[Added 8-14-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
The use of portable storage containers and temporary trailers shall be allowed on residential properties on a temporary basis subject to the following conditions.
Portable storage containers and temporary trailers shall be placed on a property located within a residential zone for no more than 90 days during the course of a calendar year, unless used in conjunction with a construction permit, in which event, it shall be permitted to remain for the duration of the construction permit, but no more than 12 months.
A property owner may apply for an extension of the ninety-day limitation to the Construction and Code Enforcement Office for good cause, but in no event for more than an additional 90 days.
No portable storage container or temporary trailer shall be placed in any area on a residential property in front of the building's front foundation line, nor closer to any side yard property line than 10 feet unless placed on an existing driveway. Containers and trailers may not be placed in the front yard, on a public right-of-way, nor at any location that obstructs traffic visibility. All trailers and containers shall be placed on existing paved areas whenever possible.
There shall be a limit of one container or trailer per property.
The size of the container or trailer shall not exceed 10 feet in height, 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length.
The container or trailer and the area surrounding it shall be kept in a neat and clean condition. The siding of the container or trailer shall be maintained free of rust and graffiti.