[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bloomfield 1-23-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991 (Ch. 131 of the 2016 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Written application for water service must be made at the Village Clerk/Treasurer's office by the property owner or his authorized agent. The owner will be held responsible for all charges for water supplied in said premises, but upon request, the bills will be sent to the tenant of the premises to which water is supplied.
From existing mains:
All work from main to property line to be completed by Village the of Bloomfield Water Department or its agent.
All services from property line to home to be completed by registered plumber only. All plumbers are to be licensed by Village of Bloomfield Water Department.
The cost of each water service shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board[1] and paid in advance at the Village Clerk/Treasurer's office. The service shall consist of tapping the main, furnishing and installing corporation cook, appropriate copper tubing from main to the property line of the premises and curb cock, box and rod. (NOTE: The Village Board reserves the right to change, alter or modify the aforementioned schedule of rates at any time and without notice.)
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.
The minimum size pipe serving up to and including one family shall be 3/4 inch; from two to six families, one inch; from seven to 12 families, two inches; or in unusual cases as determined by the Village Engineer and/or Water Department. Connections to District water mains for extension of service outside Water District boundary lines will not be permitted.
Upon receiving written approval from the Village Board, a property owner may be authorized to install his own service and meter unit. (This applies to special cases where larger than one-inch services are required). However, all work will be subject to inspection and approval of completed works by the Village Engineer and/or Water Superintendent and the property owner will be required to deposit with the Village Clerk/Treasurer a certified check for an amount set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board[2] to pay for all necessary administration costs in connection with completing same.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.
New subdivisions.
In all developments approved for water service by the Village of Bloomfield, the developer will be responsible for installing the main distribution lines and individual services from said mains to property lines according to the Village utility specifications, subject to inspection, testing and approval by the Village Engineer. New developments will normally require Water District extension, which must be approved by the Village and Town of East Bloomfield, as well as the State of New York.
In new subdivisions on existing streets where appropriate water mains are in existence, the developer and/or his representative will apply for water service prior to building permit issuance according to requirements set forth for services from existing system.
No unmetered household connections to the Village water system will be allowed. Violations of the above requirements will be subject to maximum penalties of $150 per violation, as determined by the Village Water Department.
Installation of new lines. Installation of new lines shall not be permitted from December 1 to March 30 unless special approval has been obtained from the Superintendent of Public Works.[3]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 131-2D, Out-of-District Users (ODU), of the 2016 Code, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Out-of-District -users (ODU):
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No new ODU will be allowed, effective April 24, 2013. Any proposed ODU must annex into the Village to receive water/sewer service.
Current ODU are required to maintain their own water/sewer lines. If a leak occurs in their line, it must be repaired immediately or water will be shut off. All users will be notified before shutoff.
Existing ODU may be offered annexation into the Village with a Village and Town of East Bloomfield agreement, where the property is contiguous with current Village boundaries and serves a public purpose.
Any ODU who are taken into a town Water District will be regulated by the Town of East Bloomfield.
Any ODU seeking water/sewer service must install all necessary lines, at their own expense, before annexation into the Village of Bloomfield will be approved.
All water service shall be metered, and no more than one meter may be installed on any one service, unless specifically approved by Village Water Department.
The meter cost is included in service cost, but shall not be installed until a line is laid from the property line to the building and inspected by the Village Water Department. The owner shall provide proper pipe so as to allow for correct installation of the meter.
The property owner shall provide a convenient accessible place for the location of the meter that will protect it from freezing, and it shall be kept free and clear of any encumbrances that would interfere with reading the meter. Failure to comply with this rule will be cause for discontinuing the service.
The general repairs and maintenance of meters will be done by the Village Water Department without charge. However, if a meter is damaged by freezing, hot water, steam, fire or other causes due to negligence of the owner or occupant of the premises, then the cost of repairing the meter will be a charge against the property owner. The Village shall be sole judge of cause of damage, and its decision shall be final.
Meters must only be removed or reset by the Village of Bloomfield Water Department.
The Village Board reserves the right to discontinue the water service at any time if it should be found that the meter has been tampered with, connections have been made to the pipes to divert the water from passing through the meter or any other act or failure to comply with above rules, regulations and requirements which would indicate that it was done for the purpose of defrauding the Village.
In special cases, where the length of service exceeds 250 feet, an approved meter pit shall be included in the private water service installation, location to be as directed by the Village Superintendent of Public Works.
The location of curb stops and boxes shall be ascertained by the owner and occupant of tile premises and must be maintained in a workable and accessible condition at all times. It shall be kept in plain view and at sidewalk or ground level so as not to be hazardous to pedestrians.
The three-quarter-inch line from the property line to inside of building shall be laid by owner's registered plumber. This line shall also be maintained by owner. In case of break in this line, repairs shall be made within 24 hours or service will be shut off.
The line shall be Type K copper, 3/4 inch and one section if the distance is 100 feet or under.
For longer services, both size and type of material shall be subject to approval of Village of Bloomfield Water Department.
The service from the main to the property line shall be maintained by the Village Water Department.
Owners will be permitted to discontinue the use of water from service at any time; however, no deduction in the minimum rate will be allowed. The fee for disconnection shall be set annually by the Village Board.
[Amended 3-25-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015]
Consumers vacating premises having water service must promptly notify the Village Clerk/Treasurer in order to have service discontinued, water shut off and meter read, and such consumers and the owners of the premises will be held responsible for the water rent until such notice is given, and no water will be furnished such consumer in a new location until said water rent has been paid.
The Village Water Department will endeavor to read meters of residential and small commercial users at regular intervals of three months. Meters of large commercial and industrial users will be read at regular monthly intervals. Bills will be rendered the first of each month.
In the event of an inability to read a meter or if the meter has stopped and failed to register or register the amount of water used, the bill will be estimated from the best available information, generally using an average of the three prior quarters.
All bills are due and payable within 30 days of the date rendered.
A penalty of 12% will be added to the bill if not paid within the thirty-day period. Failure to receive bill will not be accepted as an excuse to avoid paying the penalty.
Partial payments will be accepted; however, any portion outstanding after the due date will be charged the late penalty.
No charge for water service will be less than the minimum charge contained in the rate schedule.
Bills for water used, installation and repairs of service pipes meters, etc., are a lien upon the property where the water was used and/or where the service pipes and meters were installed or repaired. May 1 of each year, all unpaid bills rendered prior to March 1 of said year will be placed on the Village tax roll.
Meters may be removed at any time and tested, then either repaired or replaced by the Village Water Department at no charge to the owner unless damaged.
Direct customers outside the Village limits will pay double the minimum rate charge.
The Village of Bloomfield Board of Trustees has the authority to set the water rates annually.
Water bills appearing to be excessive, whether brought to the attention of the Village Water Department by the customer or detected by the meter reader or Village Clerk/Treasurer, will be investigated within three days after the complaint or detection. An inspector will make a check of the meter reading and, if an error has been made, the bill will be corrected at the office at once.
All meters are tested before they are installed. Meters are so designed and constructed that once equipped with the proper gear ratio, they do not and cannot overrun or register more water than the quantity that passes through them. Customers are required to pay for the water as indicated by the meter register.
The owner shall pay for all water that passes through the meter, regardless of leaks.
When the occupant or owner is negligent in having the plumbing properly installed and kept in repair, or it has been discovered that the water has been used for purposes not made known in the complaint or reported to the inspector, then no allowance will be made of a bill claimed to be excessive.
The Village Water Department reserves the right to determine what would be considered an excessive water bill, and/or change its method of adjustment.
Fire hydrants are for use by the Fire Department and/or the Village Department of Public Works only.
Upon application made at the Village Clerk/Treasurer's office, permission may be granted to use a fire hydrant to obtain water, under supervision of a representative of the Water Department, upon payment of and amount set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board,[1] delivered to the Village Clerk/Treasurer at least 24 hours in advance to cover the cost of attaching the regulating valve, meter, supervision by Village Water Department personnel and water consumption at prevailing rates.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.
In the event that the cost for time expended and water consumed exceeds the minimum amount set by the Village, the applicant will be charged for both water and supervision according to prevailing rates as determined by the Village Water Department.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
In case any damage to a hydrant is done by any person or his agent having a permit for taking water from said hydrant, the holder of the permit shall pay such damages and all costs that may be incurred by reason thereof on demand by the Village of Bloomfield Water Department.
In any case, hydrants shall not be used without first obtaining a permit for such use from the Village Water Department, which may require advance deposits as above set forth or as may be otherwise determined to be appropriate.
Private fire service connections are subject to the same regulations are subject to the same regulations as those governing domestic and commercial service, excepting that no water shall be drawn from said service lines for any purpose other than extinguishing fires. The Village Water Department reserves the right to require the applicant for fire service to install a detector meter on said service. The annual charge for unmetered fire service connection will be set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board[1] for each connection.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village offices.
In cases of fire practice or other use of hydrants, excluding fires, the Department will be notified, in writing, 24 hours in advance.
When hydrants are used for firefighting, drills or for other purposes, the Fire Department shall report to the Superintendent of Public works the hydrant(s) that have been opened and will estimate the number of gallons of water used. This will be reported to the Superintendent within 72 hours after use.
The owner or occupant of premises expressly authorizes and empowers the Village Water Department, its employees and agents, to enter the premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting meters, fixtures and appliances, and for reading meters and performing any other necessary acts in connection with the service.
The Village Water Department reserves the right to shut off or restrict the supply of water as follows:
Without notice whenever it may be found necessary in cases of emergency.
It shall not be held liable under any circumstances for the deficiency or failure of the supply of water or for any cause whatsoever, even though no notice thereof is given.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
Any person violating any provision of these rules and regulations shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $250 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both, and upon such conviction, any and all supply of water thereto furnished to him or to his property shall be shut off and discontinued until the fine is paid and the rules and regulations are obeyed.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is:
To protect the public potable water supply of the Village of Bloomfield, Ontario County, New York from the possibility of contamination by isolating within its customers' internal distribution system(s) or its customers' private water system(s) such contaminants or pollutants which could backflow into the public water system; and
To comply with the requirements of the New York State Sanitary Code Section 5-1.31.
A double check valve or other acceptable backflow prevention device must be installed in agricultural, industrial, and commercial connections or as required by NYS DOH regulations at the expense of the customer.
The supplier of water responsibility for cross-connections controls found in Part V of the State Sanitary Code, Section 5-1.31, entitled "Cross-connection Control," shall be a part of these regulations.
The supplier of water is responsible to assure that water of questionable or unsuitable quality does not enter the public water supply.
The supplier is required to determine the degree of hazard that a facility poses to its water supply system, and to require that an acceptable backflow prevention containment device be installed, tested, operated, and maintained by the consumer and that adequate records of maintenance and repair be kept and submitted annually to the Public Works Department.
The consumer has the primary responsibility of preventing contaminants from entering the potable water piping system and subsequently, the public water system.
He shall, as required by the supplier of water per Part V, Section 5-1.31(a) and (b), install, test, operate, maintain and keep adequate maintenance and repair records for every backflow prevention device installed to provide containment.
Additionally, as stated in Part V, Section 5-1.31(e), the consumer shall prevent cross-connections between the potable water piping system and any other piping system within his facility.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Backflow prevention device. The Village of Bloomfield Superintendent of Public Works shall be responsible for the protection of the Village of Bloomfield distribution system from contamination due to the backflow of contaminants through the water service connection. If, in the judgment of said Superintendent, an acceptable backflow prevention device is required at the District's water service connection to any customer's premises for the safety of the water system, the Superintendent or his designated agent shall give notice, in writing, to said customer to install such an acceptable backflow prevention device at each service connection to this premises. The customer shall immediately install such approved device or devices at his own expense; and failure, refusal or inability on the part of the customer to install said device or devices immediately shall constitute a ground for discontinuing water service to the premises until such device or devices have been properly installed.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An acceptable air-gap, reduced-pressure-zone device or double check valve assembly as used to contain potential contamination within a facility. In order for the reduced-pressure-zone device or the double check valve assembly to be acceptable, it must appear on the most current version of the list of acceptable devices utilized by the New York State Department of Health.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
One in which, substances are present which, if introduced into the public water supply system, could be a nuisance to other water customers, but would not adversely effect human health. Typical examples of such substances are food-grade dyes, hot water, stagnant water from fire lines in which no chemical additives are used, etc.
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device and the flood level rim of said vessel. An approved air gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top of the rim of the vessel and in no case less than one inch.
Accepted by the Village of Bloomfield Water Superintendent as meeting an applicable specification stated or cited in this article or as suitable for the proposed use.
Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the Village of Bloomfield Water Districts approved public water supply. These auxiliary waters may include water from another purveyor's public potable water supply or any natural source(s), such as a well, spring, river, stream, harbor, etc., or used waters. These waters may be contaminated or they may be objectionable and constitute an unacceptable water source over which the water purveyor does not have sanitary control.
A flow condition, induced by a differential in pressure, that causes the flow of water or other liquids and/or gases into the distribution pipes of the Village of Bloomfield supply system from any source other than its intended source.
An individual or firm approved to accomplish the necessary inspections and operational tests of backflow prevention devices.
The presence in water of a substance that tends to degrade its quality.
A water user served by the supply system.
The piping used to convey water supplied by the Village of Bloomfield supply system throughout a customer's facility. The system shall include all those parts of the piping beyond the control point of the Village Water System. The "control point" is either the curb valve or the main valve located in the public right-of-way that isolates the customer's facilities from the District distribution system.
A facility is rated as hazardous, aesthetically objectionable or nonhazardous.
An assembly composed of two single, independently acting check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the watertightness of each check valve.
Facility in which substances may be present which, if introduced into the public water system, would or may endanger or have an adverse effect on the health of other water customers. Typical examples are laboratories, sewage treatment plants, chemical plants, hospitals and mortuaries.
One which does not require the installation of an acceptable backflow prevention device.
The entire Village of Bloomfield Water System, including the source, treatment works, transmission mains, distribution system and storage facilities serving the public. This includes the distribution system up to its connection with the customer's water system.
A device containing a minimum of two independently acting check valves, together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. During normal flow and at the cessation of normal flow the pressure between these two checks shall be less than the upstream (supply) pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging to the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure. The unit must include tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the device, and each device shall be fitted with properly located test cocks.
The Superintendent of the Village of Bloomfield Water District.
The customer's water system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representative of the Village of Bloomfield.
The Superintendent and/or Village Engineer shall rate a customer's water system according to its degree of hazard to the public water supply system. Some of the factors to be considered are the use and availability of contaminants, the availability of an auxiliary water supply and the type of firefighting system in use.
An acceptable backflow prevention device shall be installed on each service line to a customer's water system at or near the property line or immediately inside the building being served, but in all cases, before the first branch line leading off the service line, as follows:
Whenever a customer's water system is rated hazardous, an acceptable reduced-pressure-zone device or air gap shall be installed.
Whenever a customer's water system is rated aesthetically objectionable, as a minimum, an acceptable double check valve assembly shall be installed.
The design of the installation of an acceptable backflow prevention device must be prepared in accordance with New York State laws and regulations. The design must be approved by the Superintendent and all agencies required by the applicable New York State and Village of Bloomfield laws and regulations.
Inspection and maintenance.
It shall be the duty of the customer at any premises where backflow prevention devices are installed to have certified inspections and operational tests made at least once a year. In those instances where the Superintendent deems the hazard to be great enough, he may require certified inspections at more frequent intervals. Certified inspections and operational tests must also be made when any backflow prevention device is to be installed, repaired, overhauled or replaced, in addition to the requirement of an annual certified inspection and operational test. All inspections and tests shall be at the expense of the customer and shall be performed by the device manufacturer's representative, witnessed by the Village of Bloomfield's representative, or by a certified tester approved by the Village of Bloomfield Public Works Superintendent. The Village of Bloomfield Public Works Superintendent shall make available the names, addresses and telephone numbers of those persons which are certified as testers for backflow prevention devices. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to see that certified inspections and operational tests of the backflow prevention devices are made. The customer shall notify the Superintendent in advance, in writing, when the tests are undertaken so that he or his representative may witness the tests if it is so desired.
These devices shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the customer whenever said devices are found to be defective. Records of such tests, repairs and overhaul shall be kept and made available to the Village of Bloomfield Public Works Superintendent. Copies of all testing and maintenance records shall be sent to the Superintendent immediately after the work is performed.
All presently installed prevention devices which do not meet the requirements of this section but were approved devices for the purposes described herein at the time of installation and which have been properly maintained shall, except for the inspection and maintenance requirements under Subsection E, be excluded from the requirements of these rules so long as the Superintendent is assured that they will satisfactorily protect the utility system. Whenever the existing device is moved from the present location or requires more than minimum maintenance or constitutes a hazard to health, the unit shall be replaced by a backflow prevention device meeting the requirements of this section.
No water service connection to any customer's water system shall be installed or maintained by the Village of Bloomfield unless the water supply is protected as required by state laws and regulations and this article. Service of water to any premises shall be discontinued by the Village of Bloomfield Public Works Superintendent if a backflow prevention device required by this article is not installed, tested and maintained or if it is found that a backflow prevention device has been removed or bypassed. Service will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected.
If a required backflow preventer is not installed within the period of time set by the Superintendent, the supply of water to the premises may be shut off by the Water Department until the installation is completed. The property owner shall cause all backflow prevention devices to be inspected annually and shall submit annual inspection reports to the Superintendent. The consumer will also be considered in violation of this article.
A violation of the provisions of § 131-16 of this chapter is misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by such fine and imprisonment. In lieu of or in addition to such fine and imprisonment or both, each such violation shall be subject to a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 for any one case, to be recovered in an action or proceeding brought by the Village Attorney of the Village of Bloomfield in court of competent jurisdiction. Each day of a continuing violation shall be subject to a separate such fine, imprisonment or civil penalty.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Village of Bloomfield Attorney may maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the Village of Bloomfield in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with this article or restrain by injunction any violation of this article, notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A hereof for a penalty or other punishment.
Where any violation of this article causes expense to the Village of Bloomfield, such violation may also be punishable by a civil suit against the violator, brought by the Village Attorney of the Village of Bloomfield in the name of the Village of Bloomfield in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover such additional cost.