This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Sign Ordinance
of the Borough of Dumont."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
To make a change, modify, vary in some degree or change some
of the elements, ingredients or details without substituting an entirely
new sign or components or destroying the identity of the sign being
The area enclosed by the perimeter of the sign, including
its background, if any, but excluding the structure of the sign, and
its supports. For wall signs having no background, an imaginary rectangle
shall be calculated surrounding each letter or symbol. The summed
area of each said rectangle shall be considered the total area of
the sign. For parallel double-faced ground signs erected as a single
or joined units, the maximum area permitted shall be calculated on
one (the largest) side only.
"Awning sign" shall mean a roof-like covering extending over
a walkway, sidewalk or exterior place, supported by a frame attached
to the building and/or ground with a surface made of fabric or more
rigid material and either retractable or fixed in place. The sign
area of an awning or canopy sign shall be the total length times the
total width of the area(s) of the canopy covered by any lettering,
logo or other characters, symbols or figures.
"Banner" shall mean any temporary sign printed or displayed
upon cloth or other flexible material, with or without frames.
A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a location
other than the premises on which the sign is located.
Static signs that have individual letters that are changed
manually by hand and not by any electronic means.
The principal enforcement and administrative agent of the
Borough of Dumont under this chapter.
A sign of a non-commercial nature which directs the reader
to the location of public or educational institutions or to the location
of historical structures or areas or to the location of public parks
or buildings.
A sign which directs attention to a business conducted on
the premises or to a product sold or service supplied by such business.
One of any zones or use districts as designated in Chapter
455 of the Code of the Borough of Dumont.
Electrical Subcode (per N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.16) National Electrical
Code (NFPA 70)/2017 or as amended and adopted by the State of New
A variable message sign that utilizes a computer or other
electronic controlled means (whether digital, analog, incandescent
lamp LCD, LED or other display technologies) to change and control
a message displayed. "EMC" does not refer to the internal or external
illumination of the sign, to a directly illuminated sign, or to an
illuminated sign.
To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix
and the painting of wall signs.
A sign supported directly on the ground by a footing, base
and pedestal or by pole(s) or upright(s) set in or on a footing and/or
Any sign having a source of light for illumination either
externally or internally or a combination of both. An illuminated
sign includes reflectorized, glowing and radiating signs.
"External illumination" shall mean a front-lit sign where a
light source shines on the graphics.
"Internal figure illumination" shall mean a backlit sign where
the letters and symbols are translucent, and the background is opaque.
"Internal ground illumination" shall mean a backlit sign where
the letters and symbols and opaque and the background is translucent.
Building Code (per N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.14) International Building
Code/2018, NJ ed (IBC w/NJ edits from 3.14) or as amended and adopted
by the State of New Jersey.
Replacement without substantial change of any parts or supports
of any signs and repainting without change of text, design or size
of any sign, without removal of the sign from the wall or structure
supporting it.
A sloped roof or roof-like facade, architecturally comparable
to a building wall
Ground-mounted sign with a permanent foundation form the
base of the sign that rests on grade.
A sign illuminated by the means of neon or other gases which
produce a glowing sign.
A sign legally erected but not complying with a subsequently
enacted sign ordinance or a sign which does not conform to this chapter
but for which a special permit or variance was granted.
A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service, entertainment or attraction sold, offered or existing elsewhere
than upon the same lot where such sign is displayed. The term "off-site
sign" shall include an outdoor advertising sign (billboard) on which
space is leased or rented by the owner thereof to others for the purpose
of conveying a commercial message.
A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity,
service, entertainment or attraction sold, offered or existing on
the same lot where such sign is displayed; provided, however, that
an on-site sign may also display a noncommercial message.
A person listed as the owner on official public records.
The owner of the property on which a sign is located shall be presumed
to be the owner of the sign, unless facts to the contrary are officially
recorded or brought to the attention of the Construction Official.
The extension of a false front or wall above a roofline.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company or organization of any kind.
A sign which is affixed to any building and projecting beyond
the building wall or parts thereof, structure, building line or property
line more than eight inches, but which is not constructed or erected
so as to extend above the roofline of the structure to which it is
The sideline of any street, road or highway in which the
public has acquired rights of use, which sideline marks the division
line between such street, road or highway and lands privately owned.
A structure in the form of a tower or pier, the chief purpose
of which is to attract attention and display a sign.
A temporary sign placed upon the property for the purpose
of advertising to the public the sale or lease of the property.
To change the lettering or descriptive symbols on a sign
without changing any of the structural parts or components of the
A sign erected, constructed and maintained on or above the
roof of any building or structure.
The top edge of a roof or building parapet, whichever is
higher, excluding any minor decorative details or projections.
Any device, structure, fixture or placard, made of combustible
or incombustible materials, using electronic, stationary, lighted,
painted or printed symbols and/or written copy for the purpose of
informing or directing members of the public or advertising, promoting
or identifying any institution, establishment, product, goods, services
or person. This definition shall not include any form of artwork painted
on a building independent of and unrelated to a particular business,
on and off premises, provided further that such artwork shall not
be otherwise incorporated, in any way, as part of a business brand
in any advertising or materials relating to a business, in which case
the artwork shall be considered a sign.
A sign not intended for use for more than 60 days. This shall
include any sign, banner, pennant, flag, valance or advertising display
constructed of cloth, canvas, cardboard, wallboard or other light
materials, with or without frames.
Any sign not meeting the requirements of this chapter and
which has not received legal nonconforming status.
A sign attached to the exterior surface of a structure, parallel
to and not extending more than 12 inches from the wall nor projecting
beyond the top of the wall and at least eight feet above the sidewalk
or ground beneath it. This definition includes individual-letter,
painted and cabinet-mounted signs and signs on a mansard.
A sign installed only by painted lettering, without a contrasting
background, inside a window or glazed door and intended to be viewed
from the outside. The lettering may not occupy more than 15% of the
glazed area of any window or door panel.
Any sign which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted
or a product sold shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent
or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure upon
which such sign may be found within 10 days after written notification
from the Construction Official, and, upon failure to comply with such
notice within the time specified in such order, the Construction Official
is authorized to cause the removal of such sign, and any expense incident
thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building or structure to
which such sign is attached.
Signs of schools, colleges, churches, hospitals, nursing homes
or other institutions of a similar public or semi-public type as permitted
by this chapter may be erected and maintained with the following provisions:
A. The minimum sign setbacks for the zone in which they are located
are observed.
B. The area of any freestanding or ground sign does not exceed 36 square
C. The height of any freestanding signs shall not exceed eight feet
except along major arterial roadways where it shall not exceed 12
D. All signs must be located on the premises which they identify.
E. Changeable copy signage is permitted provided it is static and not
an EMC as defined in this chapter and is changed no more than once
per day.
Any interested party may appeal a decision of the Construction
Official with regard to this chapter by filing any appeal with the
Borough of Dumont Joint Land Use Board within 20 days of the decision
of the Construction Official, specifying the grounds of such appeal.
Such appeal shall be considered by the Joint Land Use Board in accordance
with the standards and time limitations of the New Jersey Municipal
Land Use Act.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter, upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined an amount not less than $200 nor more than
$2,000, or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed
90 days, or both. Each day such violation is committed or permitted
to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable
as such hereunder.
Note: See Appendix A for Illustrations of Sign Examples to be
encouraged within the Borough of Dumont.