall be finished with a smooth float finish and shall have a one inch radius at the top of the street face. Curbs shall be installed on both sides of all streets. Curbs shall be depressed at all locations where sidewalk and pedestrian crosswalks intersect any street for handicap accessibility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act regulations.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all streets and shall not be less than four feet in width. Concrete sidewalks shall be four inches in thickness except at driveways, where they shall be six inches in thickness and shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric, No. 10 wire, spaced at six inches each way or other approved reinforcement. Sidewalks shall be constructed of portland cement concrete having a twenty-eight-day strength of not less than 4,000 pounds and shall be provided with premolded 1/2 inch expansion joints at intervals not exceeding 20 feet and shall be provided with contraction joints at intervals of not more than five feet. Sidewalks shall have a slope of 1/4 inch per foot toward the curb and shall be sufficiently higher than the curb to provide for adequate drainage. Sidewalks shall be depressed at driveways for vehicles entering or leaving the property and shall be designed in accordance with Design Standards for Curb Ramps for the Physically Handicapped as promulgated by the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Sidewalks shall be finished with a broom finish having the striations at 90° to the direction of the traffic. Sidewalks shall be set back from the curb not less than three feet in residential areas and not less than four feet in business areas or on collector streets.
Sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be installed on all streets and shall be connected to the existing sanitary sewer system in the Borough. Sewer extensions must be approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection prior to their construction. All sanitary sewer design and specification shall conform to the current standards and requirements of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Shade trees. Nursery grown shade trees shall be planted at a spacing of 40 to 60 feet apart, dependent on the species of tree. These shall be planted not less than four feet outside the right-of-way line of the street. Deciduous trees shall have a caliper of not less than two inches as measured six inches above the ground line. The subdivider shall submit the type and location of trees to be planted with the preliminary plat for a major subdivision.
Street signs. Street signs shall be provided at all street intersections and shall conform as closely as possible to the type in use in the borough at the time of their construction.
Lighting. In connection with said subdivision, the applicant shall submit plans for all proposed exterior lighting. These plans shall indicate their location, type of light, radius of light and intensity in footcandles. The following standards shall be followed:
Adequate lighting shall be provided to ensure safe movement of persons and vehicles and for security purposes.
All lights shall be shielded to restrict the maximum apex angle of the cones of illumination to 150°.
Where lights along property lines will be visible to adjacent residences, the lights shall be appropriately shielded.
Freestanding lights shall be so located and protected as to avoid being easily damaged by vehicles.
Lighting shall be located along streets, parking areas, at intersections and where various types of circulation systems merge, intersect or split.
Recyclable materials storage.
[Added 3-12-1990 by Ord. No. 1990-6]
For each subdivision application for single-family units, the applicant shall provide a storage area of at least 12 square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate an accumulation of mandated recyclables, including but not limited to newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bimetal cans. The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage, basement or kitchen.
For each subdivision application for multifamily units, the applicant shall provide a storage area of at least four square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate, consistent with the borough's frequency of collection, an accumulation of mandated recyclables, including but not limited to newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bimetal cans. The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage or kitchen. Unless recyclables are collected on a weekly basis from each dwelling unit, one or more common storage areas must be provided at convenient locations within the development.