[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs 10-13-1997 by Ord. No. 1997-05. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 12-13-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-06]
Any volunteer fire company in the Borough of Mount Holly Springs may nominate such of its members, who when confirmed by the Mayor as provided by law, shall be special fire police. The term of service of each such fire policeman so confirmed shall be perpetual unless the appointment and confirmation is revoked or terminated by the Mayor for just cause.
[Amended 12-13-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-06]
No person shall be nominated for or appointed to the special fire police who has not attained the age of 21 years. The special fire police shall be selected from the names nominated by any volunteer fire company in the Borough of Mount Holly Springs and submitted to the Mayor. No member of the special fire police shall hold any other position which shall compromise his or her availability or effectiveness as a member of the special fire police.
When displaying a badge of authority, a special fire police shall have the following powers and authority:
Authority at fires. Special fire police shall have full power to regulate traffic and keep crowds under control at or in the vicinity of any fire on which their companies are in attendance and to exercise such other police powers as are necessary in order to facilitate and prevent interference with the work of firemen in extinguishing fires.
Authority at functions, events and parades. Special fire police shall have the police powers necessary to perform their duties when functioning as special fire police at any function, event or parade conducted by or under the auspices of, any volunteer fire company, or any other event, function or parade conducted by an organization other than a volunteer fire company, provided the request to perform these duties is made by the Borough Council or the governing body in which the event will be conducted.
Emergencies. Special fire police shall have the power and authority to perform traffic-control and crowd-control duties when accidents, floods or any other emergencies require such duties be performed. Such duties may be performed without prior request from Borough Council until the arrival of appropriate Borough police authority and thereafter, the special fire police shall be subject to direction of such police authority until the emergency no longer exists.
Duties adopted by Borough Council resolution. All members of the special fire police shall perform fire police duties in accordance with and pursuant to such resolutions as are adopted by Borough Council from time to time.
All special fire police when on duty shall display a badge of authority and shall wear such uniforms as approved by the Mayor.
The special fire police when on duty shall be subject to the control of the Chief of Police of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs.
All special fire police so appointed prior to the effective date hereof shall be subject to the terms and provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the nomination and appointment provisions set forth in § 134-1, above.
The Mayor shall have the power and authority to revoke or terminate the appointment and confirmation of any person confirmed by him pursuant to § 134-1, above, for just cause.
The provisions of this chapter shall be severable and, if any of its provisions shall be held to be unconstitutional, illegal or otherwise invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this chapter. It is declared to be the legislative intention that this chapter would have been enacted had the unconstitutional, illegal or otherwise invalid provisions not been included in this chapter.