[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Holly Springs Ord. No. 2019-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
An ordinance of the Borough providing for the vacating, removal, repair or demolition of any buildings or structures dangerous to the health, safety and welfare of the people of the Borough; and setting forth the procedure and rules for determining dangerous structures. This chapter shall apply uniformly to all persons, business organizations, nonprofit organizations, and all other legal entities; and it shall apply uniformly to all property and all property owners within the Borough.
The following words, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates otherwise. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, words in the singular shall include the plural, and words in the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
An individual of legal majority or entity who has been designated by the owner as the agent of the owner, manager of the property or legal entity under the provisions of this chapter.
Mount Holly Springs Borough.
The Building Code officially adopted by the governing body of the Borough, or other such codes officially designated by the governing body of the Borough for the regulation of construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, location, occupancy, and maintenance of buildings and structures.
Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure of any individual, animal, process, equipment, goods or materials of any kind.
Existing elected or appointed members of the Borough Council.
All buildings or structures which have any or all of the following defects; as set forth in § 211-3 herein.
Defined as calendar days unless otherwise specified.
A single habitable unit, providing living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent space for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, bathing and sanitation, whether furnished or unfurnished. There may be more than one dwelling unit on premises.
Citizens Fire Company or any member thereof, including the Fire Chief or his designee or any other designated fire emergency service operating on behalf of Mount Holly Springs Borough.
Any person authorized by law, ordinance or resolution to inspect buildings or systems (e.g., zoning, housing, plumbing, electrical systems, heat systems, mechanical systems, and health) necessary to operate or use buildings within the Borough. An "inspector" would include those identified in § 211-7, Enforcement procedures.
International Property Maintenance Code standard adopted by the Borough.
A person age 18 or older who resides at a premises either permanently or temporarily.
The office of Code Enforcement for the Borough.
Any person or entity who has charge, care, or control of a premises which is offered or let for occupancy.
Any person, entity, agent, or operator having a legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded in the official records of the state, county, or municipality as holding title to the property; or otherwise having control of the property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person, and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court of competent jurisdiction.
An owner who resides in a dwelling unit on a regular permanent basis, or who otherwise occupies a nonresidential portion of the premises on a regular permanent basis.
Any person, partnership, firm, association, corporation or municipal authority or any other group acting as a single unit.
The Mount Holly Springs Borough Police Department or any member thereof sworn to enforce laws and ordinances in the Borough, and includes the Chief of Police or his designee.
Any parcel of real property in the Borough including the land and all buildings and structures in which one or more rental units are located.
Is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Any man-made object having an ascertainable stationary location on or in land or water, whether or not affixed to the land.
Zoning Ordinance as officially adopted by the Mount Holly Springs Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 500, Zoning.
The words "dangerous buildings or structure" shall mean all the buildings or structures which have any or all of the following defects; and all such buildings or structures shall be deemed "dangerous buildings or structures" as:
Those which have been damaged by fire, wind or other cause so as to fail utterly to provide the amenities essential to living and are unfit for human habitation;
Those which have been damaged by fire, wind or other cause so as to have become dangerous to the life and safety, or the general health and welfare of the occupant or the people of the Borough;
Those which have become or are so dilapidated, decayed, unsafe, unsanitary that they are unfit for human habitation;
Those which have become or are so dilapidated, decayed, unsafe, unsanitary or which are likely to cause accidents, sickness, or disease, so as to work injury to the health, safety or general welfare of those living therein as well as other citizens of the Borough;
Those which have parts thereof which are so attached that they might fall and injure members of the public or adjoining property; or
Those which because of their general condition are unsafe, unsanitary or dangerous to the health, safety or general welfare of the people of the Borough;
Those which fail to meet the criteria of Chapter 1 of the International Property Maintenance Code.
All "dangerous buildings or structures" are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be repaired, vacated and/or demolished consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
Each day a nuisance in the form of a dangerous building or structure continues after notice is given that said dangerous building or structure is to be repaired, vacated and/or demolished shall constitute a separate offense in violation of this chapter.
Whenever it is reported or comes to the attention of any person, citizen, Borough official or police officer that any building or structure completed or on the process of construction or any portion thereof is in a dangerous condition, such person shall report the same to the Borough Council or to the Mayor or their designee. The Borough Council shall then designate a Borough official or a committee or a police officer to make an investigation and examine the building or structure reported. If the official, committee, or police officer making the investigation believes that the structure is a dangerous building, then a written report of the investigation specifying the condition of the structure and in what respect it is dangerous shall be made and presented to Borough Council. The report may recommend whether the building can be repaired or whether it shall be removed as a dangerous building.
The Council of the Borough shall:
Upon receipt of a report in accordance with the investigation procedure provided hereinabove in § 211-4 of this chapter, give written notice to the owner or owners of such dangerous buildings as determined by the records in the County Assessment and Recorder of Deeds offices in and for Cumberland County, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or failing to find any owner or owners, then notice shall be given to the occupant, mortgagee, lessee, agent or any other person found with an interest in said dangerous building as the Borough may discover, and said notice shall inform the owner or other party to appear before the Council on a date specified to show cause why the building or structure reported as a dangerous building should not be repaired, demolished or vacated in accordance with any written report to Council or determination made by Council;
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Within not less than 10 days nor more than 60 days from the date of such notice, hold a hearing and hear such testimony as the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee or other person having an interest in said building shall offer related to the dangerous building;
Within 30 days of such hearing, make written findings of fact from the testimony offered pursuant to the hearing as to whether or not the building in question is a dangerous building; and
Within not more than 30 days following the hearing provided for above shall issue an order, based upon findings of fact made pursuant demanding the owner of said building to repair, demolish or vacate any building found to be a dangerous building.
The following standards shall be followed in substance by the Council in ordering repair, vacation or demolition of a dangerous building or structure, after investigation:
If the dangerous building or structure can be repaired as determined by the Council so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this chapter, it shall be ordered repaired.
If the dangerous building or structure is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, safety, or general welfare of its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated.
If the dangerous building or structure cannot be reasonably repaired as determined by the Council, it shall be demolished.
If the dangerous building or structure is a fire hazard or existing or erected in violation of the terms of this chapter, any other ordinance of the Borough or any statute of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it shall be demolished.
If any building or structure is deemed to be a dangerous building/structure within the standards of this chapter after the hearing, then Council within the time set forth in § 211-5 of this chapter shall cause notice of this order issued under § 211-6 of this chapter to be served upon the owner of such dangerous buildings or structures as determined by the records previously or who appeared at the hearing, or to the occupant, mortgagee, lessee, agent or any other person found with an interest in said dangerous building who can be located.
The notice and order required by this section shall be served personally upon the owner of a dangerous building or structure if such owner resides in the Borough or personally upon his agent if such agent resides within the Borough. If personal service required herein cannot be obtained, such notice shall be sent to the owner of a dangerous building by certified mail at the last known address according to the records available in the Tax Assessment office in and for Cumberland County in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The notice and order shall identify the building or structure deemed dangerous; contain a statement of the particulars which made this building or structure a dangerous building/structure and include an order requiring the same to be put in such condition as to conform with the terms of this chapter; provided further, in any case where the notice prescribes the repair of any structure, the owner thereof shall have the option to remove such structure, in lieu of making the repairs thereto within the time period provided.
The notice and order shall require any person notified to repair, vacate or demolish any building or structure to commence the work or act required by the notice within 10 days of such notice and to comply with such repair, vacation or demolition within 60 days from the receipt of such notice.
Any owner, occupant or lessee who is in possession of any dangerous building who shall fail to comply with any notice or order to repair, vacate or demolish any dangerous building issued under § 211-6 of this chapter or who violates any of the other provisions of this chapter, shall, upon conviction before a Magisterial District Judge, be subject to a fine not less than $300 and not to exceed $1,000 plus costs and attorney's fees accrued in enforcement, and in default of payment of the fine and costs shall be subject to imprisonment for a period not to exceed 30 days. Each day of a violation shall be considered separate violations and offenses.
Any person having an interest in any building, who fails to comply with any notice or order to repair, vacate, or demolish any dangerous building within 90 days of the receipt of such notice, by such failure does empower the Council to cause such building or structure to be repaired, vacated or demolished by the Borough and to cause the costs of such repair, vacation or demolition together with a penalty of 10% to be charged upon the land upon which the building exists as a municipal lien, or alternatively to recover such costs and penalty in a suit at law against the owner or owners but failing to recover same to have the judgment therefore to be charged upon the land as a lien; and this subsection is separate from in addition to the fine, penalty and costs which may be imposed by any other subsection of this section.
In cases where it reasonably appears that there exists an immediate danger to the life or safety of any person caused or created by a dangerous building, the Council shall cause the immediate repair, vacation or demolition of such dangerous building. The costs of such emergency repair, vacation or demolition of such dangerous building shall be collected as provided for in § 211-8 of this chapter.
In the event of any provision, section, sentence, clause, or part of this chapter being held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, section, sentence, clause or part of the chapter, it being the intent of the Borough that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect, and for this purpose the provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable.
In the event of any legislation by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania becoming effective dealing with the same or similar subject matter as that included herein, such shall remain in full force and effect if it is more restrictive, and not inconsistent with such legislation, but if such legislation is more restrictive than, inconsistent with, or both, then this chapter shall be interpreted according to such legislation and shall be superseded to the extent necessary to give such legislation appropriate effect. However all the remainder of the chapter shall be and shall remain in full force and effect, and for this purpose the provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances expressly inconsistent herewith, or dealing with the same or similar subject matter of this chapter, are expressly repealed.
This chapter shall be effective within five days after adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor.